[Python-apps-team] Spe's Debian packaging feedback

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 27 22:40:22 UTC 2007

Stani's Python Editor wrote:
>>>> I've made a patch which removes the hashbangs from imported scripts.
>>>> Could you
>>>> please apply it if it's ok? (attached).
>>> I will look into it.
> I still need to  look into it, but of course there shouldn't be any
> patches to the plugins (pychecker, wxglade, ...) as I prefer to make the
> delta from upstream as small as possible. Moreover in the case of debian
> only pychecker will be in the plugins directory until we resolved the
> issue. Could you please update the patch to exclude the plugins?

Attached now. Forgot it!
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