[Python-modules-commits] r6434 - in packages/soya/trunk/debian (6 files)

bernat at users.alioth.debian.org bernat at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Sep 1 18:37:36 UTC 2008

    Date: Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 18:37:35
  Author: bernat
Revision: 6434

Prepare new upstream release.


Modified: packages/soya/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/soya/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-09-01 18:24:52 UTC (rev 6433)
+++ packages/soya/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-09-01 18:37:35 UTC (rev 6434)
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+soya (0.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release (Closes: #491194)
+  * Adopt the package.
+  * Add VCS fields in debian/control.
+  * Switch to Standards-Version 3.8.0. No changes required.
+  * Remove unneeded debian/pycompat.
+ -- Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org>  Mon, 01 Sep 2008 20:35:01 +0200
 soya (0.13.2-5) unstable; urgency=high
   * Applied patch from Peter De Wachter to use openal audio device

Modified: packages/soya/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/soya/trunk/debian/control	2008-09-01 18:24:52 UTC (rev 6433)
+++ packages/soya/trunk/debian/control	2008-09-01 18:37:35 UTC (rev 6434)
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 Source: soya
 Section: python
 Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Marc Dequènes (Duck) <Duck at DuckCorp.org>
+Maintainer: Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org>
 Uploaders: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>=, cdbs (>= 0.4.43), python-all-dev (>= 2.3.5-11), python-support (>= 0.3.2), quilt, patchutils (>= 0.2.25), libsdl1.2-dev, libcal3d12-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev | libglu-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libpng12-dev, libglew1.5-dev, libode0-dev (>= 0.7), libopenal-dev (>= 0.2005080600-2), libalut-dev, python-pyrex (>=
+Standards-Version: 3.8.0
 Homepage: http://home.gna.org/oomadness/en/soya/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/python-modules/packages/soya/trunk
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/soya/trunk/?op=log
 Package: python-soya
 Architecture: any

Modified: packages/soya/trunk/debian/control.in
--- packages/soya/trunk/debian/control.in	2008-09-01 18:24:52 UTC (rev 6433)
+++ packages/soya/trunk/debian/control.in	2008-09-01 18:37:35 UTC (rev 6434)
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 Source: soya
 Section: python
 Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Marc Dequènes (Duck) <Duck at DuckCorp.org>
+Maintainer: Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org>
 Uploaders: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Build-Depends: @cdbs@, libsdl1.2-dev, libcal3d12-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev | libglu-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libpng12-dev, libglew1.5-dev, libode0-dev (>= 0.7), libopenal-dev (>= 0.2005080600-2), libalut-dev, python-pyrex (>=
+Standards-Version: 3.8.0
 Homepage: http://home.gna.org/oomadness/en/soya/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/python-modules/packages/soya/trunk
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/soya/trunk/?op=log
 Package: python-soya
 Architecture: any

Deleted: packages/soya/trunk/debian/patches/pyrex_code_fix
--- packages/soya/trunk/debian/patches/pyrex_code_fix	2008-09-01 18:24:52 UTC (rev 6433)
+++ packages/soya/trunk/debian/patches/pyrex_code_fix	2008-09-01 18:37:35 UTC (rev 6434)
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
---- a/text/text.pyx
-+++ b/text/text.pyx
-@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
- 		for j from 0 <= j < bitmap.rows: # get pixels
- 			memcpy(self._pixels + self._current_x + (self._current_y + j) * MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, bitmap.buffer + bitmap.pitch * j, bitmap.pitch)
--		self._current_x = <int> (self._current_x + glyph.width + 5.)
-+		self._current_x = self._current_x + (<int> glyph.width) + 5
- 		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._tex_id)
---- a/cal3d/model.pyx
-+++ b/cal3d/model.pyx
-@@ -685,8 +685,11 @@
- 			CalCoreModel_CreateCoreMaterialThread(self._core_model, i)
- 			CalCoreModel_SetCoreMaterialId(self._core_model, i, 0, i)
- 			CalCoreMaterial_SetUserData(material, <CalUserData> i)
--		CalRenderer_GetMapUserData
-+		# Greg Ewing, March 2007 (greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz)
-+		# Following line commented out as it wasn't doing anything and was causing
-+		# a compiler warning. POSSIBLE BUG.
