[Python-apps-team] Bug#710868: #710868 xpra: does not show password prompt unless I install ssh-askpass-gnome

Timo Juhani Lindfors timo.lindfors at iki.fi
Sat Jun 8 12:48:11 UTC 2013


this seems to still occur with xpra 0.9.5+dfsg-1.

client prints just

sauna:~$ xpra attach ssh:server.example.com:7
xpra client version 0.9.5

and ps axuf shows

lindi     9799  9.3  0.3 786904 30464 pts/17   Sl+  12:45   0:00              \_ /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/xpra attach ssh:server.example.com:7
lindi     9800  0.0  0.0  47940  3108 ?        Ss   12:45   0:00                  \_ ssh -T server.example.com .xpra/run-xpra _proxy :7
lindi     9810  0.0  0.0  24636  1764 ?        S    12:45   0:00                      \_ /usr/bin/ssh-askpass otp-md5 130 sa1665 ext, Response:

but the user sees no password prompt.


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