[Python-modules-commits] r13286 - in packages/pyclamd/trunk (6 files)

rainct-guest at users.alioth.debian.org rainct-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jun 6 20:53:16 UTC 2010

    Date: Sunday, June 6, 2010 @ 20:53:01
  Author: rainct-guest
Revision: 13286

* debian/source/format:
   - Change source format to "3.0 (quilt)".
* debian/patches/string-exceptions, debian/patches/series:


Modified: packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/changelog	2010-06-06 20:42:40 UTC (rev 13285)
+++ packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/changelog	2010-06-06 20:53:01 UTC (rev 13286)
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
   * debian/copyright:
      - Replace "(C)" with "©".
      - Change GPL to GPL-2.
-  * pyclamd.py:
+  * debian/source/format:
+     - Change source format to "3.0 (quilt)".
+  * debian/patches/string-exceptions, debian/patches/series:
      - Change exceptions from strings to classes, for python2.6+ compatibility;
        thanks to Julien Danjou for reporting (Closes: #576694).

Added: packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/patches/series	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/patches/series	2010-06-06 20:53:01 UTC (rev 13286)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/patches/string-exceptions
--- packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/patches/string-exceptions	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/patches/string-exceptions	2010-06-06 20:53:01 UTC (rev 13286)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Description: Upstream changes introduced in version 0.1.1-2
+ Change exceptions from strings to classes, for python2.6+ compatibility;
+ thanks to Julien Danjou for reporting (Closes: #576694).
+Author: Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <rainct at ubuntu.com>
+The information above should follow the Patch Tagging Guidelines, please
+checkout http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ to learn about the format. Here
+are templates for supplementary fields that you might want to add:
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/576694
+Forwarded: no
+Reviewed-By: Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <rainct at ubuntu.com>
+Last-Update: 2010-06-06
+--- pyclamd-0.1.1.orig/pyclamd.py
++++ pyclamd-0.1.1/pyclamd.py
+@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ True
+ # Module defined Exceptions
+ global BufferTooLong
+ global ScanError
+-BufferTooLong = 'BufferTooLong'
+-ScanError = 'ScanError'
++class BufferTooLong(Exception): pass
++class ScanError(Exception): pass
+ # Some global variables

Modified: packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/source/format
--- packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/source/format	2010-06-06 20:42:40 UTC (rev 13285)
+++ packages/pyclamd/trunk/debian/source/format	2010-06-06 20:53:01 UTC (rev 13286)
@@ -1 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)

