[Python-modules-commits] r1919 - in
/packages/python-django/trunk/debian: README.Debian changelog
django.docs docs install patches/01_add_shebang.diff
patches/01_do_not_call_ezsetup.diff patches/02_add_shebang.diff
patches/02_bash_completion.diff rules
brettp-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
brettp-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Mar 25 22:00:31 CET 2007
Author: brettp-guest
Date: Sun Mar 25 21:00:31 2007
New Revision: 1919
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/?sc=1&rev=1919
* New upstream release
* Reorganise patches
* Add bash completion file to installed files
* Add documentation in to installed files
- copied unchanged from r1917, packages/python-django/trunk/debian/django.docs
- copied, changed from r1914, packages/python-django/trunk/debian/patches/02_add_shebang.diff
Added: packages/python-django/trunk/debian/README.Debian
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/python-django/trunk/debian/README.Debian?rev=1919&op=file
--- packages/python-django/trunk/debian/README.Debian (added)
+++ packages/python-django/trunk/debian/README.Debian Sun Mar 25 21:00:31 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,164 @@
+0.95 -> 0.96
+Information here has been gathered from:
+ http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/release_notes_0.96/
+ http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/BackwardsIncompatibleChanges
+Backwards Incompatible Changes
+ Database constraint names changed
+ =================================
+ As of [3512], the format of the constraint names Django generates for
+ foreign key references changed slightly. These names are only used
+ sometimes, when it is not possible to put the reference directly on the
+ affected column, so this is not always visible.
+ The effect of this change is that manage.py reset app_name and similar
+ commands may generate SQL with invalid constraint names and thus generate
+ an error when run against the database (the database server will complain
+ about the constraint not existing). To fix this, you will need to tweak the
+ output of manage.py sqlreset app_name to match the correct constraint names
+ and pass the results to the database server manually.
+ Backslash escaping changed
+ ==========================
+ As of [3552], the Django database API now escapes backslashes given as
+ query parameters. If you have any database API code that match backslashes,
+ and it was working before (despite the broken escaping), you'll have to
+ change your code to "unescape" the slashes one level.
+ For example, this used to work:
+ # Code that matches a single backslash
+ MyModel.objects.filter(text__contains='\\\\')
+ But it should be rewritten as this:
+ # Code that matches a single backslash
+ MyModel.objects.filter(text__contains='\\')
+ Removed ENABLE_PSYCO setting
+ ============================
+ As of [3877], the ENABLE_PSYCO setting no longer exists. If your settings
+ file includes ENABLE_PSYCO, nothing will break per se, but it just won't do
+ anything. If you want to use Psyco with Django, write some custom
+ middleware that activates Psyco.
+ Changed Admin.manager option to more flexible hook
+ ==================================================
+ As of [4342], the manager option to class Admin no longer exists. This
+ option was undocumented, but we're mentioning the change here in case you
+ used it. In favor of this option, class Admin may now define one of these
+ methods:
+ * queryset()
+ * queryset_add()
+ * queryset_change()
+ These give you much more flexibility.
+ Note that this change was made to the NewformsAdminBranch. (We initially
+ called the new method change_list_queryset, but this was changed in [4584]
+ to be more flexible.) The change will not be made to trunk until that
+ branch is merged to trunk.
+ Changed prepopulate_from to be defined in the Admin class,
+ not database field classes ¶
+ ==========================================================
+ As of [4446], the prepopulate_from option to database fields no
+ longer exists. It's been discontinued in favor of the new
+ prepopulated_fields option on class Admin. The new
+ prepopulated_fields option, if given, should be a dictionary
+ mapping field names to lists/tuples of field names. Here's an
+ example comparing old syntax and new syntax:
+ # OLD:
+ class MyModel(models.Model):
+ first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
+ last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
+ slug = models.CharField(maxlength=60, prepopulate_from=('first_name', 'last_name'))
+ class Admin:
+ pass
+ # NEW:
+ class MyModel(models.Model):
+ first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
+ last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=30)
+ slug = models.CharField(maxlength=60)
+ class Admin:
+ prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('first_name', 'last_name')}
+ Moved admin doc views into django.contrib.admindocs
+ ====================================================
+ As of [4585], the documentation views for the Django admin site were moved
+ into a new package, django.contrib.admindocs.
+ The admin docs, which aren't documented very well, were located at docs/ in
+ the admin site. They're also linked-to by the "Documentation" link in the
+ upper right of default admin templates.
+ Because we've moved the doc views, you now have to activate admin docs
+ explicitly. Do this by adding the following line to your URLconf:
+ (r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),
+ Note that this change was made to the NewformsAdminBranch. The change will
+ not be made to trunk until that branch is merged to trunk.
+ Enforcing MySQLdb version
+ =========================
+ As of [4724], Django will raise an error if you try to use the MySQL
+ backend with a MySQLdb ( MySQL python module) version earlier than 1.2.1p2.
+ There were significant, production-related bugs in earlier versions, so we
+ have upgraded the minimum requirement.
