[Python-modules-commits] r9131 - in packages (8 files)
mezgani-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
mezgani-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jul 23 22:15:49 UTC 2009
Date: Thursday, July 23, 2009 @ 22:15:38
Author: mezgani-guest
Revision: 9131
[svn-inject] Installing original source of python-ipcalc
Added: packages/branches/upstream/python-ipcalc/current/PKG-INFO
--- packages/branches/upstream/python-ipcalc/current/PKG-INFO (rev 0)
+++ packages/branches/upstream/python-ipcalc/current/PKG-INFO 2009-07-23 22:15:38 UTC (rev 9131)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: ipcalc
+Version: 0.3
+Summary: IP subnet calculator
+Home-page: http://dev.tehmaze.com/projects/ipcalc
+Author: Wijnand Modderman
+Author-email: python at tehmaze.com
+License: UNKNOWN
+ This module allows you to perform IP subnet calculations, there is support
+ for both IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR notation.
+Platform: UNKNOWN
Added: packages/branches/upstream/python-ipcalc/current/setup.py
--- packages/branches/upstream/python-ipcalc/current/setup.py (rev 0)
+++ packages/branches/upstream/python-ipcalc/current/setup.py 2009-07-23 22:15:38 UTC (rev 9131)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from distutils.core import setup
+long_description = '''
+This module allows you to perform IP subnet calculations, there is support
+for both IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR notation.
+ version='0.3',
+ description='IP subnet calculator',
+ long_description=long_description,
+ author='Wijnand Modderman',
+ author_email='python at tehmaze.com',
+ url='http://dev.tehmaze.com/projects/ipcalc',
+ packages = [''],
+ package_dir = {'': 'src'},
+ )
Added: packages/branches/upstream/python-ipcalc/current/src/ipcalc.py
--- packages/branches/upstream/python-ipcalc/current/src/ipcalc.py (rev 0)
+++ packages/branches/upstream/python-ipcalc/current/src/ipcalc.py 2009-07-23 22:15:38 UTC (rev 9131)
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# IP subnet calculator
+# (C) 2007 Wijnand 'tehmaze' Modderman - http://tehmaze.com
+# BSD License
+# This module allows you to perform network calculations.
+# 2009-03-23: Added IPv4 short-hand form support, thanks to VeXocide.
+# 2007-10-26: Added IPv6 support, as well as a lot of other functions,
+# refactored the calculations.
+# 2007-10-25: Initial writeup, because I could not find any other workable
+# implementation.
+# * add CLI parser
+# * http://www.estoile.com/links/ipv6.pdf
+# * http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space
+# * http://www.iana.org/assignments/multicast-addresses
+# * http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-address-space
+# * http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-tla-assignments
+# * http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-multicast-addresses
+# * http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-anycast-addresses
+# THANKS (testing, tips)
+# * Bastiaan (trbs)
+# * Peter van Dijk (Habbie)
+# * Hans van Kranenburg (Knorrie)
+# * Jeroen Habraken (VeXocide)
+__version__ = '0.3'
+import types, socket
+class IP(object):
+ '''
+ Represents a single IP address.
+ >>> localhost = IP("")
+ >>> print localhost
+ >>> localhost6 = IP("::1")
+ >>> print localhost6
+ 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
+ '''
+ # Hex-to-Bin conversion masks
+ _bitmask = {
+ '0': '0000', '1': '0001', '2': '0010', '3': '0011',
+ '4': '0100', '5': '0101', '6': '0110', '7': '0111',
+ '8': '1000', '9': '1001', 'a': '1010', 'b': '1011',
+ 'c': '1100', 'd': '1101', 'e': '1110', 'f': '1111'
+ }
+ # IP range specific information, see IANA allocations.
