[Python-apps-team] Bug#938682: Future of Trac in Debian

Sandro Tosi morph at debian.org
Fri Nov 29 21:24:58 GMT 2019

Hello everyone,
i'd like to discuss the future of Trac in Debian. as we all know, Trac
is still python2, and while there are plans to port it to python3
(https://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/12130) that port is not there yet,
and it may take quite some time to reach a state it can be tested, let
alone released.

What should we do in the meantime? bin:trac has 30 reverse
dependencies (its plugins/addons) and all of them collectively are
likely forceing several other python2 packages to stay in Debian
because they depend on them.

I know it may sound hard, but is it now time to remove trac from
Debian, and ideally re-introduce it back when it's being ported to


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