[Python-modules-commits] r4988 - in packages/pyfits/trunk/debian (CHANGES changelog control)
aurel32 at users.alioth.debian.org
aurel32 at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Apr 6 17:05:40 UTC 2008
Date: Sunday, April 6, 2008 @ 17:05:39
Author: aurel32
Revision: 4988
[ Aurelien Jarno ]
* New upstream version.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3 (no changes).
Modified: packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/CHANGES
--- packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/CHANGES 2008-04-06 16:27:31 UTC (rev 4987)
+++ packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/CHANGES 2008-04-06 17:05:39 UTC (rev 4988)
@@ -1,34 +1,146 @@
-Version 1.0.1; March 24 2006
+ PyFITS release notes
- The changes to PyFITS were primarily to improve the docstrings and to
- reclassify some public functions and variables as private. Readgeis
- and fitsdiff which were distributed with PyFITS in previous releases
- were moved to pytools. This release of PyFITS is v1.0.1. The next
- release of PyFITS will support both numarray and numpy (and will be
- available separately from stsci_python, as are all the python packages
- contained within stsci_python). An alpha release for PyFITS numpy
- support will be made around the time of this stsci_python release.
- * Updated docstrings for public functions.
- * Made some previously public functions private.
- _________________________________________________________________
+ PyFITS is being used within the STScI operations pipelines and is a
+ supported product. Currently PyFITS takes a fairly strict
+ interpretation of FITS files. There are likely to be problems with FITS
+ data that do not strictly conform to the standard. Undoubtedly, use
+ with a wider variety of files and uses will uncover problems; please
+ contact [29]help at stsci.edu when such problems are encountered.
-Version 1.0; November 1 2005
+ We intend to accomodate such variances, particularly if they involve
+ widely used or available data (so please let us know when such problems
+ occur).
- Major Changes since v0.9.6:
+ PyFITS requires numpy (or numarray) to be installed.
+ __________________________________________________________________
- * Added support for the HEIRARCH convention
- * Added support for iteration and slicing for HDU lists
- * PyFITS now uses the standard setup.py installation script
- * Add utility functions at the module level, they include:
+ Version 1.3; February 22 2008
- * getheader
- * getdata
- * getval
- * writeto
- * append
- * update
- * info
+ * Updates described in this release are only supported in the NUMPY
+ version of pyfits.
+ * The following enhancements were made:
+ + Provided support for a new extension to pyfits called
+ stpyfits.
+ o The stpyfits module is a wrapper around pyfits. It
+ provides all of the features and functions of pyfits
+ along with some STScI specific features. Currently, the
+ only new feature supported by stpyfits is the ability to
+ read and write fits files that contain image data quality
+ extensions with constant data value arrays. See
+ [30]stpyfits for more details on stpyfits.
+ + Added a new feature to allow trailing HDUs to be deleted from
+ a fits file without actually reading the data from the file.
+ o This supports a JWST requirement to delete a trailing HDU
+ from a file whose primary Image HDU is too large to be
+ read on a 32 bit machine.
+ + Updated pyfits to use the warnings module to issue warnings.
+ All warnings will still be issued to stdout, exactly as they
+ were before, however, you may now suppress warnings with the
+ -Wignore command line option. For example, to run a script
+ that will ignore warnings use the following command line
+ syntax:
+ python -Wignore yourscript.py
+ + Updated the open convenience function to allow the input of an
+ already opened file object in place of a file name when
+ opening a fits file.
+ + Updated the writeto convenience function to allow it to accept
+ the output_verify option.
+ o In this way, the user can use the argument
+ output_verify='fix' to allow pyfits to correct any errors
+ it encounters in the provided header before writing the
+ data to the file.
+ + Updated the verification code to provide additional detail
+ with a VerifyError exception.
+ + Added the capability to create a binary table HDU directly
+ from a numpy.ndarray. This may be done using either the
+ new_table convenience function or the BinTableHDU constructor.
+ * The following performance improvements were made:
+ + Modified the import logic to dramatically decrease the time it
+ takes to import pyfits.
+ + Modified the code to provide performance improvements when
+ copying and examining header cards.
