[Python-modules-commits] r20932 - in packages/flufl.enum/tags (5 files)

kitterman at users.alioth.debian.org kitterman at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Mar 25 20:22:15 UTC 2012

    Date: Sunday, March 25, 2012 @ 20:22:14
  Author: kitterman
Revision: 20932

[svn-buildpackage] Tagging flufl.enum 3.3.1-2

    (from rev 20931, packages/flufl.enum/trunk/debian/changelog)
    (from rev 20931, packages/flufl.enum/trunk/debian/control)

Deleted: packages/flufl.enum/tags/3.3.1-2/debian/changelog
--- packages/flufl.enum/trunk/debian/changelog	2012-03-25 18:30:20 UTC (rev 20930)
+++ packages/flufl.enum/tags/3.3.1-2/debian/changelog	2012-03-25 20:22:14 UTC (rev 20932)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-flufl.enum (3.3.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * debian/rules:
-    - Build and install Python 3 versions via % expansion targets instead
-      of for loops in override targets.
-    - Remove test target debugging output when DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck.
-    - Remove questionable workaround for bug 618367.
-    - Better override_dh_auto_clean rule so that the package can be built
-      twice in a row.  (Closes: #658259)
- -- Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>  Fri, 03 Feb 2012 18:28:05 -0500
-flufl.enum (3.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  [ Jakub Wilk ]
-  * debian/control:
-    - Add Vcs-* fields.
-  [ Barry Warsaw ]
-  * debian/control:
-    - Add ${sphinxdoc:Depends} to Depends.
-  * debian/python-flufl.enum.pyremove
-    - Do not install several files used only during the build process.
-  * New upstream release.
-  * Build for Python 3, and split out common documentation package.
-  * compat level 8
- -- Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>  Thu, 19 Jan 2012 14:14:56 -0500
-flufl.enum (3.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Team upload.
-  * Rebuild to add Python 2.7 support
- -- Piotr Ożarowski <piotr at debian.org>  Sun, 08 May 2011 16:45:59 +0200
-flufl.enum (3.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Initial release (closes: #588857)
- -- Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>  Wed, 03 Nov 2010 15:48:49 -0400

Copied: packages/flufl.enum/tags/3.3.1-2/debian/changelog (from rev 20931, packages/flufl.enum/trunk/debian/changelog)
--- packages/flufl.enum/tags/3.3.1-2/debian/changelog	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/flufl.enum/tags/3.3.1-2/debian/changelog	2012-03-25 20:22:14 UTC (rev 20932)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+flufl.enum (3.3.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Team upload
+  [ Barry Warsaw ]
+  * debian/rules:
+    - Build and install Python 3 versions via % expansion targets instead
+      of for loops in override targets.
+    - Remove test target debugging output when DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck.
+    - Remove questionable workaround for bug 618367.
+    - Better override_dh_auto_clean rule so that the package can be built
+      twice in a row.  (Closes: #658259)
+  [ Scott Kitterman ]
+  * Rename flufl.enum-docs to the more usual flufl.enum-doc without
+    adding transitional packages since it has never been in a stable release
+  * Add DM-Upload-Allowed
+  * Bump standards-version to 3.9.3 without further changes
+ -- Scott Kitterman <scott at kitterman.com>  Sun, 25 Mar 2012 16:09:31 -0400
+flufl.enum (3.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Jakub Wilk ]
+  * debian/control:
+    - Add Vcs-* fields.
+  [ Barry Warsaw ]
+  * debian/control:
+    - Add ${sphinxdoc:Depends} to Depends.
+  * debian/python-flufl.enum.pyremove
+    - Do not install several files used only during the build process.
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Build for Python 3, and split out common documentation package.
+  * compat level 8
+ -- Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>  Thu, 19 Jan 2012 14:14:56 -0500
+flufl.enum (3.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Team upload.
+  * Rebuild to add Python 2.7 support
+ -- Piotr Ożarowski <piotr at debian.org>  Sun, 08 May 2011 16:45:59 +0200
+flufl.enum (3.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Initial release (closes: #588857)
+ -- Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>  Wed, 03 Nov 2010 15:48:49 -0400

