[Python-modules-commits] r9953 - in packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian (4 files)

hertzog at users.alioth.debian.org hertzog at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Oct 5 22:08:44 UTC 2009

    Date: Monday, October 5, 2009 @ 22:08:38
  Author: hertzog
Revision: 9953

* New upstream release. Closes: #549612
* Update watch file to match new scheme.
* Update Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no changes needed.
* Add a README.source pointing to quilt's README.source.


Added: packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/README.source
--- packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/README.source	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/README.source	2009-10-05 22:08:38 UTC (rev 9953)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This package uses quilt to handle patches. See
+/usr/share/doc/quilt/README.source for some introductory information about

Modified: packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/changelog	2009-10-05 21:57:37 UTC (rev 9952)
+++ packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/changelog	2009-10-05 22:08:38 UTC (rev 9953)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+python-django-tagging (0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release. Closes: #549612
+  * Update watch file to match new scheme.
+  * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no changes needed.
+  * Add a README.source pointing to quilt's README.source.
+ -- Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog at debian.org>  Mon, 05 Oct 2009 23:52:09 +0200
 python-django-tagging (0.2.1+svn154-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Apply patch to fix weight of tag when using logarithmic distribution.

Modified: packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/control	2009-10-05 21:57:37 UTC (rev 9952)
+++ packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/control	2009-10-05 22:08:38 UTC (rev 9953)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 Section: python
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at debian.org>, David Spreen <netzwurm at debian.org>
-Standards-Version: 3.8.1
+Uploaders: Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog at debian.org>, David Spreen <netzwurm at debian.org>
+Standards-Version: 3.8.3
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50), python-dev, quilt (>= 0.46-7)
 Build-Depends-Indep: python-support, python-docutils
 Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/python-modules/packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/

Modified: packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/watch
--- packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/watch	2009-10-05 21:57:37 UTC (rev 9952)
+++ packages/python-django-tagging/trunk/debian/watch	2009-10-05 22:08:38 UTC (rev 9953)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 http://code.google.com/p/django-tagging/downloads/list \

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