[Python-apps-team] This qpopper is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Pensive Mailing Lists
autoshare at lists.pensive.org
Mon Apr 9 17:51:50 UTC 2012
Invalid list server command: This
We're sorry, but the Pensive.Org list server was unable to recognize
your command for the Qpopper mailing list.
It's possible you sent your message in MIME format (some clients send
this by default).
Please check if you have your mail client set to send messages as HTML
or multipart/alternative (sending HTML and plain text in every message).
Many automated processes are unable to process such messages, and many
mailing lists request that people not post such messages, because they
tend to be bloated (with all the HTML tags and junk).
If so, send the request again *using plain text only*. Plain text only
is normally the best way to send email, since it is the most compatible
format, is easiest for all systems to read, looks fine on text-only
systems, and is safe for automated processes.
If you continue to have any difficulty, or if you feel you've received
this message in error, please forward this message to
<listmaster at lists.pensive.org>, where a human will look at it.
What follows is general information about the Qpopper mailing list
and the list server:
Information about the QPopper list:
----------- ----- --- ------- -----
This is an unofficial mailing list for users of QPopper, the free
Unix/Linux POP server available from Qualcomm. This is a forum for
discussions, questions, advice, and so on. Please feel free to
contribute your experiences, suggestions, etc.
Official information on QPopper is available from the Qpopper home
page at <http://www.eudora.com/qpopper/> or <http://www.qpopper.org>.
Qualcomm also has a list for official announcements regarding Qpopper,
such as the availability of new releases. To subscribe, send the word
"subscribe" (without the quotes) to
<mailto:qpopper-announce-request at rohan.qualcomm.com?body=subscribe>.
To send something to everyone on the QPopper mailing list, use the
address <mailto:qpopper at lists.pensive.org>.
To see the archives of this list, go to
Should you ever wish to unsubscribe, send the word "unsubscribe"
(without the quotes) to
<mailto:qpopper-request at lists.pensive.org?body=unsubscribe>.
General Qpopper List Server Information:
------- ------- ---- ------ ------------
Send all commands to the list server (not the list itself!)
Available list server commands (in the body) are:
SUB subscribe to this list
UNSUB unsubscribe from this list
LIST reports on public lists maintained by
this list server (there are private
lists as well, which do not appear)
SET <list or ALL> <option> options are:
ACK you receive copies of your own
NOACK you do not receive copies of your
own submissions
DIGEST list submissions are batched and
sent to you with a group of
submissions in one message
NODIGEST list submissions are sent to you
MAIL you receive list submissions
NOMAIL you do not receive list submissions
(but you remain subscribed)
WHICH shows which lists you are subscribed to
RELEASE list server software information
QUERY subscription status information
'All' may be used for the Unsub, Query, Set, Index, Get and Search
commands to apply the command to all subscribed lists, e.g., 'query
Several alias commands are available as well:
SUB: subscribe
UNSUB: unsubscribe, signoff
LIST: lists
INDEX: ind
GET: send
Email addresses for this particular list server:
List server: qpopper-request at lists.pensive.org
Everyone on the list: qpopper at lists.pensive.org
Human in charge: listmaster at lists.pensive.org
On the web, mailing list help is available at
The Listserv Admin <listmaster at lists.pensive.org>
Your original message is found below.
> Return-Path: <fdhr at fortunere.com.cn>
> Received: from fortunere.com.cn ( by lists.pensive.org with
> ESMTP (EIMS X 3.3.9) for <qpopper-request at lists.pensive.org>;
> Mon, 9 Apr 2012 10:50:57 -0700
> Received: from sflipiql [] by fortunere.com.cn with ESMTP
> (SMTPD-8.22) id A2DA0328; Mon, 09 Apr 2012 22:31:54 +0800
> Message-ID: <E317E9B02F3BC05E00F07031DDFD4199 at sflipiql>
> From: =?utf-8?B?6LSi5a+M6Ieq55Sx?= <python-apps-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
> To:
> Subject: =?utf-8?B?KEFEKTIwMTItNC055Li66Ieq5bex5omT5bel55qE5LqL5Lia?=
> =?utf-8?B?MjI6MzM6MDVucWhsY21pdg==?=
> Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 22:33:01 +0800
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