[Python-apps-team] GOLD TRANSACTION

Rtd General Ibrahim Mendes rtd.gen.ibrahim19 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 23:36:22 UTC 2009


 My Dear,

I got your contact from the Gambia Chamber of commerce and I hope you will
be a honest and sincere person to handle this viable project. I am a retired
General from Guinea Bissau who served with The Economic Community Of West
African State (ECOMOG) in Sierra Leone. I have about 250kg of Gold Dust of
good quality ready for export to any interested & reliable buyer. The
condition for sale is that the buyer will come to Gambia where the Goods are
kept in a Security Ware House and carry out a test on the Commodity

After the satisfactory test the buyer will arrange for the shipment to his
own refinery and after the Assay result, the buyer will transfer the total
value to the sellers account or any account provided by the seller within 24
hours. And one representative of the seller will accompany the buyer on the
same flight to buyers country to make sure that the money is transferred to
the sellers account or any account provided by the seller. All the export
documents are available, so if you are interested contact me immediately so
that we can commerce immediate shipment. Thanks for your co-operation.

Best Regards,

Gen. Ibrahim Mendes (rtd)
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