+ * The following bugs were fixed:
+ + Corrected a bug that occurs when reading the data from a fits
+ file that includes BZERO/BSCALE scaling. When the data is read
+ in from the file, pyfits automatically scales the data using
+ the BZERO/BSCALE values in the header. In the previous
+ release, pyfits created a 32 bit floating point array to hold
+ the scaled data. This could cause a problem when the value of
+ BZERO is so large that the scaled value will not fit into the
+ float 32. For this release, when the input data is 32 bit
+ integer, a 64 bit floating point array is used for the scaled
+ data.
+ + Corrected a bug that caused an exception to be raised when
+ attempting to scale image data using the ImageHDU.scale
+ method.
+ + Corrected a bug in the new_table convenience function that
+ occurred when a binary table was created using a ColDefs
+ object as input and supplying an nrows argument for a number
+ of rows that is greater than the number of rows present in the
+ input ColDefs object. The previous version of pyfits failed to
+ allocate the necessary memory for the additional rows.
+ + Corrected a bug in the new_table convenience function that
+ caused an exception to be thrown when creating an ASCII table.
+ + Corrected a bug in the new_table convenience function that
+ will allow the input of a ColDefs object that was read from a
+ file as a binary table with a data value equal to None.
+ + Corrected a bug in the construction of ASCII tables from
+ Column objects that are created with noncontinuous start
+ columns.
+ + Corrected bugs in a number of areas that would sometimes cause
+ a failure to improperly raise an exception when an error
+ occurred.
+ + Corrected a bug where attempting to open a non-existent fits
+ file on a windows platform using a drive letter in the file
+ specification caused a misleading IOError exception to be
+ raised.
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ Version 1.1; June 15 2007
+ * Modified to use either NUMPY or NUMARRAY.
+ * New file writing modes have been provided to allow streaming data
+ to extensions without requiring the whole output extension image in
+ memory. See documentation on StreamingHDU.
+ * Improvements to minimize byteswapping and memory usage by
+ byteswapping in place.
+ * Now supports ':' characters in filenames.
+ * Handles keyboard interrupts during long operations.
+ * Preserves the byte order of the input image arrays.
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ Version 1.0.1; March 24 2006
+ The changes to PyFITS were primarily to improve the docstrings and to
+ reclassify some public functions and variables as private. Readgeis and
+ fitsdiff which were distributed with PyFITS in previous releases were
+ moved to pytools. This release of PyFITS is v1.0.1. The next release of
+ PyFITS will support both numarray and numpy (and will be available
+ separately from stsci_python, as are all the python packages contained
+ within stsci_python). An alpha release for PyFITS numpy support will be
+ made around the time of this stsci_python release.
+ * Updated docstrings for public functions.
+ * Made some previously public functions private.
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ Version 1.0; November 1 2005
+ Major Changes since v0.9.6:
+ * Added support for the HEIRARCH convention
+ * Added support for iteration and slicing for HDU lists
+ * PyFITS now uses the standard setup.py installation script
+ * Add utility functions at the module level, they include:
+ * getheader
+ * getdata
+ * getval
+ * writeto
+ * append
+ * update
+ * info
Minor changes since v0.9.6:
* Fix a bug to make single-column ASCII table work.
@@ -53,7 +165,7 @@
* If adding a blank card, will not use existing blank card's space.
PyFITS Version 1.0 REQUIRES Python 2.3 or later.
- _________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
Version 0.9.6; 11 November 2004
@@ -65,13 +177,12 @@
Some minor changes:
- * Support for numbers with leading zeros in an ASCII table
- extension.
+ * Support for numbers with leading zeros in an ASCII table extension.
* Changed scaled columns' data type from Float32 to Float64 to
preserve precision.
* Made Column constructor more flexible in accepting format
- _________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
Version 0.9.3; 2 July 2004
@@ -82,15 +193,15 @@
NAXIS's) from the header parts. This change will speed up the
performance if the user only needs to access one extension in a
multi-extension FITS file.
- * Support the X format (bit flags) columns, both reading and
- writing, in a binary table. At the user interface, they are
- converted to Boolean arrays for easy manipulation. For example, if
- the column's TFORM is "11X", internally the data is stored in 2
- bytes, but the user will see, at each row of this column, a
- Boolean array of 11 elements.
- * Fix a bug such that when a table extension has no data, it will
- not try to scale the data when updating/writing the HDU list.
