[Python-apps-team] Migrating cycle and pondus from SVN to Git

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Fri Feb 2 09:46:52 UTC 2018


I'm currently verifying that all packages mentioned in Debian Med tasks
are maintained in Git rather than SVN to enable a smooth migration from
Alioth to Salsa.  This concerns cycle and pondus.  I realised that the
majority of packages featuring python-apps-team at lists.alioth.debian.org
as Maintainer are maintained in SVN.  Those packages that are in Git are
all using collab-maint.  It seems there is no dedicated place for Git

I wonder what the best place for cycle and pondus might be.  My gut
feeling is that I should move these two packages into Debian Med Git
and thus consequently also use the Debian Med team as Maintainer.
The Debian Med team will do a mass migration of all packages so you
will not have anything to do for these packages.

Kind regards



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