[Python-apps-team] Bug#769833: [trac] Some sources are not included in your package

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Nov 25 22:43:05 UTC 2014

Control: tag -1 + patch

On Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:32:44 +0100, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:

> Your package seems to include some files that lack sources
> in prefered forms of modification:
> * trac/htdocs/js/jquery.js
> * trac/htdocs/js/jquery-ui.js
> * trac/htdocs/js/jquery-ui-addons.js
> * trac/htdocs/js/excanvas.js

> In order to solve this problem, you could:
> 1. repack the origin tarball adding the missing source to it.
> 2  add the source files to "debian/missing-sources" directory

Here's a patch implementing option 1, stripped down by deleting the
contents of the removed file.

If the maintainers lack the time to handle this issue one way or
another, I'm happy to upload an NMU.


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