[Python-modules-commits] r12903 - in packages/pyfits/trunk/debian (CHANGES changelog control)

aurel32 at users.alioth.debian.org aurel32 at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu May 13 13:40:13 UTC 2010

    Date: Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ 13:40:08
  Author: aurel32
Revision: 12903

New upstream version  


Modified: packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/CHANGES
--- packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/CHANGES	2010-05-13 13:09:38 UTC (rev 12902)
+++ packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/CHANGES	2010-05-13 13:40:08 UTC (rev 12903)
@@ -11,9 +11,356 @@
    widely used or available data (so please let us know when such problems
-   PyFITS requires numpy (or numarray) to be installed.
+   PyFITS requires numpy to be installed.
+    Version 2.3; May 11 2010
+     * The following enhancements were made:
+          + Completely eliminate support for numarray.
+          + Rework pyfits documention to use Sphinx.
+          + Support python 2.6 and future division.
+          + Added a new method to get the file name associated with an
+            HDUList object. The method HDUList.filename() returns the name
+            of an associated file. It returns None if no file is
+            associated with the HDUList.
+          + Support the python 2.5 'with' statement when opening fits
+            files. (CNSHD766308) It is now possible to use the following
+            construct:
+>>> from __future__ import with_statement
+>>> import pyfits
+>>> with pyfits.open("input.fits") as hdul:
+...    #process hdul
+          + Extended the support for reading unsigned integer 16 values
+            from an ImageHDU to include unsigned integer 32 and unsigned
+            integer 64 values. ImageHDU data is considered to be unsigned
+            integer 16 when the data type is signed integer 16 and BZERO
+            is equal to 2**15 (32784) and BSCALE is equal to 1. ImageHDU
+            data is considered to be unsigned integer 32 when the data
+            type is signed integer 32 and BZERO is equal to 2**31 and
+            BSCALE is equal to 1. ImageHDU data is considered to be
+            unsigned integer 64 when the data type is signed integer 64
+            and BZERO is equal to 2**63 and BSCALE is equal to 1. An
+            optional keyword argument (uint) was added to the open
+            convenience function for this purpose. Supplying a value of
+            True for this argument will cause data of any of these types
+            to be read in and scaled into the appropriate unsigned integer
+            array (uint16, uint32, or uint64) instead of into the normal
+            float 32 or float 64 array. If an HDU associated with a file
+            that was opened with the 'int' option and containing unsigned
+            integer 16, 32, or 64 data is written to a file, the data will
+            be reverse scaled into a signed integer 16, 32, or 64 array
+            and written out to the file along with the appropriate
+            BSCALE/BZERO header cards. Note that for backward
+            compatability, the 'uint16' keyword argument will still be
+            accepted in the open function when handling unsigned integer
+            16 conversion.
+          + Provided the capability to access the data for a column of a
+            fits table by indexing the table using the column name. This
+            is consistent with Record Arrays in numpy (array with fields).
+            (CNSHD763378) The following example will illustrate this:
+>>> import pyfits
+>>> hdul = pyfits.open('input.fits')
+>>> table = hdul[1].data
+>>> table.names
+>>> print table.field('c2') # this is the data for column 2
+['abc' 'xy']
+>>> print table['c2'] # this is also the data for column 2
+array(['abc', 'xy '],
+>>> print table[1] # this is the data for row 1
+(2, 'xy', 6.6999997138977054, True)
+          + Provided capabilities to create a BinaryTableHDU directly from
+            a numpy Record Array (array with fields). The new capabilities
+            include table creation, writing a numpy Record Array directly
+            to a fits file using the pyfits.writeto and pyfits.append
+            convenience functions. Reading the data for a BinaryTableHDU
+            from a fits file directly into a numpy Record Array using the