-+		#CalRenderer_GetMapUserData
- # This method is split in 3 ; this is a work-around for a bug in Pyrex
---- a/opengl.pyx
-+++ b/opengl.pyx
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- include "python.pxd"
- cimport c_opengl
-+from c_opengl cimport GLenum, GLuint
- GL_FALSE = c_opengl.GL_FALSE
- GL_TRUE = c_opengl.GL_TRUE
-@@ -844,9 +845,8 @@
- 	c_opengl.glScalef(x,y,z)
- def glGenTextures(int n):
--	cdef unsigned int ret
-+	cdef GLuint ret
- 	c_opengl.glGenTextures(n,&ret)
- 	return ret
- def glBindTexture(int target, unsigned int texture):
-@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@
- def glMatrixMode(int mode):
- 	c_opengl.glMatrixMode(mode)
--def glMultMatrix(float mode):
-+def glMultMatrix(GLenum mode):
- 	c_opengl.glMultMatrix(mode)
- def glTexParameteri(int target, int param, int value):
---- a/definitions/model/terrain.pxd
-+++ b/definitions/model/terrain.pxd
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- 	int         texcoord_type # 0: use terrainvertex texcoord, 1, 2, 3, 4: the tri use a texture generated (from blend_material), and the texcoord are (0.0, 0.0) - (1.0, 1.0)
- ctypedef _TerrainTri TerrainTri
--ctypedef void (*terrain_drawColor_FUNC   )(float*)
-+ctypedef void (*terrain_drawColor_FUNC   )(GLfloat*)
- ctypedef void (*terrain_disableColor_FUNC)()
- ctypedef void (*terrain_enableColor_FUNC )()
---- a/definitions/base.pxd
-+++ b/definitions/base.pxd
-@@ -238,29 +238,30 @@
--ctypedef struct Frustum:
--## Frustum
--## points :
--## 15-------12
--## |\       /|
--## | \     / |
--## |  3---0  |
--## |  |   |  |
--## |  6---9  |
--## | /     \ |
--## |/       \|
--## 18-------21
--## plane[ 0] : front plane
--## plane[ 4] : top plane
--## plane[ 8] : bottom plane
--## plane[12] : right plane
--## plane[16] : left plane
--## plane[20] : back plane
--## plane normals are oriented toward the exterior of the frustum
--	float position[3]  # camera position (x,y,z)
--	float points  [24] # points : (x,y,z) * 8
--	float planes  [24] # planes equation : (a,b,c,d) * 6
-+cdef extern from "matrix.h":
-+	ctypedef struct Frustum:
-+	## Frustum
-+	## points :
-+	## 15-------12
-+	## |\       /|
-+	## | \     / |
-+	## |  3---0  |
-+	## |  |   |  |
-+	## |  6---9  |
-+	## | /     \ |
-+	## |/       \|
-+	## 18-------21
-+	## 
-+	## plane[ 0] : front plane
-+	## plane[ 4] : top plane
-+	## plane[ 8] : bottom plane
-+	## plane[12] : right plane
-+	## plane[16] : left plane
-+	## plane[20] : back plane
-+	## plane normals are oriented toward the exterior of the frustum
-+		float position[3]  # camera position (x,y,z)
-+		float points  [24] # points : (x,y,z) * 8
-+		float planes  [24] # planes equation : (a,b,c,d) * 6
- cdef struct _Pack: # See material.pyx for doc and comments
- 	int       option
---- a/definitions/ode/ctype.pxd
-+++ b/definitions/ode/ctype.pxd
-@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
- # author:
- #	edited by Marmoute - Pierre-Yves David - marmoute at nekeme.net
-+#cdef extern from "ode_check.h":
-+#	pass
- cdef extern from "ode/ode.h":
---- a/c.pxd
-+++ b/c.pxd
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- 	float sin (float x)
- 	float tan (float x)
- 	float exp (float x)
--	float pow (float x, int n)
-+	float pow (float x, float n)
- 	float ceil (float x)
- 	float floor (float x)
---- a/init.pyx
-+++ b/init.pyx
-@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
- 	renderer.screen_width  = width
- 	renderer.screen_height = height
- 	# Information about the current video settings
--	info = SDL_GetVideoInfo()
-+	info = <SDL_VideoInfo*> SDL_GetVideoInfo() # cast for constness adjustment
- 	if info == NULL:
- 		s = "Video query failed : %s" % SDL_GetError()
- 		print s
---- a/chunk.c
-+++ b/chunk.c
-@@ -472,4 +472,3 @@
-   dat2.b[3] = dat1.b[0];
-   return dat2.f;
- }
---- a/soya3d/light.pyx
-+++ b/soya3d/light.pyx
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- 	##cdef int _used
- 	#cdef _static_shadow_displaylists
--	def __new__(self, *args, **kargs):
-+	def __cinit__(self, *args, **kargs):
- 		self.__raypick_data              = -1
- 		self._id                         = -1
- 		self._static_shadow_displaylists = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
-@@ -401,11 +401,11 @@
- 			glEnable(GL_LIGHT0 + light._id)
- 			light._gl_id_enabled = 1
--cdef void disable_deep_lights():
--	"""Disable all non top level lights."""
