[Python-apps-team] Veeam Accounts

Patricia Henderson patricia.henderson at DataB2bGlobal.info
Tue Apr 19 14:42:27 UTC 2016


A quick follow up to know if you would be interested in Veeam Software Users
list release including users right from Education, Healthcare, Financial
Services, Public Sector, retail and many more from vast spectrum of

We meet the new challenges marketers across the globe face to catch up on
exactly what clients need and helping organizations save time and point

Specialties: Availability for the Always-On Enterprise, Data Protection and
Disaster Recovery, Virtual Environment Management

please advise us on the industry, titles and geography of your interest or
any other technology to help us serve you excellence.

Anticipating a quick and positive response,

Many Thanks,
Patricia Henderson
Marketing Analyst

                                  To Remove response with subject line as


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