[Python-modules-commits] r2769 - /packages/ll-xist/trunk/debian/control
bzed-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
bzed-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Jul 17 17:03:35 UTC 2007
Author: bzed-guest
Date: Tue Jul 17 17:03:35 2007
New Revision: 2769
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/?sc=1&rev=2769
removing weird characters - probably from copy and paste
Modified: packages/ll-xist/trunk/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/ll-xist/trunk/debian/control?rev=2769&op=diff
--- packages/ll-xist/trunk/debian/control (original)
+++ packages/ll-xist/trunk/debian/control Tue Jul 17 17:03:35 2007
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
XS-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/python-modules/packages/ll-xist/trunk/
XS-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/ll-xist/?op=log
Package: python-ll-xist
Architecture: any
Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
@@ -16,10 +15,9 @@
a DOM parser (built on top of SAX2) with a very simple and pythonesque
tree API. Every XML element type corresponds to a Python class and these
Python classes provide a conversion method to transform the XML tree
- (e.g. into HTML). XIST can be considered “object oriented XSLTâ€.
+ (e.g. into HTML). XIST can be considered object oriented XSLT.
Some of the significant features of XIST include:
- .
* Easily extensible with new XML elements,
* Can be used for offline or online page generation,
* Allows embedding Python code in XML files,
@@ -29,7 +27,7 @@
* Fully supports Unicode and XML namespaces,
* Provides features to use XIST together with JSP/Struts (when
replacing Struts tag libraries with XIST this speeds up pages
- by a factor of 5–10.)
+ by a factor of 5-10.)
XIST was written as a replacement for the HTML preprocessor HSC
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