+            pyfits.getdata convenience function. (CNSHD749034) Thanks to
+            Erin Sheldon at Brookhaven National Laboratory for help with
+            this.
+            The following should illustrate these new capabilities:
+>>> import pyfits
+>>> import numpy
+>>> t=numpy.zeros(5,dtype=[('x','f4'),('y','2i4')]) \
+... # Create a numpy Record Array with fields
+>>> hdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU(t) \
+... # Create a Binary Table HDU directly from the Record Array
+>>> print hdu.data
+[(0.0, array([0, 0], dtype=int32))
+ (0.0, array([0, 0], dtype=int32))
+ (0.0, array([0, 0], dtype=int32))
+ (0.0, array([0, 0], dtype=int32))
+ (0.0, array([0, 0], dtype=int32))]
+>>> hdu.writeto('test1.fits',clobber=True) \
+... # Write the HDU to a file
+>>> pyfits.info('test1.fits')
+Filename: test1.fits
+No.    Name         Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
+0    PRIMARY     PrimaryHDU       4  ()            uint8
+1                BinTableHDU     12  5R x 2C       [E, 2J]
+>>> pyfits.writeto('test.fits', t, clobber=True) \
+... # Write the Record Array directly to a file
+>>> pyfits.append('test.fits', t) \
+... # Append another Record Array to the file
+>>> pyfits.info('test.fits')
+Filename: test.fits
+No.    Name         Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
+0    PRIMARY     PrimaryHDU       4  ()            uint8
+1                BinTableHDU     12  5R x 2C       [E, 2J]
+2                BinTableHDU     12  5R x 2C       [E, 2J]
+>>> d=pyfits.getdata('test.fits',ext=1) \
+... # Get the first extension from the file as a FITS_rec
+>>> print type(d)
+>>> print d
+[(0.0, array([0, 0], dtype=int32))
+ (0.0, array([0, 0], dtype=int32))
+ (0.0, array([0, 0], dtype=int32))
+ (0.0, array([0, 0], dtype=int32))
+ (0.0, array([0, 0], dtype=int32))]
+>>> d=pyfits.getdata('test.fits',ext=1,view=numpy.ndarray) \
+... # Get the first extension from the file as a numpy Record
+      Array
+>>> print type(d)
+>>> print d
+[(0.0, [0, 0]) (0.0, [0, 0]) (0.0, [0, 0]) (0.0, [0, 0])
+ (0.0, [0, 0])]
+>>> print d.dtype
+[('x', '>f4'), ('y', '>i4', 2)]
+>>> d=pyfits.getdata('test.fits',ext=1,upper=True,
+...                  view=pyfits.FITS_rec) \
+... # Force the Record Array field names to be in upper case
+      regardless of how they are stored in the file
+>>> print d.dtype
+[('X', '>f4'), ('Y', '>i4', 2)]
+          + Provided support for writing fits data to file-like objects
+            that do not support the random access methods seek() and
+            tell(). Most pyfits functions or methods will treat these
+            file-like objects as an empty file that cannot be read, only
+            written. It is also expected that the file-like object is in a
+            writable condition (ie. opened) when passed into a pyfits
+            function or method. The following methods and functions will
+            allow writing to a non-random access file-like object:
+            HDUList.writeto(), HDUList.flush(), pyfits.writeto(), and
+            pyfits.append(). The pyfits.open() convenience function may be
+            used to create an HDUList object that is associated with the
+            provided file-like object. (CNSHD770036)
+            An illustration of the new capabilities follows. In this
+            example fits data is written to standard output which is
+            associated with a file opened in write-only mode:
+>>> import pyfits
+>>> import numpy as np
+>>> import sys
+>>> hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(np.arange(100,dtype=np.int32))
+>>> hdul = pyfits.HDUList()
+>>> hdul.append(hdu)
+>>> tmpfile = open('tmpfile.py','w')
+>>> sys.stdout = tmpfile
+>>> hdul.writeto(sys.stdout, clobber=True)
+>>> sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
+>>> tmpfile.close()
+>>> pyfits.info('tmpfile.py')
+Filename: tmpfile.py
+No.    Name         Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
+0    PRIMARY     PrimaryHDU       5  (100,)        int32
+          + Provided support for slicing a FITS_record object. The
+            FITS_record object represents the data from a row of a table.
+            Pyfits now supports the slice syntax to retrieve values from
+            the row. The following illustrates this new syntax:
+>>> hdul = pyfits.open('table.fits')
+>>> row = hdul[1].data[0]
+>>> row
+('clear', 'nicmos', 1, 30, 'clear', 'idno= 100')
