[Python-apps-team] Can you please help with packaging of mercurial and mercurial-common?

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at gmail.com
Fri Dec 25 01:47:47 UTC 2009

2009/12/24 Madhusudan C.S <madhusudancs at gmail.com>:
> Hello Python Application Packaging Team,
>     I am trying to port Mercurial and other Python packages to
> Maemo, Nokia's mobile platform. Since Maemo is based on
> Debian, I thought it will be good if I maintain the same
> structure of packages on Maemo too. In Debian I see
> mercurial is packaged into mercurial-common on which
> mercurial package itself depends. Can you please help me
> with packaging it in this way. What steps do I have to follow
> to split the mercurial source into these 2 separate packages?
> --
> Thanks and regards,
>  Madhusudan.C.S
> Blogs at: www.madhusudancs.info
> My Online Identity: madhusudancs


On your debian system do "apt-get source mercurial" then cd into the
newly created directory, read everything in the debian/ dir to learn
about debian packaging. A few things you would want to read up about
are Debian Policy, man pages of debhelper and associate dh programs,
CDBS html docs and recent updates to python-default policy. That's
pretty much it.

Also for questions about packaging #debian-mentors and
debian-mentors at l.d.o can help a lot.

Wiki pages on wiki.debian.org as well.

Good luck.

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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