--	cdef _Light light
--	for light in LIGHTS:
--		if (not light is None) and (light._option & LIGHT_TOP_LEVEL) and (light._gl_id_enabled == 1):
--			glDisable(GL_LIGHT0 + i)
--			light._gl_id_enabled = 0
-+#U#cdef void disable_deep_lights():
-+#U#	"""Disable all non top level lights."""
-+#U#	cdef _Light light
-+#U#	for light in LIGHTS:
-+#U#		if (not light is None) and (light._option & LIGHT_TOP_LEVEL) and (light._gl_id_enabled == 1):
-+#U#			glDisable(GL_LIGHT0 + i)
-+#U#			light._gl_id_enabled = 0
---- a/soya3d/world.pyx
-+++ b/soya3d/world.pyx
-@@ -417,8 +417,14 @@
- 	#  return item in self.children
- 	def __getitem__(self, name):
- 		cdef CoordSyst item, i
-+		cdef object name_attr
- 		for item in self.children:
--			if getattr(item, "name", "") == name: return item
-+			try:
-+				name_attr = getattr(item, "name")
-+			except:
-+				name_attr = ""
-+			if name_attr == name:
-+				return item
- 		for item in self.children:
- 			if isinstance(item, _World):
- 				i = item[name]
---- a/soya3d/camera.pyx
-+++ b/soya3d/camera.pyx
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- 	#cdef int      _viewport[4]
- 	#cdef          _master
--	def __new__(self, *args, **kargs):
-+	def __cinit__(self, *args, **kargs):
- 		self.__raypick_data     = -1
- 		self._render_matrix[15] = 1.0
- 		self._frustum           = <Frustum*> malloc(sizeof(Frustum))
---- a/soya3d/coordsyst.pyx
-+++ b/soya3d/coordsyst.pyx
-@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
- 	#cdef int _option
- 	#cdef int _auto_static_count
--	def __new__(self, *args, **kargs):
-+	def __cinit__(self, *args, **kargs):
- 		self.__raypick_data     = -1
- 		self._auto_static_count = 3
---- a/soya3d/body.pyx
-+++ b/soya3d/body.pyx
-@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
- 			# pos            vector (3)   # XXX ignored for the moment
- 			# quaternion     quaternion   # XXX use a self-relativ cordinate later
- 			# linear speed   vector (3)   # XXX idem
--			v = dBodyGetLinearVel(bid)
-+			v = <dReal*> dBodyGetLinearVel(bid) # Cast for const correction
- 			vector_by_matrix(vector, self._ode_parent._root_matrix())
- 			vector_by_matrix(vector, self._inverted_root_matrix())
- 			chunk_add_floats_endian_safe(ode_chunk,v,3)
- 			# angular speed  vector (3)   # XXX idem
--			v = dBodyGetAngularVel(bid)
-+			v = <dReal*> dBodyGetAngularVel(bid) # Cast for const correction
- 			vector_by_matrix(v, self._ode_parent._root_matrix())
- 			vector_by_matrix(v, self._inverted_root_matrix())
- 			chunk_add_floats_endian_safe(ode_chunk,v,3)
-@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
- 				if self._option & BODY_HAS_ODE:
- 					self.__ode_data = cstate[3]
- 					self.joints = cstate[4]
--					self._option & BODY_HAS_ODE
-+					#self._option & BODY_HAS_ODE
- 					self._option = self._option & ~BODY_HAS_ODE
- 				else:
- 					self.__ode_data = None
-@@ -464,13 +464,17 @@
- 	cdef void _sync_ode_position(self):
--		cdef GLfloat * m
-+		# Greg Ewing, March 2007 (greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz)
-+		# multiply_matrix was being passed an uninitialised pointer
-+		cdef GLfloat ma[19]
-+		cdef GLfloat *m
- 		cdef dMatrix3  R
- 		cdef dReal * q
- 		if self.parent is self.ode_parent:
- 			m = self._matrix
- 		else:
-+			m = ma
- 			multiply_matrix(m, self._ode_parent._inverted_root_matrix(), self._root_matrix())
- 		R[0]  = m[0]
- 		R[1]  = m[4]
-@@ -490,13 +494,13 @@
- 		dBodySetPosition(self._OdeBodyID, m[12], m[13], m[14])
- 		dBodySetRotation(self._OdeBodyID, R)
--		q = dBodyGetQuaternion(self._OdeBodyID)
-+		q = <dReal*> dBodyGetQuaternion(self._OdeBodyID) # Cast for const correction
- 		self._q[0] = q[1]
- 		self._q[1] = q[2]
- 		self._q[2] = q[3]
- 		self._q[3] = q[0]
--		q = dBodyGetPosition(self._OdeBodyID)
-+		q = <dReal*> dBodyGetPosition(self._OdeBodyID) # Cast for const correction
- 		self._p[0] = q[0]
- 		self._p[1] = q[1]
- 		self._p[2] = q[2]
-@@ -518,13 +522,13 @@
- 			self._t = 0
- 			if self._option & BODY_ODE_INVALIDE_POS:
- 				self._sync_ode_position()
--			q = dBodyGetQuaternion(self._OdeBodyID)
-+			q = <dReal*> dBodyGetQuaternion(self._OdeBodyID) # Cast for const correction
- 			self._q[0] = q[1]
- 			self._q[1] = q[2]
- 			self._q[2] = q[3]
- 			self._q[3] = q[0]
--			q = dBodyGetPosition(self._OdeBodyID)
-+			q = <dReal*> dBodyGetPosition(self._OdeBodyID) # Cast for const correction
- 			self._p[0] = q[0]
- 			self._p[1] = q[1]
- 			self._p[2] = q[2]
-@@ -560,8 +564,8 @@
- 					#saving the scale of the object
- 					#XXX optimisable
- 					memcpy(&zoom[0],&self._matrix[16],3*sizeof(float))
--					r = dBodyGetQuaternion(self._OdeBodyID)