+>>> a, b, c, d, e = row[0:5]
+>>> a
+>>> b
+>>> c
+>>> d
+>>> e
+          + Allow the assignment of a row value for a pyfits table using a
+            tuple or a list as input. The following example illustrates
+            this new feature:
+>>> c1=pyfits.Column(name='target',format='10A')
+>>> c2=pyfits.Column(name='counts',format='J',unit='DN')
+>>> c3=pyfits.Column(name='notes',format='A10')
+>>> c4=pyfits.Column(name='spectrum',format='5E')
+>>> c5=pyfits.Column(name='flag',format='L')
+>>> coldefs=pyfits.ColDefs([c1,c2,c3,c4,c5])
+>>> tbhdu=pyfits.new_table(coldefs, nrows = 5)
+>>> # Assigning data to a table's row using a tuple
+>>> tbhdu.data[2] = ('NGC1',312,'A Note',
+... num.array([1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5],dtype=num.float32),
+... True)
+>>> # Assigning data to a tables row using a list
+>>> tbhdu.data[3] = ['JIM1','33','A Note',
+... num.array([1.,2.,3.,4.,5.],dtype=num.float32),True]
+          + Allow the creation of a Variable Length Format (P format)
+            column from a list of data. The following example illustrates
+            this new feature:
+>>> a = [num.array([7.2e-20,7.3e-20]),num.array([0.0]),
+... num.array([0.0])]
+>>> acol = pyfits.Column(name='testa',format='PD()',array=a)
+>>> acol.array
+_VLF([[  7.20000000e-20   7.30000000e-20], [ 0.], [ 0.]],
+          + Allow the assignment of multiple rows in a table using the
+            slice syntax. The following example illustrates this new
+            feature:
+>>> counts = num.array([312,334,308,317])
+>>> names = num.array(['NGC1','NGC2','NGC3','NCG4'])
+>>> c1=pyfits.Column(name='target',format='10A',array=names)
+>>> c2=pyfits.Column(name='counts',format='J',unit='DN',
+... array=counts)
+>>> c3=pyfits.Column(name='notes',format='A10')
+>>> c4=pyfits.Column(name='spectrum',format='5E')
+>>> c5=pyfits.Column(name='flag',format='L',array=[1,0,1,1])
+>>> coldefs=pyfits.ColDefs([c1,c2,c3,c4,c5])
+>>> tbhdu1=pyfits.new_table(coldefs)
+>>> counts = num.array([112,134,108,117])
+>>> names = num.array(['NGC5','NGC6','NGC7','NCG8'])
+>>> c1=pyfits.Column(name='target',format='10A',array=names)
+>>> c2=pyfits.Column(name='counts',format='J',unit='DN',
+... array=counts)
+>>> c3=pyfits.Column(name='notes',format='A10')
+>>> c4=pyfits.Column(name='spectrum',format='5E')
+>>> c5=pyfits.Column(name='flag',format='L',array=[0,1,0,0])
+>>> coldefs=pyfits.ColDefs([c1,c2,c3,c4,c5])
+>>> tbhdu=pyfits.new_table(coldefs)
+>>> tbhdu.data[0][3] = num.array([1.,2.,3.,4.,5.],
+... dtype=num.float32)
+>>> tbhdu2=pyfits.new_table(tbhdu1.data, nrows=9)
+>>> # Assign the 4 rows from the second table to rows 5 thru
+...   8 of the new table.  Note that the last row of the new
+...   table will still be initialized to the default values.
+>>> tbhdu2.data[4:] = tbhdu.data
+>>> print tbhdu2.data
+[ ('NGC1', 312, '0.0', array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
+dtype=float32), True)
+  ('NGC2', 334, '0.0', array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
+dtype=float32), False)
+  ('NGC3', 308, '0.0', array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
+dtype=float32), True)
+  ('NCG4', 317, '0.0', array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
+dtype=float32), True)
+  ('NGC5', 112, '0.0', array([ 1.,  2.,  3.,  4.,  5.],
+dtype=float32), False)
+  ('NGC6', 134, '0.0', array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
+dtype=float32), True)
+  ('NGC7', 108, '0.0', array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
+dtype=float32), False)
+  ('NCG8', 117, '0.0', array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
+dtype=float32), False)
+  ('0.0', 0, '0.0', array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
+dtype=float32), False)]
+     * The following bugs were fixed:
+          + Corrected bugs in HDUList.append and HDUList.insert to
+            correctly handle the situation where you want to insert or
+            append a Primary HDU as something other than the first HDU in
+            an HDUList and the situation where you want to insert or
+            append an Extension HDU as the first HDU in an HDUList.
+          + Corrected a bug involving scaled images (both compressed and
+            not compressed) that include a BLANK, or ZBLANK card in the
+            header. When the image values match the BLANK or ZBLANK value,
+            the value should be replaced with NaN after scaling. Instead,
