[Python-apps-team] Bug#598627: ocrfeeder: non-free OpenOffice.org icon

Alberto Garcia agarcia at igalia.com
Thu Oct 7 19:20:05 UTC 2010

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 02:34:49PM +0200, Jakub Wilk wrote:

> The upstream source contains a “freeware” OpenOffice.org
> icon. In Debian this icon was replaced by a GPLv2-licensed one,
> but this was done by patching. As a consequence, the are now *two*
> copies of the “freeware” icon: one in .orig.tar.gz, another one
> in d/p/03_openoffice-icon.patch.

Well, when we first uploaded OCRFeeder the ftpmasters were apparently
OK with this solution, but I see the problem.

I understand that the proper solution is to prepare a 0.6.6+dfsg-1
release, since squeeze is frozen for v0.7


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