--					p = dBodyGetPosition(self._OdeBodyID)
-+					r = <dReal*> dBodyGetQuaternion(self._OdeBodyID) # Cast for const correction
-+					p = <dReal*> dBodyGetPosition(self._OdeBodyID) # Cast for const correction
- 					t = 1.0 - self._t
- 					# Linearly interpolate between the current quaternion and the last
---- a/cal3d_wrapper.h
-+++ b/cal3d_wrapper.h
-@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
- // CalCoreAnimation wrapper functions declaration                             //
- //****************************************************************************//
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreAnimation *CalCoreAnimation_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreAnimation *CalCoreAnimation_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreAnimation_Delete(struct CalCoreAnimation *self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreAnimation_AddCoreTrack(struct CalCoreAnimation *self, struct CalCoreTrack *pCoreTrack);
-@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalQuaternion *CalCoreKeyframe_GetRotation(struct CalCoreKeyframe *self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API float CalCoreKeyframe_GetTime(struct CalCoreKeyframe *self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalVector *CalCoreKeyframe_GetTranslation(struct CalCoreKeyframe *self);
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreKeyframe *CalCoreKeyframe_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreKeyframe *CalCoreKeyframe_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreKeyframe_SetRotation(struct CalCoreKeyframe *self, struct CalQuaternion *pRotation);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreKeyframe_SetTime(struct CalCoreKeyframe *self, float time);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreKeyframe_SetTranslation(struct CalCoreKeyframe *self, struct CalVector *pTranslation);
-@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
- // CalCoreMaterial wrapper functions declaration                              //
- //****************************************************************************//
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreMaterial *CalCoreMaterial_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreMaterial *CalCoreMaterial_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreMaterial_Delete(struct CalCoreMaterial *self);
- //  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API CalCoreMaterial::Color *CalCoreMaterial_GetAmbientColor(struct CalCoreMaterial *self);
-@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
- // CalCoreMesh wrapper functions declaration                                  //
- //****************************************************************************//
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreMesh *CalCoreMesh_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreMesh *CalCoreMesh_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreMesh_Delete(struct CalCoreMesh *self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API int CalCoreMesh_AddCoreSubmesh(struct CalCoreMesh *self, struct CalCoreSubmesh *pCoreSubmesh);
-@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
- // CalCoreSkeleton wrapper functions declaration                              //
- //****************************************************************************//
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreSkeleton *CalCoreSkeleton_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreSkeleton *CalCoreSkeleton_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreSkeleton_Delete(struct CalCoreSkeleton* self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API int CalCoreSkeleton_AddCoreBone(struct CalCoreSkeleton *self, struct CalCoreBone *pCoreBone);
-@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
- //  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API std::vector<std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::TextureCoordinate> >& CalCoreSubmesh_GetVectorVectorTextureCoordinate(struct CalCoreSubmesh *self);
- //  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API std::vector<CalCoreSubmesh::Vertex>& CalCoreSubmesh_GetVectorVertex(struct CalCoreSubmesh *self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API int CalCoreSubmesh_GetVertexCount(struct CalCoreSubmesh *self);