- _________________________________________________________________
+ * Support the X format (bit flags) columns, both reading and writing,
+ in a binary table. At the user interface, they are converted to
+ Boolean arrays for easy manipulation. For example, if the column's
+ TFORM is "11X", internally the data is stored in 2 bytes, but the
+ user will see, at each row of this column, a Boolean array of 11
+ elements.
+ * Fix a bug such that when a table extension has no data, it will not
+ try to scale the data when updating/writing the HDU list.
+ __________________________________________________________________
Version 0.9; 27 April 2004
@@ -122,8 +233,8 @@
* Support of complex columns
* Modify the __getitem__ method in FITS_rec. In order to make sure
the scaled quantities are also viewing ths same data as the
- original FITS_rec, all fields need to be "touched" when
- __getitem__ is called.
+ original FITS_rec, all fields need to be "touched" when __getitem__
+ is called.
* Add a new attribute mmobject for HDUList, and close the memmap
object when close HDUList object. Earlier version does not close
memmap object and can cause memory lockup.
@@ -148,10 +259,12 @@
elements have very many digits, e.g.:
CD1_1 = 1.1187596304411E-05 / partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. x
CD1_2 = -8.502767249350019E-06 / partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. y
with pyfits, an "update" on these header items and write in new
values which has fewer digits, e.g.:
CD1_1 = 1.0963011E-05 / partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. x
CD1_2 = -8.527229E-06 / partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. y
* Change some internal variables to make their appearance more
old name new name
@@ -167,19 +280,22 @@
tmpName() _tmpName()
dimShape _dimShape
ErrList _ErrList
* Move up the module description. Move the copywright statement to
the bottom and assign to the variable __credits__.
* change the following line:
self.__dict__ = input.__dict__
in order for pyfits to run under numarray 0.4.
- * edit _readblock to add the (optional) firstblock argument and
- raise IOError if the the first 8 characters in the first block is
- not 'SIMPLE ' or 'XTENSION'. Edit the function open to check for
+ * edit _readblock to add the (optional) firstblock argument and raise
+ IOError if the the first 8 characters in the first block is not
+ 'SIMPLE ' or 'XTENSION'. Edit the function open to check for
IOError to skip the last null filled block(s). Edit readHDU to add
the firstblock argument.
- _________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
Version 0.7.5; 16 August 2002
@@ -197,26 +313,25 @@
5. In BaseImageHDU.__getattr__ point self.data to raw_data if float
and if not memmap. (bug fix).
6. Change the function get_tbdata() to private: _get_tbdata().
- _________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
- Version 0.7.3; 12 July 2002
+ Version 0.7.3; 12 July 2002
- Changes since v0.7.2:
- 1. It will scale all integer image data to Float32, if BSCALE/BZERO
- != 1/0. It will also expunge the BSCALE/BZERO keywords.
- 2. Add the scale() method for ImageBaseHDU, so data can be scaled
- just before being written to the file. It has the following
- arguments:
+ Changes since v0.7.2:
+ 1. It will scale all integer image data to Float32, if BSCALE/BZERO !=
+ 1/0. It will also expunge the BSCALE/BZERO keywords.
+ 2. Add the scale() method for ImageBaseHDU, so data can be scaled just
+ before being written to the file. It has the following arguments:
destination data type (string), e.g. Int32, Float32,
UInt8, etc.
- scaling scheme. if 'old', use the old BSCALE/BZERO
- values. if 'minmax', use the data range to fit into the
- full range of specified integer type. Float destination
- data type will not be scaled for this option.
+ scaling scheme. if 'old', use the old BSCALE/BZERO values.
+ if 'minmax', use the data range to fit into the full range
+ of specified integer type. Float destination data type
+ will not be scaled for this option.
user specifiable BSCALE/BZERO values. They overwrite the
@@ -229,9 +344,9 @@
6. Bug fix to avoid exception if the key is not present in the header
already. This affects (fixes) add_history(), add_comment(), and
- 7. Bug fix in __getattr__() in Card class. The change made in 0.7.2
- to rstrip the comment must be string type to avoid exception.
- _____________________________________________________________
+ 7. Bug fix in __getattr__() in Card class. The change made in 0.7.2 to
+ rstrip the comment must be string type to avoid exception.
+ ______________________________________________________________
Version; June 25, 2002
A couple of bugs were addressed in this version.
