[Python-apps-team] Bug#851638: beets: bpd plugin unintentionally returns floats for status.time

Carl Suster carl at contraflo.ws
Tue Jan 17 05:41:22 UTC 2017

Package: beets
Version: 1.3.19-2
Severity: minor
Tags: upstream
Control: affects -1 + mpdris2
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/beetbox/beets/issues/2394

Dear Maintainer,

There is a minor bug in upstream beets which affects the bpd plugin. This
plugin implements an mpd server but the bug causes it to return non-integer
values in the time field of the status command.

This doesn't seem to affect a lot of mpd clients which manage to cope with the
values anyway, but at least mpDris2 crashes immediately when launched connected
to an instance of beet bpm (ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base
10). There is also an upstream issue open against mpDris2 about making it more
robust to server responses (https://github.com/eonpatapon/mpDris2/issues/84).

Hopefully this bug report will save someone else the debugging effort until the
problems are sorted out upstream.

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