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreSubmesh *CalCoreSubmesh_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreSubmesh *CalCoreSubmesh_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API enum Boolean CalCoreSubmesh_Reserve(struct CalCoreSubmesh *self, int vertexCount, int textureCoordinateCount, int faceCount, int springCount);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalCoreSubmesh_SetCoreMaterialThreadId(struct CalCoreSubmesh *self, int coreMaterialThreadId);
- //  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API enum Boolean CalCoreSubmesh_SetFace(struct CalCoreSubmesh *self, int faceId, struct CalCoreSubmesh::Face *pFace);
-@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API int CalCoreTrack_GetCoreBoneId(struct CalCoreTrack *self);
- //  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API std::map<float, CalCoreKeyframe *>& CalCoreTrack_GetMapCoreKeyframe(struct CalCoreTrack *self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API enum Boolean CalCoreTrack_GetState(struct CalCoreTrack *self, float time, struct CalVector *pTranslation, struct CalQuaternion *pRotation);
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreTrack *CalCoreTrack_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreTrack *CalCoreTrack_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API enum Boolean CalCoreTrack_SetCoreBoneId(struct CalCoreTrack *self, int coreBoneId);
- //****************************************************************************//
-@@ -385,19 +385,19 @@
-   };
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API enum CalErrorCode CalError_GetLastErrorCode();
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API char *CalError_GetLastErrorDescription();
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API char *CalError_GetLastErrorFile();
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API int CalError_GetLastErrorLine();
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API char *CalError_GetLastErrorText();
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalError_PrintLastError();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API enum CalErrorCode CalError_GetLastErrorCode(void);
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API char *CalError_GetLastErrorDescription(void);
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API char *CalError_GetLastErrorFile(void);
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API int CalError_GetLastErrorLine(void);
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API char *CalError_GetLastErrorText(void);
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalError_PrintLastError(void);
- //  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalError_SetLastError(enum CalErrorCode code, char *strFile, int line, char *strText);
- //****************************************************************************//
- // CalLoader wrapper functions declaration                                    //
- //****************************************************************************//
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalLoader *CalLoader_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalLoader *CalLoader_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalLoader_Delete(struct CalLoader *self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreAnimation *CalLoader_LoadCoreAnimation(struct CalLoader *self, char *strFilename);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalCoreMaterial *CalLoader_LoadCoreMaterial(struct CalLoader *self, char *strFilename);
-@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API float *CalQuaternion_Get(struct CalQuaternion *self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalQuaternion_Multiply(struct CalQuaternion *self, struct CalQuaternion *pQ);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalQuaternion_MultiplyVector(struct CalQuaternion *self, struct CalVector *pV);
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalQuaternion *CalQuaternion_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalQuaternion *CalQuaternion_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalQuaternion_Op_Multiply(struct CalQuaternion *pResult, struct CalQuaternion *pQ, struct CalQuaternion *pR);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalQuaternion_Set(struct CalQuaternion *self, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw);
-@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
- //****************************************************************************//
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalSaver_Delete(struct CalSaver *self);