Deleted: packages/flufl.enum/tags/3.3.1-2/debian/control
--- packages/flufl.enum/trunk/debian/control	2012-03-25 18:30:20 UTC (rev 20930)
+++ packages/flufl.enum/tags/3.3.1-2/debian/control	2012-03-25 20:22:14 UTC (rev 20932)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-Source: flufl.enum
-Maintainer: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>
-Uploaders: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Homepage: http://launchpad.net/flufl.enum
-Section: python
-X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
-X-Python3-Version: >= 3.2
-Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: python-all (>= 2.6.6-3~),
-               python-setuptools,
-               python-pkg-resources,
-               python-sphinx (>= 1.0.7+dfsg-1~),
-               debhelper (>= 8),
-               python3-all,
-               python3-setuptools,
-               python3-pkg-resources
-Standards-Version: 3.9.2
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/python-modules/packages/flufl.enum/trunk/
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/python-modules/packages/flufl.enum/trunk/
-Package: python-flufl.enum-docs
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: ${sphinxdoc:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: yet another Python enumeration package (common documentation)
- This package provides a Python enumeration, with an emphasis on simple,
- specific, concise semantics in an easy to read and write syntax.
- ``flufl.enum`` has just enough of the features needed to make enumerations
- useful, but without a lot of extra baggage to weigh them down.
- .
- This is the common documentation package.
-Package: python-flufl.enum
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Suggests: python-flufl.enum-docs
-Description: yet another Python enumeration package (Python 2)
- This package provides a Python enumeration, with an emphasis on simple,
- specific, concise semantics in an easy to read and write syntax.
- ``flufl.enum`` has just enough of the features needed to make enumerations
- useful, but without a lot of extra baggage to weigh them down.
-Package: python3-flufl.enum
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${python3:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Suggests: python-flufl.enum-docs
-Description: yet another Python enumeration package (Python 3)
- This package provides a Python enumeration, with an emphasis on simple,
- specific, concise semantics in an easy to read and write syntax.
- ``flufl.enum`` has just enough of the features needed to make enumerations
- useful, but without a lot of extra baggage to weigh them down.
- .
- This is the Python 3 version of the package.

Copied: packages/flufl.enum/tags/3.3.1-2/debian/control (from rev 20931, packages/flufl.enum/trunk/debian/control)
--- packages/flufl.enum/tags/3.3.1-2/debian/control	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/flufl.enum/tags/3.3.1-2/debian/control	2012-03-25 20:22:14 UTC (rev 20932)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Source: flufl.enum
+Maintainer: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>
+Uploaders: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Homepage: http://launchpad.net/flufl.enum
+Section: python
+X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
+X-Python3-Version: >= 3.2
+Priority: optional
+Build-Depends: python-all (>= 2.6.6-3~),
+               python-setuptools,
+               python-pkg-resources,
+               python-sphinx (>= 1.0.7+dfsg-1~),
+               debhelper (>= 8),
+               python3-all,
+               python3-setuptools,
+               python3-pkg-resources
+Standards-Version: 3.9.3
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/python-modules/packages/flufl.enum/trunk/
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/python-modules/packages/flufl.enum/trunk/
+DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
+Package: python-flufl.enum-doc
+Architecture: all
+Section: doc
+Breaks: python-flufl.enum-docs
+Replaces: python-flufl.enum-docs
+Depends: ${sphinxdoc:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Description: yet another Python enumeration package (common documentation)
+ This package provides a Python enumeration, with an emphasis on simple,
+ specific, concise semantics in an easy to read and write syntax.
+ ``flufl.enum`` has just enough of the features needed to make enumerations
+ useful, but without a lot of extra baggage to weigh them down.
+ .
+ This is the common documentation package.
+Package: python-flufl.enum
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Suggests: python-flufl.enum-doc
+Description: yet another Python enumeration package (Python 2)
+ This package provides a Python enumeration, with an emphasis on simple,
+ specific, concise semantics in an easy to read and write syntax.
+ ``flufl.enum`` has just enough of the features needed to make enumerations
+ useful, but without a lot of extra baggage to weigh them down.
+Package: python3-flufl.enum
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${python3:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Suggests: python-flufl.enum-doc
+Description: yet another Python enumeration package (Python 3)
+ This package provides a Python enumeration, with an emphasis on simple,
+ specific, concise semantics in an easy to read and write syntax.
+ ``flufl.enum`` has just enough of the features needed to make enumerations
+ useful, but without a lot of extra baggage to weigh them down.
+ .
+ This is the Python 3 version of the package.

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