[Python-apps-team] Bug#701806: alot: does not show new mail

Simon Chopin chopin.simon at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 18:47:06 UTC 2013

Quoting Michal Suchanek (2013-03-27 15:40:34)
> No, I did not run notmuch. I would like an email client so when I
> refresh mail it should do whatever is necessary to show new mail.
> Actually it should refresh mail every time the mail folders are modified
> or regularly after a time interval if detection of changed folders is
> not available.

Well, alot isn't what you want then. It is a notmuch front-end, and as
such only knows what notmuch knows. It isn't aware of anything regarding
the location of the mail, and just asks notmuch to spit out a path
whenever needed.

One way to do what you want from alot would be to hook notmuch to
whatever it is you're using to download your mail (I'm using
offlineimap), but even in this case alot wouldn't refresh itself
automatically. See also https://github.com/pazz/alot/issues/560 
on the same issue.

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