+ _range = {
+ 4: {
+ '01' : 'CLASS A',
+ '10' : 'CLASS B',
+ '110' : 'CLASS C',
+ '1110' : 'CLASS D MULTICAST',
+ '11100000' : 'CLASS D LINKLOCAL',
+ '1111' : 'CLASS E',
+ '00001010' : 'PRIVATE RFC1918', # 10/8
+ '101011000001' : 'PRIVATE RFC1918', # 172.16/12
+ '1100000010101000' : 'PRIVATE RFC1918', # 192.168/16
+ },
+ 6: {
+ '00000000' : 'RESERVED', # ::/8
+ '00000001' : 'UNASSIGNED', # 100::/8
+ '0000001' : 'NSAP', # 200::/7
+ '0000010' : 'IPX', # 400::/7
+ '0000011' : 'UNASSIGNED', # 600::/7
+ '00001' : 'UNASSIGNED', # 800::/5
+ '0001' : 'UNASSIGNED', # 1000::/4
+ '0010000000000000' : 'RESERVED', # 2000::/16 Reserved
+ '0010000000000001' : 'ASSIGNABLE', # 2001::/16 Sub-TLA Assignments [RFC2450]
+ '00100000000000010000000': 'ASSIGNABLE IANA', # 2001:0000::/29 - 2001:01F8::/29 IANA
+ '00100000000000010000001': 'ASSIGNABLE APNIC', # 2001:0200::/29 - 2001:03F8::/29 APNIC
+ '00100000000000010000010': 'ASSIGNABLE ARIN', # 2001:0400::/29 - 2001:05F8::/29 ARIN
+ '00100000000000010000011': 'ASSIGNABLE RIPE', # 2001:0600::/29 - 2001:07F8::/29 RIPE NCC
+ '0010000000000010' : '6TO4', # 2002::/16 "6to4" [RFC3056]
+ '0011111111111110' : '6BONE TEST', # 3ffe::/16 6bone Testing [RFC2471]
+ '0011111111111111' : 'RESERVED', # 3fff::/16 Reserved
+ '010' : 'GLOBAL-UNICAST', # 4000::/3
+ '011' : 'UNASSIGNED', # 6000::/3
+ '100' : 'GEO-UNICAST', # 8000::/3
+ '101' : 'UNASSIGNED', # a000::/3
+ '110' : 'UNASSIGNED', # c000::/3
+ '1110' : 'UNASSIGNED', # e000::/4
+ '11110' : 'UNASSIGNED', # f000::/5
+ '111110' : 'UNASSIGNED', # f800::/6
+ '1111110' : 'UNASSIGNED', # fc00::/7
+ '111111100' : 'UNASSIGNED', # fe00::/9
+ '1111111010' : 'LINKLOCAL', # fe80::/10
+ '1111111011' : 'SITELOCAL', # fec0::/10
+ '11111111' : 'MULTICAST', # ff00::/8
+ '0' * 96 : 'IPV4COMP', # ::/96
+ '0' * 80 + '1' * 16 : 'IPV4MAP', # ::ffff:0:0/96
+ '0' * 128 : 'UNSPECIFIED', # ::/128
+ '0' * 127 + '1' : 'LOOPBACK' # ::1/128
+ }
+ }
+ def __init__(self, ip, mask=None, version=0):
+ self.mask = mask
+ self.v = 0
+ # Parse input
+ if isinstance(ip, IP):
+ self.ip = ip.ip
+ self.dq = ip.dq
+ self.v = ip.v
+ self.mask = ip.mask
+ elif type(ip) in [types.IntType, types.LongType]:
+ self.ip = long(ip)
+ if self.ip <= 0xffffffff:
+ self.v = version or 4
+ self.dq = self._itodq(ip)
+ else:
+ self.v = version or 4
+ self.dq = self._itodq(ip)
+ else:
+ # If string is in CIDR notation
+ if '/' in ip:
+ ip, mask = ip.split('/', 1)
+ self.mask = int(mask)
+ self.v = version or 0
+ self.dq = ip
+ self.ip = self._dqtoi(ip)
+ assert self.v != 0, 'Could not parse input'
+ # Netmask defaults to one ip
+ if self.mask is None:
+ self.mask = self.v == 4 and 32 or 128
+ # Validate subnet size
+ if self.v == 6:
+ self.dq = self._itodq(self.ip)
+ if self.mask < 0 or self.mask > 128:
+ raise ValueError, "IPv6 subnet size must be between 0 and 128"
+ elif self.v == 4:
+ if self.mask < 0 or self.mask > 32:
+ raise ValueError, "IPv4 subnet size must be between 0 and 32"
+ def bin(self):
+ '''
+ Full-length binary representation of the IP address.
+ >>> ip = IP("")
+ >>> print ip.bin()
+ 01111111000000000000000000000001
+ '''
+ h = hex(self.ip).lower().rstrip('l')
+ b = ''.join(self._bitmask[x] for x in h[2:])
+ l = self.v == 4 and 32 or 128
+ return ''.join('0' for x in xrange(len(b), l)) + b
+ def hex(self):
+ '''
+ Full-length hexadecimal representation of the IP address.
+ >>> ip = IP("")
+ >>> print ip.hex()
+ 7f000001
+ '''
+ if self.v == 4:
+ return '%08x' % self.ip
+ else:
+ return '%032x' % self.ip
+ def subnet(self):
+ return self.mask
+ def version(self):
+ '''
+ IP version.
+ >>> ip = IP("")
+ >>> print ip.version()
+ 4
+ '''
+ return self.v
+ def info(self):
+ '''
+ Show IANA allocation information for the current IP address.
