[Python-apps-team] Bug#674073: (no subject)

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Jul 18 21:57:39 UTC 2012

Just a quick reply because I'm interested in being able to import Cython in my
Python 3 library's setup.py.

It's a bit non-standard to have cython and cython3 packages, but it's probably
too much work (or maybe infeasible, I haven't looked) to split the package
into a python-cython, python3-cython, and cython packages where the first two
would be the importable Cython library for Python 2 and 3, while the latter
would contain the 'cython' script.

I'd vote for cython3 unless a split is easy.

For question #2, `cython --help` shows both a -2 and -3 option to generate the
appropriate version of code.  I'm not sure if you need both a cython and
cython3 script in that case, although I guess the latter would default to
`cython -3`.  Of course, I'd rather it just generate Python 3 code by default,
but that's just me. :)

I'll try the patch against 0.16 in Ubuntu and follow up later.  I want a
Python 3 version in Ubuntu 12.10 even if it's blocked temporarily for Debian
Wheezy's freeze.
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