+            pyfits was scaling the BLANK or ZBLANK value and returning it.
+            (CNSHD766129)
+          + Corrected a byteswapping bug that occurs when writing certain
+            column data. (CNSHD763307)
+          + Corrected a bug that occurs when creating a column from a
+            chararray when one or more elements are shorter than the
+            specified format length. The bug wrote nulls instead of spaces
+            to the file. (CNSHD695419)
+          + Corrected a bug in the HDU verification software to ensure
+            that the header contains no NAXISn cards where n > NAXIS.
+          + Corrected a bug involving reading and writing compressed image
+            data. When written, the header keyword card ZTENSION will
+            always have the value 'IMAGE' and when read, if the ZTENSION
+            value is not 'IMAGE' the user will receive a warning, but the
+            data will still be treated as image data.
+          + Corrected a bug that restricted the ability to create a custom
+            HDU class and use it with pyfits. The bug fix will allow
+            something like this:
+>>> import pyfits
+>>> class MyPrimaryHDU(pyfits.PrimaryHDU):
+...     def __init__(self, data=None, header=None):
+...         pyfits.PrimaryHDU.__init__(self, data, header)
+...     def _summary(self):
+...         """
+...         Reimplement a method of the class.
+...         """
+...         s = pyfits.PrimaryHDU._summary(self)
+...         # change the behavior to suit me.
+...         s1 = 'MyPRIMARY ' + s[11:]
+...         return s1
+>>> hdul=pyfits.open("pix.fits",
+... classExtensions={pyfits.PrimaryHDU: MyPrimaryHDU})
+>>> hdul.info()
+Filename: pix.fits
+No.    Name         Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
+0    MyPRIMARY  MyPrimaryHDU     59  (512, 512)    int16
+          + Modified ColDefs.add_col so that instead of returning a new
+            ColDefs object with the column added to the end, it simply
+            appends the new column to the current ColDefs object in place.
+            (CNSHD768778)
+          + Corrected a bug in ColDefs.del_col which raised a KeyError
+            exception when deleting a column from a ColDefs object.
+          + Modified the open convenience function so that when a file is
+            opened in readonly mode and the file contains no HDU's an
+            IOError is raised.
+          + Modified _TableBaseHDU to ensure that all locations where data
+            is referenced in the object actually reference the same
+            ndarray, instead of copies of the array.
+          + Corrected a bug in the Column class that failed to initialize
+            data when the data is a boolean array. (CNSHD779136)
+          + Corrected a bug that caused an exception to be raised when
+            creating a variable length format column from character data
+            (PA format).
+     __________________________________________________________________
     Version 2.2.2; October 12 2009
      * Updates described in this release are only supported in the NUMPY

Modified: packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/changelog	2010-05-13 13:09:38 UTC (rev 12902)
+++ packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/changelog	2010-05-13 13:40:08 UTC (rev 12903)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+pyfits (1:2.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version.
+ -- Aurelien Jarno <aurel32 at debian.org>  Thu, 13 May 2010 15:08:29 +0200
 pyfits (1:2.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream version (Closes: #572698).

Modified: packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/control	2010-05-13 13:09:38 UTC (rev 12902)
+++ packages/pyfits/trunk/debian/control	2010-05-13 13:40:08 UTC (rev 12903)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Aurelien Jarno <aurel32 at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>=, python-all-dev (>= 2.3.5-7), python-support (>= 0.3)
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>=, python-numpy, python-all-dev (>= 2.3.5-7), python-support (>= 0.3)
 Standards-Version: 3.8.4
 Homepage: http://www.stsci.edu/resources/software_hardware/pyfits
 Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/python-modules/packages/pyfits/trunk/

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