Which lockfile library for ‘python-daemon’? (was: Adding support for backward-incompatible ‘lockfile’)

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Mon Aug 4 07:02:40 UTC 2014

On 10-May-2012, Ben Finney wrote:

> After ‘lockfile’ version 0.9 was released on PyPI, ‘python-daemon’
> version 1.6 was initially released to use it. But that version of
> ‘lockfile’ was, according to its maintainer, never meant to be
> released, and contained backward-incompatible changes. Soon
> afterward, I reverted ‘python-daemon’ so that the previous version
> (1.5.5) was the latest on PyPI.

The issue remains unaddressed after the report was filed in 2010

I understand the ‘lockfile’ library is effectively unmaintained; its
latest lead developer has AFAIK not succeeded in finding a suitable
successor, and has no interest in continuing maintenance of the

So ‘python-daemon’ requirements for a lockfile implementation are in a
kind of limbo: the current code base (with versions up to 1.6.1)
recommends ‘lockfile’ 0.9, but this version doesn't work. So recent
versions of ‘python-daemon’ are not advertised on PyPI.

The PyPI entry for ‘python-daemon’ does not advertise any version
later than 1.5.5, which works only with lockfile 0.8 or earlier.

Users of ‘python-daemon’: What lockfile implementation are you using?
How are you getting it to work with the API?

With ‘lockfile’ no longer suitable, what should be the recommended
lockfile library for future releases of ‘python-daemon’?

 \        “I was in Las Vegas, at the roulette table, having a furious |
  `\     argument over what I considered to be an odd number.” —Steven |
_o__)                                                           Wright |
Ben Finney <ben at benfinney.id.au>
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