[Python-apps-team] HFM‘s Know How: Assemble a Plate Heat Exchanger

HFM PHE info at hfm-phe.com
Mon Sep 28 07:27:33 BST 2020

									Use this area to offer a short teaser of your email's content. Text here will show in the preview area of some email clients.

									Email not displaying correctly?

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									Designing Your Template

									Creating a good-looking email is simple

									Customize your template by clicking on the style editor tabs on your right. Set your fonts, colors, and styles. After setting your styling is all done you can click here in this area, delete the text, and start adding your own awesome content.

									Styling Your Content

									Make your email easy to read

									After you enter your content, highlight the text you want to style and select the options you set in the style editor in the "styles" tab. Want to get rid of styling on a bit of text, but having trouble doing it? Just use the "remove formatting" button to strip the text of any formatting and reset your style.

												Repeatable Content

												Repeatable content blocks: Hover over the drop arrow in the upper right of a region to toggle a menu of options unique to that section, like 'Copy', 'Move Row Up', or 'Delete'. You can also get a little fancy: repeat blocks and remove all text to make image "gallery" sections, or do the opposite and remove images for text-only blocks!

												Repeatable Content

												Repeatable content blocks: Hover over the drop arrow in the upper right of a region to toggle a menu of options unique to that section, like 'Copy', 'Move Row Up', or 'Delete'. You can also get a little fancy: repeat blocks and remove all text to make image "gallery" sections, or do the opposite and remove images for text-only blocks!

												Repeatable Content

												Repeatable content blocks: Hover over the drop arrow in the upper right of a region to toggle a menu of options unique to that section, like 'Copy', 'Move Row Up', or 'Delete'. You can also get a little fancy: repeat blocks and remove all text to make image "gallery" sections, or do the opposite and remove images for text-only blocks!

												Repeatable Content

												Repeatable content blocks: Hover over the drop arrow in the upper right of a region to toggle a menu of options unique to that section, like 'Copy', 'Move Row Up', or 'Delete'. You can also get a little fancy: repeat blocks and remove all text to make image "gallery" sections, or do the opposite and remove images for text-only blocks!

												Repeatable Content

												Repeatable content blocks: Hover over the drop arrow in the upper right of a region to toggle a menu of options unique to that section, like 'Copy', 'Move Row Up', or 'Delete'. You can also get a little fancy: repeat blocks and remove all text to make image "gallery" sections, or do the opposite and remove images for text-only blocks!

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									Copyright © 2020, All rights reserved.

									Our mailing address is:

Hofmann (Beijing) Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.
6F,East International Building, No.2 DongZhiMen Outside Street, DongCheng District
Beijing,  100027

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