[Python-modules-commits] r26354 - in packages/nevow/trunk/debian (5 files)
bernat at users.alioth.debian.org
bernat at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Nov 2 00:19:35 UTC 2013
Date: Saturday, November 2, 2013 @ 00:19:31
Author: bernat
Revision: 26354
Add several patches from trunk to fix FTBFS. Closes: #713079.
Modified: packages/nevow/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/nevow/trunk/debian/changelog 2013-11-01 23:54:47 UTC (rev 26353)
+++ packages/nevow/trunk/debian/changelog 2013-11-02 00:19:31 UTC (rev 26354)
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
nevow (0.10.0-5) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ [ Jakub Wilk ]
* Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.
* Drop obsolete Breaks/Replaces with python2.3-nevow and python2.4-nevow.
- -- Jakub Wilk <jwilk at debian.org> Sat, 08 Jun 2013 18:06:02 +0200
+ [ Vincent Bernat ]
+ * Add patches from trunk to make Nevow work with more recent versions of
+ Twisted. Closes: #713079.
+ -- Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org> Sat, 02 Nov 2013 00:45:32 +0100
nevow (0.10.0-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix FTBFS because of a failed test. Closes: #625151.
Added: packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/2662-deprecation-warnings.patch
--- packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/2662-deprecation-warnings.patch (rev 0)
+++ packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/2662-deprecation-warnings.patch 2013-11-02 00:19:31 UTC (rev 26354)
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+Author: Jean-Paul Calderone <exarkun at divmod.com>
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Description: Change several uses of deprecated APIs in Nevow to more
+ modern equivalents, eliminating the annoying deprecation warnings
+ when loading nevow.
+--- Nevow/formless/annotate.py 2008-03-24 16:27:18 +0000
++++ Nevow/formless/annotate.py 2010-02-06 04:33:05 +0000
+@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@
+ complexType = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata.get((self, 'complexType'), True))
+ def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
+- rv = cls = InterfaceClass.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
++ rv = cls = InterfaceClass.__new__(cls)
+ _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__id__'] = nextId()
+ _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__methods__'] = methods = []
+ _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__properties__'] = properties = []
+=== modified file 'Nevow/nevow/guard.py'
+--- Nevow/nevow/guard.py 2009-07-06 12:06:26 +0000
++++ Nevow/nevow/guard.py 2010-02-06 04:33:05 +0000
+@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
+ import random
+ import time
+-import md5
++ from hashlib import md5
++except ImportError:
++ from md5 import md5
+ import StringIO
+ from zope.interface import implements
+@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@
+ def _sessionCookie():
+- return md5.new("%s_%s" % (str(random.random()) , str(time.time()))).hexdigest()
++ return md5("%s_%s" % (str(random.random()) , str(time.time()))).hexdigest()
+ class GuardSession(components.Componentized):
+=== modified file 'Nevow/nevow/test/test_testutil.py'
+--- Nevow/nevow/test/test_testutil.py 2008-07-15 16:48:30 +0000
++++ Nevow/nevow/test/test_testutil.py 2010-02-06 04:33:05 +0000
+@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
+ applications.
+ """
++import sys
+ from unittest import TestResult
+ from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
+@@ -176,6 +178,9 @@
+ self.case.createSource = lambda testMethod: "throw new TypeError();"
+ self.case.run(result)
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 1)
++ self.assertTrue(
++ result.errors[0][1].startswith(
++ 'Exception: JavaScript interpreter had error exit: '))
+ def test_signalledExit(self):
+@@ -183,13 +188,20 @@
+ An error should be reported if the JavaScript interpreter exits because
+ it received a signal.
+ """
++ segfault = FilePath(__file__).sibling('segfault.py')
+ def stubFinder():
+- return FilePath(__file__).sibling('segfault.py').path
++ return sys.executable
++ def stubScript(testModule):
++ return segfault.path
+ self.case.findJavascriptInterpreter = stubFinder
+- self.case.createSource = lambda testMethod: ""
++ self.case.makeScript = stubScript
+ result = TestResult()
+ self.case.run(result)
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.errors), 1)
++ self.assertEquals(
++ result.errors[0][1],
++ 'Exception: JavaScript interpreter exited due to signal 11\n')
+ def test_missingJavaScriptClass(self):
+=== modified file 'Nevow/nevow/testutil.py'
+--- Nevow/nevow/testutil.py 2009-07-04 00:32:14 +0000
++++ Nevow/nevow/testutil.py 2010-02-06 04:33:05 +0000
+@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
+-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
++# -*- test-case-name: nevow.test.test_testutil -*-
++# Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Divmod.
+ # See LICENSE for details.