Deleted: packages/pyclamd/trunk/pyclamd.py
--- packages/pyclamd/trunk/pyclamd.py	2010-06-06 20:42:40 UTC (rev 13285)
+++ packages/pyclamd/trunk/pyclamd.py	2010-06-06 20:53:01 UTC (rev 13286)
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-pyclamd.py - v0.1.1 - 2006.07.15
-Author : Alexandre Norman - norman at xael.org
-Licence : GPL
-Usage :
-    # Init the connexion to clamd, either :
-    # Network
-    pyclamd.init_network_socket('localhost', 3310)
-    # Unix local socket 
-    #pyclamd.init_unix_socket('/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl')
-    # Get Clamscan version
-    print pyclamd.version()
-    # Scan a buffer
-    print pyclamd.scan_stream(pyclamd.EICAR)
-    # Scan a file
-    print pyclamd.scan_file('/tmp/test.vir')
-Test strings :
->>> try:
-...     init_unix_socket('/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl')
-... except ScanError:
-...     init_network_socket('localhost', 3310)
->>> ping()
->>> version()[:6]=='ClamAV'
->>> scan_stream(EICAR)
-{'stream': 'Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND'}
->>> open('/tmp/EICAR','w').write(EICAR)
->>> scan_file('/tmp/EICAR')
-{'/tmp/EICAR': 'Eicar-Test-Signature'}
->>> contscan_file('/tmp/EICAR')
-{'/tmp/EICAR': 'Eicar-Test-Signature'}
->>> import os
->>> os.remove('/tmp/EICAR')
-# Module defined Exceptions
-global BufferTooLong
-global ScanError
-class BufferTooLong(Exception): pass
-class ScanError(Exception): pass
-# Some global variables
-global use_socket
-global clamd_HOST
-global clamd_PORT
-global clamd_SOCKET
-global EICAR
-# Default values for globals
-use_socket = None
-clamd_SOCKET = "/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl"
-# Eicar test string (encoded for skipping virus scanners)
-        +'QVJELUFOVElWSVJVUy1URVNU\nLUZJTEUhJEgrSCo=\n'.decode('base64')
-import socket
-import types
-import string
-def init_unix_socket(filename="/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl"):
-    """
-    Init pyclamd to use clamd unix local socket 
-    filename (string) : clamd file for local unix socket
-    return : Nothing
-    May raise :
-      - TypeError : if filename is not a string
-      - ValueError : if filename does not allow to ping the server
-    """
-    global use_socket
-    global clamd_HOST
-    global clamd_PORT
-    global clamd_SOCKET
-    if type(filename)!=types.StringType:
-        raise TypeError, 'filename should be a string not "%s"' % filename 
-    use_socket = "UNIX"
-    clamd_SOCKET = filename
-    ping()
-    return
-def init_network_socket(host='', port=3310):
-    """
-    Init pyclamd to use clamd network socket 
-    host (string) : clamd server adresse
-    port (int) : clamd server port
-    return : Nothing
-    May raise :
-      - TypeError : if host is not a string or port is not an int
-      - ValueError : if the server can not be pingged
-    """
-    global use_socket
-    global clamd_HOST
-    global clamd_PORT
-    global clamd_SOCKET
-    if type(host)!=types.StringType:
-        raise TypeError, 'host should be a string not "%s"' % host
-    if type(port)!=types.IntType:
-        raise TypeError, 'port should be an integer not "%s"' % port
-    use_socket = "NET"
-    clamd_HOST = host
-    clamd_PORT = port
-    ping()
-    return
-def ping():
-    """
-    Send a PING to the clamav server, which should reply
-    by a PONG.
-    return : True if the server replies to PING
-    May raise :
-      - ScanError : if the server do not reply by PONG
-    """
-    global use_socket
-    global clamd_HOST
-    global clamd_PORT
-    global clamd_SOCKET
-    global ScanError
-    s = __init_socket__()
-    try:
-        s.send('PING')
-        result = s.recv(20000)
-        s.close()
-    except:
-        raise ScanError, 'Could not ping clamd server'
-    if result=='PONG\n':
-        return True
-    else:
-        raise ScanError, 'Could not ping clamd server'
-def version():
-    """
-    Get Clamscan version
-    return : (string) clamscan version
-    May raise :
-      - ScanError : in case of communication problem
-    """
-    global use_socket
-    global clamd_HOST
-    global clamd_PORT
-    global clamd_SOCKET
-    s = __init_socket__()
-    s.send('VERSION')
-    result = s.recv(20000).strip()
-    s.close()
-    return result
-def reload():
-    """
-    Force Clamd to reload signature database
-    return : (string) "RELOADING"
-    May raise :
-      - ScanError : in case of communication problem
-    """
-    global use_socket
-    global clamd_HOST
-    global clamd_PORT
-    global clamd_SOCKET
-    s = __init_socket__()
-    s.send('RELOAD')
-    result = s.recv(20000).strip()
-    s.close()
-    return result
-def shutdown():
-    """
-    Force Clamd to shutdown and exit
-    return : nothing
-    May raise :
-      - ScanError : in case of communication problem
-    """
