[Python-apps-team] Bug#560022: trac: pysqlite2.dbapi2.ProgrammingError: Cannot operate on a

Petr pevik at seznam.cz
Fri Dec 11 14:44:25 UTC 2009

Package: trac
Version: 0.11.6-1
Severity: normal

Hello Martin,
I just have installed these packages. No change in my plugins.

Few days ago when I reported this bug I tried resync command several
times and the error occurred every time.

Now the command went successfully. I have no idea what has changed since
last time.

ii  trac                            0.11.6-1          Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for soft
ii  trac-spamfilter                 0.2.1+svn6871-3   Spam-prevention plugin for Trac

> (Is there a trac-admin command to get the list? I'm only aware
> of https://yourtrac/admin/general/plugin .)
According to people on #trac irc channel there is no trac-admin command to get the list. 

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