[Python-apps-team] Bug#586907: Mercurial 1.5.4-1 doesn't make pull/push with Python>=2.6

Sergio Fernández sergio at wikier.org
Wed Jun 23 12:22:47 UTC 2010

Package: mercurial
Version: 1.5.4-1
Severity: grave

Recent Mercurial 1.5.4-1 can't make changes on the server (pull, push
and so on) with the current default version of Python on Sid (2.6).

Modifying the shebang of /usr/bin/hg as follows:


makes it work fine again.

__      ___ _   _
\ \    / (_) |_(_)___ _ _
 \ \/\/ /| | / / / -_) '_|  Sergio Fernández
  \_/\_/ |_|_\_\_\___|_|    http://www.wikier.org/

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