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalSaver *CalSaver_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalSaver *CalSaver_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API enum Boolean CalSaver_SaveCoreAnimation(struct CalSaver *self, char *strFilename, struct  CalCoreAnimation *pCoreAnimation);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API enum Boolean CalSaver_SaveCoreMaterial(struct CalSaver *self, char *strFilename, struct CalCoreMaterial *pCoreMaterial);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API enum Boolean CalSaver_SaveCoreMesh(struct CalSaver *self, char *strFilename, struct CalCoreMesh *pCoreMesh);
-@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalVector_InverseScale(struct CalVector *self, float d);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API float *CalVector_Get(struct CalVector *self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API float CalVector_Length(struct CalVector *self);
--  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalVector *CalVector_New();
-+  CAL3D_WRAPPER_API struct CalVector *CalVector_New(void);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API float CalVector_Normalize(struct CalVector *self);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalVector_Op_Add(struct CalVector *pResult, struct CalVector *pV, struct CalVector *pU);
-   CAL3D_WRAPPER_API void CalVector_Op_Subtract(struct CalVector *pResult, struct CalVector *pV, struct CalVector *pU);
---- a/sound/sound.pyx
-+++ b/sound/sound.pyx
-@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
- 	cdef        int    _format
- 	cdef        int    _framerate
--	def __new__(self, *args, **kargs):
-+	def __cinit__(self, *args, **kargs):
- 		self._buffers = []
- 	def __dealloc__(self):
-@@ -301,6 +301,10 @@
- 		elif self._format == AL_FORMAT_MONO16  : size = 16384
- 		elif self._format == AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 : size = 16384
- 		elif self._format == AL_FORMAT_MONO8   : size = 16384 / 2
-+		# Greg Ewing, March 2007 (greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz)
-+		# Else clause added to fix uninitialised variable warning
-+		else:
-+			raise ValueError("Unknown size")
- 		# Catching exception seems to memory leak in pyrex
- 		#try:    self._file.pcm_seek(i * 8192)
-@@ -352,7 +356,7 @@
- 	cdef int    _current_buffer_id
- 	cdef float  _old_pos[3]
--	def __new__(self, *args, **kargs):
-+	def __cinit__(self, *args, **kargs):
- 		alGenSources(1, &self._source)
- 		alSourcef(self._source, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, _reference_distance)
---- a/model/model.pyx
-+++ b/model/model.pyx
-@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
- #  int      normal
- #  int      v[4] # v[3] is optional (only for quad, unused for triangle)
--cdef int face_vertices_number(ModelFace* self):
--	if   self.option & FACE_TRIANGLE: return 3
--	elif self.option & FACE_QUAD:     return 4
--	return 0
-+#U#cdef int face_vertices_number(ModelFace* self):
-+#U#	if   self.option & FACE_TRIANGLE: return 3
-+#U#	elif self.option & FACE_QUAD:     return 4
-+#U#	return 0
- cdef class _SimpleModel(_Model):
-@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@
- 		# find face neighbors
- 		if self._option & MODEL_NEIGHBORS:
- 			self._neighbors      = <int *> malloc(self._nb_faces * 4 * sizeof(int ))
--			self._neighbors_side = <char*> malloc(self._nb_faces * 4 * sizeof(char))
-+			self._neighbors_side = <signed char*> malloc(self._nb_faces * 4 * sizeof(char))
- 			self._compute_face_neighbors(faces, vertex2ivertex, ivertex2vertices, self._neighbors, self._neighbors_side)
- 		# find face simple neighbors (doesn't take angle into account)
-@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@
- 			# Re-identify vertices, because for simple neighbors we don't take angle into account
- 			vertex2ivertex, ivertex2vertices = self._identify_vertices(faces, 360.0)
- 			self._simple_neighbors      = <int *> malloc(self._nb_faces * 4 * sizeof(int ))
--			self._simple_neighbors_side = <char*> malloc(self._nb_faces * 4 * sizeof(char))
-+			self._simple_neighbors_side = <signed char*> malloc(self._nb_faces * 4 * sizeof(char))
- 			self._compute_face_neighbors(faces, vertex2ivertex, ivertex2vertices, self._simple_neighbors, self._simple_neighbors_side)
- 		# TO DO ?
---- a/model/terrain.pyx
-+++ b/model/terrain.pyx
-@@ -203,19 +203,19 @@
- 	k[0] = (- (x - ptr[0]) * w[1] + (z - ptr[2]) * w[0]) * q
--cdef void terrain_drawColor_radeon(float* vect):
-+#U#cdef void terrain_drawColor_radeon(float* vect):
- cdef void noop():
- 	pass
--cdef void terrain_disableColor_radeon():
--	#glColor4fv(white) # XXX really needed ?
-+#U#cdef void terrain_disableColor_radeon():
-+#U#	#glColor4fv(white) # XXX really needed ?
