python-daemon have not implement those functions

Ben Finney ben+python at
Wed May 30 01:03:36 UTC 2012

王春生 <chunshengster at> writes:

> Hi,all

Thank you for asking about ‘python-daemon’.

> I found python-daemon have not implement those functions for "start" and
> "stop" checking:

> for example, when you tpye "python start" in the console,it
> should first check the daemon script is running or not, it it is
> running,it should just return and tell the the user "the process is
> running" also,when you type "python stop",I want the
> pyhont_daemon lib should check the script is running or not.

You are probably right, but I'm not sure how this would best be done.

You are talking about the ‘runner’ example in the code base, is that
right? That is not something I use, but isintended only as an example of
what can be done. I might even remove it at some point when better
examples are published.

> I send this mail just to know is there any other body have done it,or
> the author have that plan or not. So,I want write a patch for it ,if
> it is nessary, I just do it.

If you can show a test case that demonstrates the problem, that would
help a lot. After that, if you can show an improvement that fixes the
problem, I am hapy to consider it.

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_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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