[Python-apps-team] libmypaint-common: drop Conflicts: mypaint-data

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Wed Mar 13 14:14:46 GMT 2019

severity 906144 serious
reassign 906144 libmypaint-common
found 906144 1.3.0-2.1

As documented in #894757, gimp and mypaint not being coïnstallable is
clearly RC.

I’ve just poked around: it’s *only* the libmypaint.mo files that
are affected, that is, the translation files of the *library*.
Does GIMP use them at all? If not, they likely can be dropped from
GIMP’s fork of the library.

Otherwise, perhaps a solution can be made where the libmypaint.mo
files are moved into a separate package and depended on by both
libmypaint-common and mypaint-data, shipping a superset, if needed.

A quick hack would be a Replaces. (Downside is, when the package
carrying the Replaces is removed the other needs a reinstall to
restore its version of the files.)

Also consider that having both installable, but one lacking some
translations, might be preferable over not being able to install

Anyway, the current situation is somewhat untenable for a release,
and a coworker justifiedly complains about it…

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