-+#U#	glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL)
--cdef void terrain_enableColor_radeon():
-+#U#cdef void terrain_enableColor_radeon():
- #ctypedef void (*terrain_drawColor_FUNC   )(float*)
- #ctypedef void (*terrain_disableColor_FUNC)()
-@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
- cdef terrain_disableColor_FUNC terrain_disableColor
- cdef terrain_enableColor_FUNC  terrain_enableColor
--terrain_drawColor    = glColor4fv
-+terrain_drawColor    = <terrain_drawColor_FUNC> glColor4fv # Const cast
- terrain_disableColor = noop
- terrain_enableColor  = noop
-@@ -749,6 +749,9 @@
- 		cshadow_color[2] = shadow_color[2]
- 		cshadow_color[3] = shadow_color[3]
-+		scolor = 0 # Greg Ewing, March 2007 (greg.ewing at cosc.canterbury.ac.nz)
-+		wcolor = 0 # Uninitialised variables. POSSIBLE BUG.
- 		# initialize vertex colors if needed
- 		old_colors = self._colors
- 		self._colors = NULL
---- a/chunk.pxd
-+++ b/chunk.pxd
-@@ -17,19 +17,13 @@
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
--ctypedef struct Chunk:
--	void* content
--	int   nb
--	int   max
- cdef extern from "chunk.h":
--#   cdef struct _Chunk:
--#     void* content
--#     int   nb
--#     int   max
--#   ctypedef _Chunk Chunk
-+	ctypedef struct Chunk:
-+		void* content
-+		int   nb
-+		int   max
- 	Chunk*    chunk_new         ()
- 	int       chunk_dealloc     (Chunk*)
- 	int       chunk_check_error ()
-@@ -50,8 +44,8 @@
- 	int       drop_chunk        (Chunk*)
--	int   chunk_add_chars_endian_safe (Chunk*, char* , int)
--	int   chunk_get_chars_endian_safe (Chunk*, char* , int)
-+	int   chunk_add_chars_endian_safe (Chunk*, void* , int)
-+	int   chunk_get_chars_endian_safe (Chunk*, void* , int)
- 	int   chunk_add_ints_endian_safe  (Chunk*, int*  , int)
- 	int   chunk_get_ints_endian_safe  (Chunk*, int*  , int)
---- a/base.pyx
-+++ b/base.pyx
-@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
- cdef Renderer renderer
- def get_max_texture_size():
-@@ -113,8 +113,13 @@
- 		pass
- 	def __getstate__(self):
--		if getattr(self, "__dict__", 0): return self.__getcstate__(), self.__dict__
--		else:                            return self.__getcstate__(),
-+		cdef object d
-+		try:
-+			d = getattr(self, "__dict__")
-+		except:
-+			return self.__getcstate__()
-+		else:
-+			return self.__getcstate__(), d
- 	def __setstate__(self, state):
- 		self.__setcstate__(state[0])
-@@ -136,8 +141,8 @@
- 		return clone
--cdef chunk_to_string(Chunk* chunk):
--	return PyString_FromStringAndSize(<char*> chunk.content, chunk.nb)
-+#U#cdef chunk_to_string(Chunk* chunk):
-+#U#	return PyString_FromStringAndSize(<char*> chunk.content, chunk.nb)
- cdef drop_chunk_to_string(Chunk* chunk):
- 	cdef string
---- a/ode/geom-terrain.pyx
-+++ b/ode/geom-terrain.pyx
-@@ -455,8 +455,8 @@
- 		raise RuntimeError("TerrainGeom can't collide with non primitive Geom")
--cdef int _TerrainAABBTest(dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, dReal aabb2[6]):
--		pass
-+#U#cdef int _TerrainAABBTest(dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, dReal aabb2[6]):
-+#U#		pass
- cdef dGeomClass dTerrainGeomClass
---- a/ode/collision.pyx
-+++ b/ode/collision.pyx
-@@ -101,50 +101,50 @@
- 	return res
--cdef int collide_edge(GLfloat *A, GLfloat *B,
--			 GLfloat *AB, GLfloat *normalA,
--			 GLfloat *normalB,
--			 dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, int max_contacts, 
--			 int flags, dContactGeom *contact):
--		"""Check for collision with one triangle edge. Uses a normal
--		that's halfway between the precomputed normals of the vertices
--		that make up the edge."""
