[Python-apps-team] dear friend

MARY PARKER toraschin at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 9 20:01:54 UTC 2010

Dear Friend,

I have contacted you on trust to assist me in receiving the money left 
behind by my client before the bank he has an account with gets the money 
confiscated or declared his money as unclaimed fund following the bank's 

Particularly, the Bank where the deceased had an account valued at about 
$17.8million dollars has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin of my 
client or have the account confiscated the next ten working days.

Since I have been unable to locate the relatives for precisely three years 
now I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of th deceased if 
you will be able to so that the proceedings of the transfer of the money 
valued at $17.8m can be remitted to you as the next of kin for our mutual 
benefit The sharing percentage is as follow if only you will be faithful and 
honest to assist me, 50% for your assistance as next of kin 50% for me and 
any expenses or taxes as your government may require.

All necessary legal document that will back up your claim of this money will 
be secured by me and you on your behalf All I require is your honest 
co-operation to enable us see that this deal comes through.

I guarantee you that this business will be executed under a legitimate 
arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.

Your Sincerely,
Mary parker.

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