[Python-apps-team] Bug#696565: rdiff-backup: Python int too large to convert to C long

Jeff Taylor shdwdrgn at sourpuss.net
Tue Jan 1 19:01:33 UTC 2013

I discovered two invalid links under python-support which seem to have
been causing this problem.  My system currently has:

python version: 2.6.6-3+squeeze7
python-support version: 1.0.10

I received the following report from Tiger Auditing:

/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/python-support.pth is a dangling symlink
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/python-support.pth is a dangling symlink

After reinstalling python-support, then manually replacing both symlinks
with a link to the python2.6 directory, rdiff-backup successfully ran
last night (with the typical "os.popen2 is deprecated" errors, for which
there is already an outstanding bug report).  It appears that the above
issue was caused by a corrupt or incomplete installation of
python-support.  As such, this bug report may be considered resolved and

As a side note, is anyone aware of the invalid symlinks being created
under the python2.4 and python2.5 folders?  As mentioned previously,
this is a new installation of squeeze, so the machine never had those
versions of python installed.  I assume the folders exist for backwards
compatibility, but I am wondering if a new bug should be created to
remove or replace the bad symlinks?

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