[Python-apps-team] Packaging When I'm the "Upstream"

Chris Wagner chris.t.wagner.1 at ohiou.edu
Tue Oct 16 16:42:26 UTC 2007

Hello There,

First of all, I apologize in advance if this is not an appropriate place
to ask for the help that I'm in need of.  I am packaging Python
software, but I'm not sure if my scenario will require a
Python-package-specific solution, or a more general one.

I'm looking to learn how to create proper Debian packages, and perhaps
to eventually become a regular Debian developer.  The first hurdle I've
come up against, though, is due to the fact that I'm trying to package
my own (Python-based) application: most tutorials seem to be written
with an assumption that you're packaging software for which you are not
the "upstream".

These tutorials usually begin by having you download some tarball that
is already available via the Web.  If possible, I'd like to avoid
packaging up my software in a tarball, just to produce a Debian package.
I'd like to keep my "debian" packaging directory in the same repository
that holds my "upstream source", if it's not going to complicate things
too much.

So, I'm hoping you can give me some general advice in this area...
  * Do I still need to create a source package if I'm keeping my 
    "debian" directory in my upstream source?
  * Should I just create an "upstream tarball" and, from there, create
    a package in one of the traditional ways?
  * ... (?)

Once I get through these packaging basics, I'm going to have a few more
questions due to the fact that it is a webapp that I am packaging.  I'll
give you a peek, so I can avoid bugging you again if this is not the
right place to ask...
  * How to go about web server configuration?  I.e., it'd be nice to 
    walk the user through some kind of "wizard", at installation 
    time, asking him what domain/path he'd like to serve the app from.
  * How to go about database creation and initialization?  Is it okay to
    make this a post-install process, that the user is questioned about
    the first time he "visits" the app.

I'm not subscribed to this mailing list, at this time, so please include
my address in any reply.

Thank you very much!

Chris Wagner

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