[Python-apps-team] bug_report

Andreas Ronnquist mailinglists at gusnan.se
Sat Dec 12 22:22:50 GMT 2020

On Sun, 13 Dec 2020 01:12:47 +0300,
realkig<realkig at gmail.com> wrote:

>Debian Bug Report
---------------------------- 8< ----------------------------
>i suggest to write the following code before 26-th line (from
>xml.etree.cElementTree import ElementTree) in the Builder.py: *"if not
>hasattr(ElementTree, 'getiterator'):
>ElementTree.getiterator=ElementTree.iter"*, because since python
>version >3.9 the code xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.getiterator(),
>which had been deprecated with a warning previously, has been removed.
>when i changed the "tree.getiterator" with the "tree.iter", "catfish"
>works properly
>best regards, Abakarov Gasan


This has already been fixed in unstable (in version 1.4.13-2), so it
should trickle down to bullseye in just a few days,

-- Andreas Rönnquist
mailinglists at gusnan.se
gusnan at debian.org

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