[Python-apps-team] Bug#923606: beancount: FTBFS randomly (gpg-related race condition)

Stefano Zacchiroli zack at debian.org
Tue Mar 5 10:10:10 GMT 2019

Hi Santiago,

On Tue, Mar 05, 2019 at 10:52:47AM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
> Also, I hope you will surely agree that telling me that you can build
> the package in your computer does not help me at all to build the
> package in my computer. In this case I'm just doing QA, but if I
> wanted to modify the software, the end result is that I could not.

sure, I agree with you on this, and I'm also very grateful for the QA
work you're doing.

> So, while we are not violating the DFSG in strict sense, as we are
> still distributing the source, the user still can't exercise their
> right to modify the software in practical terms.

Here is where I disagree with you, on the perceived severity of this
issue. I still haven't seen any other build setup than yours where this
build failure happens. So, while I totally trust you and concede that my
view of the matter might be biased; I think yours might be too, in the
opposite sense. Hence, as an independent test, I'm relying on the
official Debian build infrastructure (and associated services, like
reproducible build), as a proxy of what users are most likely to
encounter when trying to rebuild the package. That's all I'm saying.

If you disagree with this, which is totally fine, the severity can be
raised and I'll happily punt to the release team to decide what to do
with beancount.

> (I'm not changing the severity, and I'm still offering a test machine
> for you to reproduce the issue if you need it).

Thanks a lot for this. I don't think it's needed to determine the actual
fix, which is fairly obvious.  My main issue is that I also want to
update to latest upstream release for the next package upload, which is
a minor version update, but in which the code layout changed a bit,
requiring other changes in the packaging. I will not have time to do so
in time for the freeze, so I'm just trying to postpone this work
post-freeze, and I'll address this then.

If you, or others, have time and interest to fix this before, by all
means go ahead. The package is team-maintained, and I'm very happy to
receive useful NMUs to "my" packages anyway.

I hope this clarifies,
Stefano Zacchiroli . zack at upsilon.cc . upsilon.cc/zack . . o . . . o . o
Computer Science Professor . CTO Software Heritage . . . . . o . . . o o
Former Debian Project Leader & OSI Board Director  . . . o o o . . . o .
« the first rule of tautology club is the first rule of tautology club »
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