+ >>> ip = IP("")
+ >>> print ip.info()
+ '''
+ b = self.bin()
+ l = self.v == 4 and 32 or 128
+ for i in range(len(b), 0, -1):
+ if self._range[self.v].has_key(b[:i]):
+ return self._range[self.v][b[:i]]
+ return 'UNKNOWN'
+ def _dqtoi(self, dq):
+ '''
+ Convert dotquad or hextet to long.
+ '''
+ # hex notation
+ if dq.startswith('0x'):
+ ip = long(dq[2:], 16)
+ if ip > 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffL:
+ raise ValueError, "%r: IP address is bigger than 2^128" % dq
+ if ip <= 0xffffffff:
+ self.v = 4
+ else:
+ self.v = 6
+ return ip
+ # IPv6
+ if ':' in dq:
+ hx = dq.split(':') # split hextets
+ if ':::' in dq:
+ raise ValueError, "%r: IPv6 address can't contain :::" % dq
+ # Mixed address (or 4-in-6), ::ffff:
+ if '.' in dq:
+ return self._dqtoi(hx[-1])
+ if len(hx) > 8:
+ raise ValueError, "%r: IPv6 address with more than 8 hexletts" % dq
+ elif len(hx) < 8:
+ # No :: in address
+ if not '' in hx:
+ raise ValueError, "%r: IPv6 address invalid: compressed format malformed" % dq
+ elif not (dq.startswith('::') or dq.endswith('::')) and len([x for x in hx if x == '']) > 1:
+ raise ValueError, "%r: IPv6 address invalid: compressed format malformed" % dq
+ ix = hx.index('')
+ px = len(hx[ix+1:])
+ for x in xrange(ix+px+1, 8):
+ hx.insert(ix, '0')
+ elif dq.endswith('::'):
+ pass
+ elif '' in hx:
+ raise ValueError, "%r: IPv6 address invalid: compressed format detected in full notation" % dq
+ ip = ''
+ hx = [x == '' and '0' or x for x in hx]
+ for h in hx:
+ if len(h) < 4:
+ h = '%04x' % int(h, 16)
+ if 0 > int(h, 16) > 0xffff:
+ raise ValueError, "%r: IPv6 address invalid: hextets should be between 0x0000 and 0xffff" % dq
+ ip += h
+ self.v = 6
+ return long(ip, 16)
+ elif len(dq) == 32:
+ # Assume full heximal notation
+ self.v = 6
+ return long(h, 16)
+ # IPv4
+ if '.' in dq:
+ q = dq.split('.')
+ q.reverse()
+ if len(q) > 4:
+ raise ValueError, "%r: IPv4 address invalid: more than 4 bytes" % dq
+ for x in q:
+ if 0 > int(x) > 255:
+ raise ValueError, "%r: IPv4 address invalid: bytes should be between 0 and 255" % dq
+ while len(q) < 4:
+ q.insert(1, '0')
+ self.v = 4
+ return sum(long(byte) << 8 * index for index, byte in enumerate(q))
+ raise ValueError, "Invalid address input"
+ def _itodq(self, n):
+ '''
+ Convert long to dotquad or hextet.
+ '''
+ if self.v == 4:
+ return '.'.join(map(str, [(n>>24) & 0xff, (n>>16) & 0xff, (n>>8) & 0xff, n & 0xff]))
+ else:
+ n = '%032x' % n
+ return ':'.join(n[4*x:4*x+4] for x in xrange(0, 8))
+ def __str__(self):
+ '''
+ Return dotquad representation of the IP.
+ >>> ip = IP("::1")
+ >>> print str(ip)
+ 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
+ '''
+ return self.dq
+ def __int__(self):
+ return int(self.ip)
+ def __long__(self):
+ return self.ip
+ def size(self):
+ return 1
+ def clone(self):
+ '''
+ Return a new <IP> object with a copy of this one.
+ >>> ip = IP('')
+ >>> ip.clone()
+ <ipcalc.IP object at 0xb7d4d18c>
+ '''
+ return IP(self)
+ def to_ipv4(self):
+ '''
+ Convert (an IPv6) IP address to an IPv4 address, if possible. Only works
+ for IPv4-compat (::/96) and 6-to-4 (2002::/16) addresses.
+ >>> ip = IP('2002:c000:022a::')
+ >>> print ip.to_ipv4()
+ '''
+ if self.v == 4:
+ return self
+ else:
+ if self.bin().startswith('0' * 96):
+ return IP(long(self), version=4)
+ elif long(self) & 0x20020000000000000000000000000000L:
+ return IP((long(self)-0x20020000000000000000000000000000L)>>80, version=4)
+ else:
+ return ValueError, "%r: IPv6 address is not IPv4 compatible, nor a 6-to-4 IP" % self.dq
+ def to_ipv6(self, type='6-to-4'):
+ '''
+ Convert (an IPv4) IP address to an IPv6 address.
