Drop support for older Python versions

Malcolm Purvis malcolm at purvis.id.au
Fri Dec 19 09:28:50 UTC 2014

Ben> I am working on a forthcoming 1.6.x series, and ideally it will
Ben> drop support for Python 2.6 and older. Would that be acceptable to
Ben> all of you?

A couple of data points.

When I was using python-daemon the standard version was Python 2.7.  I
have since changed jobs and landed at a place where the standard is 2.6
(because the servers are based on Debian's Old Stable release).  We'll
probably have moved to 2.7 by the end of the next year.

So there are still substantial deployments of 2.6 around but it they
stuck on 2.6 then they are unlikely be prepared to take the risk of
installing a major bump to a key package.  I support requiring 2.7 for
the 1.6 release.


	       Malcolm Purvis <malcolm at purvis.id.au>

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