--		cdef dGeomID _land_ray   # Reusable ray geom #XXX misplaced
--		cdef int n, num_contacts, nA, nB
--		cdef dContactGeom contactA, contactB
--		cdef _Geom other
--		_land_ray = dCreateRay(NULL, 1.0)#XXX misplaced
--		# First, do one direction
--		dGeomRaySetLength(_land_ray, point_distance_to(A, B))
--		dGeomRaySet(_land_ray, A[0], A[1], A[2], AB[0], AB[1], AB[2])
--		nA = dCollide(_land_ray, o2, flags, &contactA, sizeof(dContactGeom))
--		# Then the other
--		dGeomRaySet(_land_ray, B[0], B[1], B[2], -AB[0], -AB[1], -AB[2])
--		nB = dCollide(_land_ray, o2, flags, &contactB, sizeof(dContactGeom))
--		dGeomDestroy(_land_ray)
--		if nA and nB:
--				contact.pos[0] = (contactA.pos[0] + contactB.pos[0]) / 2.0
--				contact.pos[1] = (contactA.pos[1] + contactB.pos[1]) / 2.0
--				contact.pos[2] = (contactA.pos[2] + contactB.pos[2]) / 2.0
--				# D
--				contact.normal[0] = (normalA[0] + normalB[0]) / 2.0
--				contact.normal[1] = (normalA[1] + normalB[1]) / 2.0
--				contact.normal[2] = (normalA[2] + normalB[2]) / 2.0
--				# Get the depth of the contact point in the colliding geom
--				other = <_Geom>dGeomGetData(o2)
--				contact.depth = other._point_depth(contact.pos[0], contact.pos[1], 
--																					 contact.pos[2])
--				contact.g1 = o1
--				contact.g2 = o2
--				return 1
--		return 0
-+#U#cdef int collide_edge(GLfloat *A, GLfloat *B,
-+#U#			 GLfloat *AB, GLfloat *normalA,
-+#U#			 GLfloat *normalB,
-+#U#			 dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, int max_contacts, 
-+#U#			 int flags, dContactGeom *contact):
-+#U#		"""Check for collision with one triangle edge. Uses a normal
-+#U#		that's halfway between the precomputed normals of the vertices
-+#U#		that make up the edge."""
-+#U#		cdef dGeomID _land_ray   # Reusable ray geom #XXX misplaced
-+#U#		cdef int n, num_contacts, nA, nB
-+#U#		cdef dContactGeom contactA, contactB
-+#U#		cdef _Geom other
-+#U#		_land_ray = dCreateRay(NULL, 1.0)#XXX misplaced
-+#U#		# First, do one direction
-+#U#		dGeomRaySetLength(_land_ray, point_distance_to(A, B))
-+#U#		dGeomRaySet(_land_ray, A[0], A[1], A[2], AB[0], AB[1], AB[2])
-+#U#		nA = dCollide(_land_ray, o2, flags, &contactA, sizeof(dContactGeom))
-+#U#		# Then the other
-+#U#		dGeomRaySet(_land_ray, B[0], B[1], B[2], -AB[0], -AB[1], -AB[2])
-+#U#		nB = dCollide(_land_ray, o2, flags, &contactB, sizeof(dContactGeom))
-+#U#		dGeomDestroy(_land_ray)
-+#U#		if nA and nB:
-+#U#				contact.pos[0] = (contactA.pos[0] + contactB.pos[0]) / 2.0
-+#U#				contact.pos[1] = (contactA.pos[1] + contactB.pos[1]) / 2.0
-+#U#				contact.pos[2] = (contactA.pos[2] + contactB.pos[2]) / 2.0
-+#U#				# D
-+#U#				contact.normal[0] = (normalA[0] + normalB[0]) / 2.0
-+#U#				contact.normal[1] = (normalA[1] + normalB[1]) / 2.0
-+#U#				contact.normal[2] = (normalA[2] + normalB[2]) / 2.0
-+#U#				# Get the depth of the contact point in the colliding geom
-+#U#				other = <_Geom>dGeomGetData(o2)
-+#U#				contact.depth = other._point_depth(contact.pos[0], contact.pos[1], 
-+#U#																					 contact.pos[2])
-+#U#				contact.g1 = o1
-+#U#				contact.g2 = o2
-+#U#				return 1
-+#U#		return 0
---- a/ode/contact.pyx
-+++ b/ode/contact.pyx
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- 		"""
--		def __new__(self, *args, **kw):
-+		def __cinit__(self, *args, **kw):
- 				self._contact.surface.mode = ContactBounce
- 				self._contact.surface.mu   = dInfinity

Modified: packages/soya/trunk/debian/patches/series
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Deleted: packages/soya/trunk/debian/pycompat
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@

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