+ >>> ip = IP('')
+ >>> print ip.to_ipv6()
+ 2002:c000:022a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000
+ '''
+ assert type in ['6-to-4', 'compat'], 'Conversion type not supported'
+ if self.v == 4:
+ if type == '6-to-4':
+ return IP(0x20020000000000000000000000000000L | long(self)<<80, version=6)
+ elif type == 'compat':
+ return IP(long(self), version=6)
+ else:
+ return self
+ def to_tuple(self):
+ '''
+ Used for comparisons.
+ '''
+ return (self.dq, self.mask)
+class Network(IP):
+ '''
+ Network slice calculations.
+ >>> localnet = Network('')
+ >>> print localnet
+ '''
+ def netmask(self):
+ '''
+ Network netmask derived from subnet size.
+ >>> localnet = Network('')
+ >>> print localnet.netmask()
+ '''
+ if self.version() == 4:
+ return IP((0xffffffffL >> (32-self.mask)) << (32-self.mask), version=self.version())
+ else:
+ return IP((0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffL >> (128-self.mask)) << (128-self.mask), version=self.version())
+ def network(self):
+ '''
+ Network address.
+ >>> localnet = Network('')
+ >>> print localnet.network()
+ '''
+ return IP(self.ip & long(self.netmask()), version=self.version())
+ def broadcast(self):
+ '''
+ Broadcast address.
+ >>> localnet = Network('')
+ >>> print localnet.broadcast()
+ '''
+ # XXX: IPv6 doesn't have a broadcast address, but it's used for other
+ # calculations such as <Network.host_last>.
+ if self.version() == 4:
+ return IP(long(self.network()) | (0xffffffff - long(self.netmask())), version=self.version())
+ else:
+ return IP(long(self.network()) | (0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffL - long(self.netmask())), version=self.version())
+ def host_first(self):
+ '''
+ First available host in this subnet.
+ '''
+ if (self.version() == 4 and self.mask == 32) or (self.version() == 6 and self.mask == 128):
+ return self
+ return IP(long(self.network())+1, version=self.version())
+ def host_last(self):
+ '''
+ Last available host in this subnet.
+ '''
+ if (self.version() == 4 and self.mask == 32) or (self.version() == 6 and self.mask == 128):
+ return self
+ return IP(long(self.broadcast())-1, version=self.version())
+ def in_network(self, other):
+ '''
+ Check if the given IP address is within this network.
+ '''
+ other = Network(other)
+ return long(other) >= long(self) and long(other) < long(self) + self.size() - other.size() + 1
+ def __contains__(self, ip):
+ '''
+ Check if the given ip is part of the network.
+ >>> '' in Network('')
+ True
+ >>> '' in Network('')
+ False
+ '''
+ return self.in_network(ip)
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self.size() < IP(other).size()
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ return self.size() <= IP(other).size()
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return self.size() > IP(other).size()
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ return self.size() >= IP(other).size()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ '''
+ Generate a range of ip addresses within the network.
+ >>> for ip in Network(''):
+ ... print str(ip)
+ ...
+ '''
+ for ip in [IP(long(self)+x) for x in xrange(0, self.size())]:
+ yield ip
+ def has_key(self, ip):
+ '''
+ Check if the given ip is part of the network.
+ >>> net = Network('')
+ >>> net.has_key('')
+ False
+ >>> net.has_key('')
+ True
+ '''
+ return self.__contains__(ip)
+ def size(self):
+ '''
+ Number of ip's within the network.
+ >>> net = Network('')
+ >>> print net.size()
+ 256
+ '''
+ return 2 ** ((self.version() == 4 and 32 or 128) - self.mask)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ tests = [
+ ('', 23, ['', '', '']),
+ ('123::', 128, ['123:456::', '::1', '123::456']),
+ ('::42', 64, ['::1', '1::']),
+ ('2001:dead:beef:1:c01d:c01a::', 48, ['2001:dead:beef:babe::'])
+ ]
+ for ip, mask, test_ip in tests:
+ net = Network(ip, mask)
+ print '==========='
+ print 'ip address:', net
+ print 'to ipv6...:', net.to_ipv6()
+ print 'ip version:', net.version()
+ print 'ip info...:', net.info()
+ print 'subnet....:', net.subnet()
+ print 'num ip\'s..:', net.size()
+ print 'integer...:', long(net)
+ print 'hex.......:', net.hex()
+ print 'netmask...:', net.netmask()
+ # Not implemented in IPv6
+ if net.version() == 4:
+ print 'network...:', net.network()
+ print 'broadcast.:', net.broadcast()
+ print 'first host:', net.host_first()
+ print 'last host.:', net.host_last()
+ for ip in test_ip:
+ print '%s in network: ' % ip, ip in net
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