@@ -243,19 +358,19 @@
+ Fix a bug in __getattr__() in Card class. The change made in
0.7.2 to rstrip the comment must be string type to avoid
- _____________________________________________________________
+ ______________________________________________________________
Version 0.7.2; June 19, 2002
The two major improvements from Version 0.6.2 are:
+ support reading tables with "scaled" columns (e.g.
tscal/tzero, Boolean, and ASCII tables)
+ a prototype output verification.
- This version of PyFITS requires numarray version 0.3.4.
+ This version of PyFITS requires numarray version 0.3.4.
Other changes include:
- 1. Implement the new HDU hierarchy proposed earlier this year. This
- in turn reduces some of the redundant methods common to several
- HDU classes.
+ 1. Implement the new HDU hierarchy proposed earlier this year. This in
+ turn reduces some of the redundant methods common to several HDU
+ classes.
2. Add 3 new methods to the Header class: add_history, add_comment,
and add_blank.
3. The table attributes _columns are now .columns and the attributes
@@ -286,11 +401,11 @@
There are also many other minor internal bug fixes and technical
- _________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
Version 0.6.2; February 12, 2002
- This version requires numarray version 0.2.
+ This version requires numarray version 0.2.
Things not yet supported but are part of future development:
@@ -302,17 +417,18 @@
either a) correct discrepancies and warn, b) correct discrepancies
silently, c) throw a Python exception, or d) write illegal FITS
(for test purposes!).
- * Support for ascii tables or random groups format. Support for
- ASCII tables will be done soon (~1 month). When random group
- support is added is uncertain.
- * Support for memory mapping FITS data (to reduce memory demands).
- We expect to provide this capability in about 3 months.
+ * Support for ascii tables or random groups format. Support for ASCII
+ tables will be done soon (~1 month). When random group support is
+ added is uncertain.
+ * Support for memory mapping FITS data (to reduce memory demands). We
+ expect to provide this capability in about 3 months.
* Support for columns in binary tables having scaled values (e.g.
BSCALE or BZERO) or boolean values. Currently booleans are stored
as Int8 arrays and users must explicitly convert them into a
- boolean array. Likewise, scaled columns must be copied with
- scaling and offset by testing for those attributes explicitly.
- Future versions will produce such copies automatically.
- * Support for tables with TNULL values. This awaits an enhancement
- to numarray to support mask arrays (planned). (At least a couple
- of months off).
+ boolean array. Likewise, scaled columns must be copied with scaling
+ and offset by testing for those attributes explicitly. Future
+ versions will produce such copies automatically.
+ * Support for tables with TNULL values. This awaits an enhancement to
+ numarray to support mask arrays (planned). (At least a couple of
+ months off).
Modified: packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/changelog 2008-04-06 16:27:31 UTC (rev 4987)
+++ packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/changelog 2008-04-06 17:05:39 UTC (rev 4988)
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
-pyfits (1:1.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+pyfits (1:1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Aurelien Jarno ]
+ * New upstream version.
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3 (no changes).
[ Jan Michael Alonzo ]
- * Vcs-Browser, Vcs-Svn, Homepage fields added (Piotr Ożarowski <piotr at debian.org>)
+ * Vcs-Browser, Vcs-Svn, Homepage fields added (Piotr Ożarowski
+ <piotr at debian.org>)
* Watch file added
[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control
- uniforming Vcs-Browser field
- -- Jan Michael Alonzo <jmalonzo at unpluggable.com> Sat, 06 Oct 2007 21:06:00 +1000
+ -- Aurelien Jarno <aurel32 at debian.org> Sun, 06 Apr 2008 19:00:43 +0200
pyfits (1:1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
Modified: packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/control 2008-04-06 16:27:31 UTC (rev 4987)
+++ packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/control 2008-04-06 17:05:39 UTC (rev 4988)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
Uploaders: Aurelien Jarno <aurel32 at debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>=, python-dev (>= 2.3.5-7)
Build-Depends-Indep: python-support (>= 0.3), tetex-bin
-Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+Standards-Version: 3.7.3
Homepage: http://www.stsci.edu/resources/software_hardware/pyfits
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/python-modules/packages/pyfits/trunk/
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/pyfits/trunk/?op=log
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