[Python-modules-commits] r2379 - in /packages/petsc4py: ./ branches/ branches/upstream/ branches/upstream/current/ branches/upstream/current/setup.py tags/
certik-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
certik-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun May 13 20:23:25 UTC 2007
Author: certik-guest
Date: Sun May 13 20:23:25 2007
New Revision: 2379
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/?sc=1&rev=2379
[svn-inject] Installing original source of petsc4py
packages/petsc4py/branches/upstream/current/setup.py (with props)
Added: packages/petsc4py/branches/upstream/current/setup.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/petsc4py/branches/upstream/current/setup.py?rev=2379&op=file
--- packages/petsc4py/branches/upstream/current/setup.py (added)
+++ packages/petsc4py/branches/upstream/current/setup.py Sun May 13 20:23:25 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,236 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+PETSc for Python
+Python bindings for PETSc libraries.
+## try:
+## import setuptools
+## except ImportError:
+## pass
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Metadata
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+from configure import metadata
+name = 'petsc4py'
+version = open('VERSION.txt').read().strip()
+descr = __doc__.strip().split('\n'); del descr[1:3]
+devstat = ['Development Status :: 3 - Alpha']
+download = 'http://cheeseshop.python.org/packages/source/%s/%s/%s-%s.tar.gz'
+metadata['name'] = name
+metadata['version'] = version
+metadata['description'] = descr.pop(0)
+metadata['long_description'] = '\n'.join(descr)
+metadata['classifiers'] += devstat
+metadata['download_url'] = download % (name[0], name, name, version)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Extension modules
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_ext_modules(Extension):
+ from os import walk
+ from glob import glob
+ from os.path import join, sep as pathsep, extsep, abspath
+ # generare dependencies
+ extroot = join('petsc', 'lib', 'ext')
+ depends = []
+ for pth, dirs, files in walk(join(extroot, 'swig')):
+ depends += glob(join(pth, '*%si' % extsep))
+ for pth, dirs, files in walk(join(extroot, 'src')):
+ depends += glob(join(pth, '*%s[h,c]' % extsep))
+ seprepl = lambda p: p.replace(pathsep,'/').replace(extsep,'.')
+ depends = map(seprepl, depends)
+ extdir = 'petsc/lib/ext'
+ petsc_c = Extension('petsc4py.lib._petscext',
+ sources=[extdir + '/' + 'petscext_c.i',
+ extdir + '/' + 'petsclib.c'],
+ depends=depends,
+ include_dirs=[extdir],
+ language='c')
+ petsc_cxx = Extension('petsc4py.lib._petscext',
+ sources=[extdir + '/' + 'petscext_cpp.i',
+ extdir + '/' + 'petsclib.cpp'],
+ depends=depends,
+ include_dirs=[extdir],
+ language='c++')
+ return [petsc_c, petsc_cxx]
+from distutils.core import Command
+class bdist_dpkg(Command):
+ """Make a nice .deb package
+ """
+ description = "Make a deb package using dpkg (debuild)"
+ user_options = [] # distutils complains if this is not here.
+ def initialize_options(self): # distutils wants this
+ pass
+ def finalize_options(self): # this too
+ pass
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ debian/changelog contains a version like this:
+ 0.4~pre+svn739-1
+ This method parses it, then checkouts the svn revision as directed (739
+ in this example), but applies the current top svn debian dir to it, and
+ executes "debuild" in that temporary directory.
