[Python-apps-team] Bug#693093: xpra: please demote "ssh-askpass | ssh-askpass-fullscreen"

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Tue Nov 13 09:25:31 UTC 2012

* Dmitry Smirnov <onlyjob at gmail.com>, 2012-11-13, 20:05:
>>>I hope you'll agree with me that whatever is required for attaching
>>>with SSH password authentication is an essential and therefore
>>>qualifies for Depends.
>>I disagree. xpra can be used without ssh. After all,
>>openssh-{client,server} is only in Suggests.
>You're right indeed. It makes sense. I'm convinced. :)
>I'll probably put all ssh-related packages to Recommends with next 

Great, thanks.

>>>I know it is unnecessary but do you think it could be something like
>>>        "ssh-askpass-fullscreen | ssh-askpass".
>>>to promote a particular alternative?
>>Why do you want to promote -fullscreen?
>I'm not, at least not yet.
>Just considering to provide a real (not virtual) package to prefer when 
>no alternatives are installed.

ssh-askpass is a real package (in addition to being virtual one). Here's 
popcon comparison:

udd=> select * from popcon where package in (select package from packages where package='ssh-askpass' or provides like '%ssh-askpass%') order by insts desc;
         package         | insts | vote | olde | recent | nofiles 
  ssh-askpass            |  6307 |  973 | 4981 |    284 |      69
  ssh-askpass-gnome      |  1568 |  358 | 1070 |    115 |      25
  ksshaskpass            |   396 |  106 |  277 |     13 |       0
  ssh-askpass-fullscreen |   342 |   74 |  258 |     10 |       0
  kwalletcli             |   217 |   40 |  153 |     24 |       0
  gtk-led-askpass        |   161 |   39 |  119 |      3 |       0
(6 rows)

Jakub Wilk

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