[python-daemon-Bugs][314947] Installation via ‘setup.py’ fails due to missing ‘docutils’

python-daemon-bugs at alioth.debian.org python-daemon-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jan 16 01:45:44 UTC 2015

python-daemon-Bugs item #314947 was changed at 2015-01-16 12:45 by Ben Finney
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>Status: Closed
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Dylan Lingelbach (dylanlchi-guest)
Assigned to: Ben Finney (bignose-guest)
Summary: Installation via ‘setup.py’ fails due to missing ‘docutils’ 

Initial Comment:
Here are the steps I used to reproduce this bug:

1. Launch an Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 LTS server on AWS
2. Run 'sudo apt-get update'
3. Run 'sudo apt-get -y install python-setup tools (this installed python-setuptools 3.3-1ubuntu1)
4. Run sudo easy_install python-daemon

I've attached a log out of the output I get from easy_install.

This is a dupe of 314946 and 314945 however I can't comment on either of those issues.  I wanted to provide more repo information - feel free to close as a dupe of one of the other issues.

Let me know if you need any more information.

Thanks - Dylan


>Comment By: Ben Finney (bignose-guest)
Date: 2015-01-16 12:45

Dylan Lingelbach's analysis is correct: ‘setup.py’ imports ‘version’ which imports ‘docutils’; but ‘docutils’ isn't known to be a dependency at that point and so hasn't been satisfied.

Version 2.0.3 of ‘python-daemon’ resolves this circular dependency.


Comment By: Chris Everest (everestx-guest)
Date: 2015-01-15 06:50

I'm also seeing this same problem.  Docutils doesn't get installed as a dependency.


Comment By: Dylan Lingelbach (dylanlchi-guest)
Date: 2015-01-14 07:07

Sorry for the short reply earlier, was on my phone.

Here is what I think is happend:

1. docutils is not installed on the machine
2. easy_install starts executing setup.py
3. Line 27 of setup.py tries to import version.py
4. Line 51 of version.py tries to import docutils.core
5. Failure due to docutils not being installed

So setup.py ends up depending (indirectly) on docutils.  I think the way to fix this is to split version.py into a file that depends on docutils and is only imported after setup is run and one that doesn't depend on docutils and is used by setup.py.  Does that make sense?

As I mentioned - I'm not a Python/setuptool expert by any means - I'm just going based on what I see in the stacktrace and what makes sense logically.


Comment By: Dylan Lingelbach (dylanlchi-guest)
Date: 2015-01-14 06:42

Can't say I am a python expert but it looks like you are importing version.py which depends on docutils prior to calling setup which would actually install docutils. Let me know if that helps. 


Comment By: Ben Finney (bignose-guest)
Date: 2015-01-14 06:07

The dependency on ‘docutils’ is declared, in both the ‘setup_requires’ and ‘install_requires’ arguments to ‘setup()’.

According to the Setuptools documentation https://pythonhosted.org/setuptools/setuptools.html#new-and-changed-setup-keywords this should cause the ‘docutils’ distribution to be downloaded and installed prior to running any ‘setup.py’ commands.

The package appears to have all the declared dependencies it needs. I would appreciate assistance figuring out why this is insufficient.


Comment By: Jonathan Harker (jesusaurus-guest)
Date: 2015-01-14 03:04

I am seeing this as well. This appears to indicate that python-daemon still has a missing dependency on docutils.


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