+ """
+ import os
+ def get_changelog_version_revision():
+ """Reads the first line in changelog, parses 0.4~pre+svn739-1 and
+ returns ("0.4~pre",739,1)
+ """
+ l = file("debian/changelog").readline()
+ import re
+ m = re.match("petsc4py \((\S+)\+svn(\d+)\-(\d+)\) ",l)
+ if m:
+ g = m.groups()
+ if len(g) == 3:
+ #version, svn revision, debian revision
+ #('0.4~pre', '739', '1')
+ v, r, dr = g
+ return v, int(r), int(dr)
+ print l
+ raise "Don't understant the syntax in changelog"
+ version,revision,drevision = get_changelog_version_revision()
+ os.system("mkdir -p dist")
+ tmpdir = "petsc4py-%s+svn%d" % (version, revision)
+ print "exporting svn (%d) to dist/%s" % (revision,tmpdir)
+ os.system("svn -q export -r %d " % revision +
+ "http://petsc4py.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ dist/%s" % tmpdir)
+ os.system("rm -rf dist/%s/debian" % tmpdir)
+ print "creating dist/petsc4py_%s+svn%d.orig.tar.gz" % (version, revision)
+ os.system("cd dist; tar zcf petsc4py_%s+svn%d.orig.tar.gz %s" \
+ %(version, revision, tmpdir))
+ print "creating the deb package"
+ os.system("cp -a debian dist/%s/debian" % tmpdir)
+ os.system("rm -rf dist/%s/debian/.svn" % tmpdir)
+ os.system("cd dist/%s; export PETSC_DIR=/usr/lib/petsc; export PETSC_ARCH=`petscarch`; debuild -sa -us -uc" % tmpdir)
+ #os.system("cd dist/%s; debuild" % tmpdir)
+ os.system("rm -rf dist/%s" % tmpdir)
+ print "-"*50
+ print "Done. Files genereated in the dist/ directory"
+class clean(Command):
+ """Cleans *.pyc and debian trashs, so you should get the same copy as
+ is in the svn.
+ """
+ description = "Clean everything"
+ user_options = [("all","a","the same")]
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ self.all = None
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ pass
+ def run(self):
+ import os
+ #os.system("py.cleanup")
+ os.system("rm -rf build")
+ os.system("rm -rf dist")
+class test_sympy_dpkg(Command):
+ description = "Run tests for the deb package"
+ user_options = [] # distutils complains if this is not here.
+ def initialize_options(self): # distutils wants this
+ pass
+ def finalize_options(self): # this too
+ pass
+ def run(self):
+ import os
+ from glob import glob
+ g = glob("dist/*.changes")
+ assert len(g) == 1
+ changes = g[0]
+ g = glob("dist/*.dsc")
+ assert len(g) == 1
+ dsc = g[0]
+ g = glob("dist/*.deb")
+ assert len(g) == 1
+ deb = g[0]
+ print "testing this package:"
+ print " ",dsc
+ print " ",changes
+ print " ",deb
+ print
+ print "run these commands:"
+ print "lintian -i %s" % changes
+ print "linda -i %s" % changes
+ print "sudo pbuilder build %s" % dsc
+ print "sudo piuparts -p %s" % deb
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Setup
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+from configure import setup
+from configure import Extension
+from configure import config
+from configure import build
+from configure import build_src
+from configure import build_py
+from configure import build_ext
+from configure import sdist
+def main():
+ import os
+ if not os.environ.has_key("PETSC_DIR"):
+ os.environ["PETSC_DIR"] = "/usr/lib/petsc"
+ if not os.environ.has_key("PETSC_ARCH"):
+ os.environ["PETSC_ARCH"] = "linux-gnu-c-opt"
+ setup(packages = ['petsc4py',
+ 'petsc4py.lib'],
+ package_dir = {'petsc4py' : 'petsc',
+ 'petsc4py.lib' : 'petsc/lib'},
+ package_data = {'petsc4py.lib': ['petsc.cfg']},
+ ext_modules = get_ext_modules(Extension),
+ cmdclass = {'config' : config,
+ 'build' : build,
+ 'build_py' : build_py,
+ 'build_src' : build_src,
+ 'build_ext' : build_ext,
+ 'bdist_dpkg' : bdist_dpkg,
+ 'test_dpkg' : test_sympy_dpkg,
+ 'clean' : clean,
+ 'sdist' : sdist},
+ **metadata)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from distutils import sysconfig
+ cfgvars = sysconfig.get_config_vars()
+ cflags = cfgvars['OPT'].split()
+ for flag in ('-g', '-g3', '-Wstrict-prototypes'):
+ try:
+ cflags.remove(flag)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ cfgvars['OPT'] = str.join(' ', cflags)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ## from distutils import log
+ ## log.set_verbosity(log.DEBUG)
+ main()
Propchange: packages/petsc4py/branches/upstream/current/setup.py
svn:executable =
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