+ In [4767], a mysql_old backend was added, that is identical to the original
+ mysql backend prior to the change in [4724]. This backend can be used if
+ upgrading the MySQLdb module is not immediately possible, however, it is
+ deprecated and no further development will be done on it.
+New Features
+ New forms library
+ =================
+ The new forms library has been merged from the new forms branch in to
+ django.newforms in 0.96, the next revision will replace django.forms with
+ django.newforms, the current forms library is already copied to
+ django.oldforms to make the transition easier - it's advised to either
+ upgrade your forms code to the newforms library or to change your imports
+ as follows:
+ from django import forms
+ becomes
+ from django import oldforms as forms
+ URLconf improvements
+ ====================
+ It's now possible to use imported views in the urlconf rather than a string
+ representing the view to call.
+ Test framework
+ ==============
+ Now possible to write tests based on doctest and unittest
+ Admin area changes
+ ==================
+ Changes to the user adding and updating views so that you don't need to
+ worry about hashed passwords.
Modified: packages/python-django/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/python-django/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=1919&op=diff
--- packages/python-django/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ packages/python-django/trunk/debian/changelog Sun Mar 25 21:00:31 2007
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+python-django (0.96-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Brett Parker ]
+ * New upstream release - introduces some backwards incompatible changes, see
+ README.Debian or the backwards incompatible changes page at
+ http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/BackwardsIncompatibleChanges
+ * Add documentation from upstream to /usr/share/doc/python-django
+ Closes: #411249
+ * Install the bash completion file from extras in to
+ /etc/bash_completion.d/django_bash_completion
+ Closes: #414399
+ -- Brett Parker <iDunno at sommitrealweird.co.uk> Sun, 25 Mar 2007 19:18:39 +0100
python-django (0.95.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Brett Parker ]
Added: packages/python-django/trunk/debian/install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/python-django/trunk/debian/install?rev=1919&op=file
--- packages/python-django/trunk/debian/install (added)
+++ packages/python-django/trunk/debian/install Sun Mar 25 21:00:31 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+extras/django_bash_completion etc/bash_completion.d/
Copied: packages/python-django/trunk/debian/patches/01_add_shebang.diff (from r1914, packages/python-django/trunk/debian/patches/02_add_shebang.diff)
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/python-django/trunk/debian/patches/01_add_shebang.diff?rev=1919&op=diff
--- packages/python-django/trunk/debian/patches/02_add_shebang.diff (original)
+++ packages/python-django/trunk/debian/patches/01_add_shebang.diff Sun Mar 25 21:00:31 2007
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
---- django/bin/daily_cleanup.py.orig 2006-12-16 11:02:04.000000000 +0100
-+++ django/bin/daily_cleanup.py 2006-12-16 11:02:19.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- "Daily cleanup file"
- from django.db import backend, connection, transaction
--- django/bin/profiling/gather_profile_stats.py.orig 2006-12-16 11:15:38.000000000 +0100
+++ django/bin/profiling/gather_profile_stats.py 2006-12-16 11:15:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Added: packages/python-django/trunk/debian/patches/02_bash_completion.diff
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/python-django/trunk/debian/patches/02_bash_completion.diff?rev=1919&op=file
--- packages/python-django/trunk/debian/patches/02_bash_completion.diff (added)
+++ packages/python-django/trunk/debian/patches/02_bash_completion.diff Sun Mar 25 21:00:31 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+--- extras/django_bash_completion_orig 2007-03-25 21:34:33.101350407 +0100
++++ extras/django_bash_completion 2007-03-25 21:37:58.997083736 +0100
+@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
+ action_runfcgi_opts="host port socket method maxspare minspare maxchildren daemonize pidfile workdir"
+- if [[ # django-admin.py, ./manage, manage.py
++ if [[ # django-admin.py, django-admin, ./manage, manage.py
+ ( ${COMP_CWORD} -eq 1 &&
+ ( ${COMP_WORDS[0]} == django-admin.py ||
++ ${COMP_WORDS[0]} == django-admin ||
+ ${COMP_WORDS[0]} == ./manage.py ||
+ ${COMP_WORDS[0]} == manage.py ) )
+@@ -68,5 +69,8 @@
+ ( ${COMP_CWORD} -eq 2 &&
+ ( $( basename ${COMP_WORDS[0]} ) == python?([1-9]\.[0-9]) ) &&
+- ( $( basename ${COMP_WORDS[1]} ) == django-admin.py) &&
++ (
++ ( $( basename ${COMP_WORDS[1]} ) == django-admin.py) ||
++ ( $( basename ${COMP_WORDS[1]} ) == django-admin)
++ ) &&
+ ( -r ${COMP_WORDS[1]} ) ) ]] ; then
+@@ -143,5 +147,5 @@
+ }
+-complete -F _django_completion django-admin.py manage.py
++complete -F _django_completion django-admin.py manage.py django-admin
+ # Support for multiple interpreters.
Modified: packages/python-django/trunk/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/python-django/trunk/debian/rules?rev=1919&op=diff
--- packages/python-django/trunk/debian/rules (original)
+++ packages/python-django/trunk/debian/rules Sun Mar 25 21:00:31 2007
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk
-DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL += --single-version-externally-managed
# Use default python shebang
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