Modern Day Marine Expo 2023_Attendees List

Rick Andrew Rick.Andrew at
Sun Jul 2 13:21:32 BST 2023


Hope you are doing well.

We are just following up to if you would be interested in acquiring the Attendees/Visitors list of:

Modern Day Marine 2023

27 - 29 Jun 2023

Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC, USA

Counts = 50,000

Our company provides the following details regarding your attendees: Client Name, Title, Email address, Phone number, Website, Zip code & Cities.

If interested, let us know your thoughts so we will send you the discounted cost and additional information. If you`re not the correct person for this, I`d appreciate further if you can direct this to the correct person(s).

Looking forward to your response,


Rick Andrew

Business Development Associate

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