-    global use_socket
-    global clamd_HOST
-    global clamd_PORT
-    global clamd_SOCKET
-    s = __init_socket__()
-    s.send('SHUTDOWN')
-    result = s.recv(20000)
-    s.close()
-    return
-def scan_file(file):
-    """
-    Scan a file or directory given by filename and stop on virus
-    file (string) : filename or directory (MUST BE ABSOLUTE PATH !)
-    return either :
-      - (dict) : {filename1: "virusname"}
-      - None if no virus found
-    May raise :
-      - ScanError : in case of communication problem
-    """
-    global use_socket
-    global clamd_HOST
-    global clamd_PORT
-    global clamd_SOCKET
-    global ScanError
-    s = __init_socket__()
-    s.send('SCAN %s' % file)
-    result='...'
-    dr={}
-    while result!='':
-        result = s.recv(20000)
-        if len(result)>0:
-            filenm = string.join(result.strip().split(':')[:-1])
-            virusname = result.strip().split(':')[-1].strip()
-            if virusname[-5:]=='ERROR':
-                raise ScanError, virusname
-            elif virusname[-5:]=='FOUND':
-                dr[filenm]=virusname[:-6]
-    s.close()
-    if dr=={}:
-        return None
-    else:
-        return dr
-def contscan_file(file):
-    """
-    Scan a file or directory given by filename
-    file (string) : filename or directory (MUST BE ABSOLUTE PATH !)
-    return either :
-      - (dict) : {filename1: "virusname", filename2: "virusname"}
-      - None if no virus found
-    May raise :
-      - ScanError : in case of communication problem
-    """
-    global use_socket
-    global clamd_HOST
-    global clamd_PORT
-    global clamd_SOCKET
-    global ScanError
-    s = __init_socket__()
-    s.send('CONTSCAN %s' % file)
-    result='...'
-    dr={}
-    while result!='':
-        result = s.recv(20000)
-        if len(result)>0:
-            filenm = string.join(result.strip().split(':')[:-1])
-            virusname = result.strip().split(':')[-1].strip()
-            if virusname[-5:]=='ERROR':
-                raise ScanError, virusname
-            elif virusname[-5:]=='FOUND':
-                dr[filenm]=virusname[:-6]
-    s.close()
-    if dr=={}:
-        return None
-    else:
-        return dr
-def scan_stream(buffer):
-    """
-    Scan a buffer
-    buffer (string) : buffer to scan
-    return either :
-      - (dict) : {filename1: "virusname"}
-      - None if no virus found
-    May raise :
-      - BufferTooLong : if the buffer size exceeds clamd limits
-      - ScanError : in case of communication problem
-    """
-    global use_socket
-    global clamd_HOST
-    global clamd_PORT
-    global clamd_SOCKET
-    global BufferTooLong
-    global ScanError
-    s = __init_socket__()
-    s.send('STREAM')
-    port = int(s.recv(200).strip().split(' ')[1])
-    n=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    n.connect((clamd_HOST, port))
-    sended = n.send(buffer)
-    n.close()
-    if sended<len(buffer):
-        raise BufferTooLong
-    result='...'
-    dr={}
-    while result!='':
-        result = s.recv(20000)
-        if len(result)>0:
-            filenm = result.strip().split(':')[0]
-            virusname = result.strip().split(':')[1].strip()
-            if virusname[-5:]=='ERROR':
-                raise ScanError, virusname
-            elif virusname!='OK':
-                dr[filenm]=virusname
-    s.close()
-    if dr=={}:
-        return None
-    else:
-        return dr
-def __init_socket__():
-    """
-    This is for internal use
-    """
-    global use_socket
-    global clamd_HOST
-    global clamd_PORT
-    global clamd_SOCKET
-    global ScanError
-    if use_socket=="UNIX":
-        s=socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        try:
-            s.connect(clamd_SOCKET)
-        except socket.error:
-            raise ScanError, 'Could not reach clamd using unix socket (%s)' % (clamd_SOCKET)
-    elif use_socket=="NET":
-        s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        try:
-            s.connect((clamd_HOST, clamd_PORT))
-        except socket.error:
-            raise ScanError, 'Could not reach clamd using network (%s, %s)' % (clamd_HOST, clamd_PORT)
-    else:
-        raise ScanError, 'Could not reach clamd : connexion not initialised'
-    return s
-def __non_regression_test__():
-    """
-    This is for internal use
-    """
-    import doctest
-    doctest.testmod()
-    return
-# MAIN -------------------
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    __non_regression_test__()
-    import os
-    import sys
-##     import doctest
-##     doctest.testmod()
-    sys.exit(0)
-    # Print autodoc
-    if sys.argv[0].find(os.path.sep)==-1:
-        os.system("pydoc ./"+sys.argv[0])
-    else:
-        os.system("pydoc "+sys.argv[0])
-    sys.exit(0)

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