[Python-modules-commits] r5472 - in packages/pastescript/trunk/debian (5 files)

piotr at users.alioth.debian.org piotr at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat May 24 20:02:48 UTC 2008

    Date: Saturday, May 24, 2008 @ 20:02:46
  Author: piotr
Revision: 5472

* Remove paste-common dependency, python-support will provide all needed
* Move templates to /usr/share/paster_templates
  + patches/02_rename_templates_dir path updated
* New debian/paster shell script will invoke paster after detecting desired
  Python version from file name
  + original paster scipt no longer installed
  + package depends only on default Python version again
    (unnecessary dependency introduced in previous upload)


Modified: packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-05-24 19:58:29 UTC (rev 5471)
+++ packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-05-24 20:02:46 UTC (rev 5472)
@@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
-pastescript (1.6.2-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+pastescript (1.6.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Replace python-setuptools with python-pkg-resources in Depends
     (closes: #468714)
-  * Remove paste-common dependency, python-paste (>= 1.6-1) is enough since
-    python-support will provide needed namespace
+  * Remove paste-common dependency, python-support will provide all needed
+    namespace
+  * Move templates to /usr/share/paster_templates
+    + patches/02_rename_templates_dir path updated
+  * New debian/paster shell script will invoke paster after detecting desired
+    Python version from file name
+    + original paster scipt no longer installed
+    + package depends only on default Python version again
+      (unnecessary dependency introduced in previous upload)
- -- Piotr Ożarowski <piotr at debian.org>  Sat, 26 Apr 2008 17:54:04 +0200
+ -- Piotr Ożarowski <piotr at debian.org>  Sat, 24 May 2008 20:05:12 +0200
 pastescript (1.6.2-2) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/dirs
--- packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/dirs	2008-05-24 19:58:29 UTC (rev 5471)
+++ packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/dirs	2008-05-24 20:02:46 UTC (rev 5472)
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

Added: packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/paster
--- packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/paster	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/paster	2008-05-24 20:02:46 UTC (rev 5472)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# determine desired Python version from filename
+if [ ! -f /usr/bin/python$VERSION ]
+	echo "Please install python$VERSION package" >&2
+	exit 1
+	exec python$VERSION -c "import sys; sys.argv[0] = 'paster$VERSION'; from paste.script import command; command.run()" $@

Property changes on: packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/paster
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/patches/02_rename_templates_dir.dpatch
--- packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/patches/02_rename_templates_dir.dpatch	2008-05-24 19:58:29 UTC (rev 5471)
+++ packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/patches/02_rename_templates_dir.dpatch	2008-05-24 20:02:46 UTC (rev 5472)
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 #! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 02_rename_templates_dir.dpatch by  <Piotr Ożarowski <piotr at debian.org>>
+## 02_rename_templates_dir.dpatch by Piotr Ożarowski <piotr at debian.org>
-## DP: it's a workaround for http://bugs.debian.org/459468
-## DP: please note that paste/script/templates directory is renamed to templates_dir in debian/rules
+## DP: paster's templates are outside site-packages in Debian
 diff -urNad pastescript-1.6.1~/paste/script/templates.py pastescript-1.6.1/paste/script/templates.py
@@ -13,7 +12,7 @@
  class BasicPackage(Template):
 -    _template_dir = 'templates/basic_package'
-+    _template_dir = 'templates_dir/basic_package'
++    _template_dir = '/usr/share/paster_templates/basic_package'
      summary = "A basic setuptools-enabled package"
      vars = [
          var('version', 'Version (like 0.1)'),

Modified: packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/rules	2008-05-24 19:58:29 UTC (rev 5471)
+++ packages/pastescript/trunk/debian/rules	2008-05-24 20:02:46 UTC (rev 5472)
@@ -28,23 +28,23 @@
 	touch $@
 install: build $(PYVERS:%=install-python%)
+install-python%: patch
 	python$* setup.py install \
 		--single-version-externally-managed \
 		--root $(PKGDIR)
 	# pth file is not needed since all paste* packages are installed in the same directory
 	rm -f $(PKGDIR)/usr/lib/python$*/site-packages/PasteScript-${DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION}-py$*-nspkg.pth
-	# provided by paste-common package:
+	# python-support's namespace feature will handle this
 	rm -f $(PKGDIR)/usr/lib/python$*/site-packages/paste/__init__.py
-	# create /usr/bin/pasterX.Y
-	cp $(CURDIR)/scripts/paster $(PKGDIR)/usr/bin/paster$*
-	sed -i -e '1s,usr/bin/.*,usr/bin/python$*,' $(PKGDIR)/usr/bin/paster$*
+	# create /usr/bin/pasterX.Y symlink
+	dh_link /usr/bin/paster /usr/bin/paster$*
 	dh_link /usr/share/man/man1/paster.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/paster$*.1.gz
-	# default Python version in hashbang
-	sed -i -e '1s/python.*/python/' $(PKGDIR)/usr/bin/paster
-	# temporary workaround for bug #459446 (see also patch 02_rename_templates_dir.dpatch)
-	mv $(PKGDIR)/usr/lib/python$*/site-packages/paste/script/templates \
-	   $(PKGDIR)/usr/lib/python$*/site-packages/paste/script/templates_dir \
+	# move templates outside site-packages
+	if [ ! -d $(PKGDIR)/usr/share/paster_templates/basic_package ]; then \
+		mv $(PKGDIR)/usr/lib/python$*/site-packages/paste/script/templates/* \
+		   $(PKGDIR)/usr/share/paster_templates/;\
+	fi
+	rm -rf $(PKGDIR)/usr/lib/python$*/site-packages/paste/script/templates/
 binary-indep: build install
 	dh_testdir -i
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 	dh_installdocs -i
 	dh_link usr/share/doc/python-pastescript/docs /usr/share/doc/python-paste/docs/script
 	dh_installman -i 
+	dh_install debian/paster /usr/bin/
 	dh_pysupport -i
 	dh_compress -i -X.py
 	dh_fixperms -i

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