[Python-apps-team] Bug#693093: xpra: please demote "ssh-askpass | ssh-askpass-fullscreen"

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Tue Nov 13 07:18:42 UTC 2012

* Dmitry Smirnov <onlyjob at member.fsf.org>, 2012-11-13, 13:35:
>>Please demote it to Recommends or Suggests, whichever is more 
>I hope you'll agree with me that whatever is required for attaching 
>with SSH password authentication is an essential and therefore 
>qualifies for Depends.

I disagree. xpra can be used without ssh. After all, 
openssh-{client,server} is only in Suggests.

>I know it is unnecessary but do you think it could be something like
>        "ssh-askpass-fullscreen | ssh-askpass".
>to promote a particular alternative?

Why do you want to promote -fullscreen?

Jakub Wilk

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