+ import os, sys, signal
+- from popen2 import Popen3
+-except ImportError:
+- Popen3 = None
++from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
+ from zope.interface import implements
+@@ -15,6 +13,7 @@
+ except ImportError:
+ subunit = None
++from twisted.python.log import msg
+ from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase as TrialTestCase
+ from twisted.python.components import Componentized
+ from twisted.internet import defer
+@@ -407,8 +406,6 @@
+ raise NotSupported("Could not find JavaScript interpreter")
+ if subunit is None:
+ raise NotSupported("Could not import 'subunit'")
+- if Popen3 is None:
+- raise NotSupported("Could not import 'popen2.Popen3'")
+ if getattr(os, name, None) is None:
+ raise NotSupported("os.%s unavailable" % (name,))
+@@ -497,28 +494,28 @@
+ # However, *run cannot return a Deferred profanity profanity profanity
+ # profanity*, so instead it is *profanity* this:
+ def run():
+- child = Popen3([js, script])
++ argv = [js, script]
++ msg("Running JavaScript interpreter, argv = %r" % (argv,))
++ child = Popen(argv, stdout=PIPE)
+ while True:
+- bytes = child.fromchild.read(4096)
++ bytes = child.stdout.read(4096)
+ if bytes:
+ protocol.dataReceived(bytes)
+ else:
+ break
+- exitCode = child.wait()
+- if os.WIFSIGNALED(exitCode):
+- result.addError(
+- self,
+- (Exception,
+- "JavaScript interpreter exited due to signal %d" % (os.WTERMSIG(exitCode),),
+- None))
+- else:
+- exitStatus = os.WEXITSTATUS(exitCode)
+- if exitStatus:
+- result.addError(
+- self,
+- (Exception,
+- "JavaScript interpreter had error exit: %d" % (exitStatus,),
+- None))
++ returnCode = child.wait()
++ if returnCode < 0:
++ result.addError(
++ self,
++ (Exception,
++ "JavaScript interpreter exited due to signal %d" % (-returnCode,),
++ None))
++ elif returnCode:
++ result.addError(
++ self,
++ (Exception,
++ "JavaScript interpreter had error exit: %d" % (returnCode,),
++ None))
+ self._runWithSigchild(run)
Added: packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/2682-zope-interface-compat.patch
--- packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/2682-zope-interface-compat.patch (rev 0)
+++ packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/2682-zope-interface-compat.patch 2013-11-02 00:19:31 UTC (rev 26354)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Author: Tristan Seligmann <mithrandi at mithrandi.net>
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Description: Remove the indirect-attribute trickery in TypedInterface
+ (which no longer works with newer versions of z.i) in favour of
+ setting attributes directly on the interface (which seems to have
+ started working quite some time ago).
+--- Nevow/formless/annotate.py 2010-02-06 04:33:05 +0000
++++ Nevow/formless/annotate.py 2011-08-06 17:57:26 +0000
+@@ -677,9 +677,6 @@
+ return None, '\n'.join(docs)
+-_typedInterfaceMetadata = {}
+ class MetaTypedInterface(InterfaceClass):
+ """The metaclass for TypedInterface. When TypedInterface is subclassed,
+ this metaclass' __new__ method is invoked. The Typed Binding introspection
+@@ -716,21 +713,14 @@
+ Once the metaclass __new__ is done, the Foo class instance will have three
+ properties, __methods__, __properties__, and __spec__,
+ """
+- __methods__ = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, '__methods__'])
+- __id__ = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, '__id__'])
+- __properties__ = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, '__properties__'])
+- __spec__ = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, '__spec__'])
+- name = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, 'name'])
+- label = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, 'label'])
+- description = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, 'description'])
+- default = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata.get((self, 'default'), 'DEFAULT'))
+- complexType = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata.get((self, 'complexType'), True))
+ def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
+ rv = cls = InterfaceClass.__new__(cls)
+- _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__id__'] = nextId()
+- _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__methods__'] = methods = []
+- _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__properties__'] = properties = []
++ cls.__id__ = nextId()
++ cls.__methods__ = methods = []
++ cls.__properties__ = properties = []
++ cls.default = 'DEFAULT'
++ cls.complexType = True
+ possibleActions = []
+ actionAttachers = []
+ for key, value in dct.items():
+@@ -825,21 +815,21 @@
+ attacher.attachActionBindings(possibleActions)
+ methods.sort(_sorter)
+ properties.sort(_sorter)
+- _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__spec__'] = spec = methods + properties
++ cls.__spec__ = spec = methods + properties
+ spec.sort(_sorter)
+- _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'name'] = name
++ cls.name = name
+ # because attributes "label" and "description" would become Properties,
+ # check for ones with an underscore prefix.
+- _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'label'] = dct.get('_label', None)
+- _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'description'] = dct.get('_description', None)
++ cls.label = dct.get('_label', None)
++ cls.description = dct.get('_description', None)
+ defaultLabel, defaultDescription = labelAndDescriptionFromDocstring(dct.get('__doc__'))
+ if defaultLabel is None:
+ defaultLabel = nameToLabel(name)
+- if _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'label'] is None:
+- _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'label'] = defaultLabel
+- if _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'description'] is None:
+- _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'description'] = defaultDescription
++ if cls.label is None:
++ cls.label = defaultLabel
++ if cls.description is None:
++ cls.description = defaultDescription
+ return rv
Added: packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/2700-unittests-fix.patch
--- packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/2700-unittests-fix.patch (rev 0)
+++ packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/2700-unittests-fix.patch 2013-11-02 00:19:31 UTC (rev 26354)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Author: Jean-Paul Calderone <exarkun at twistedmatrix.com>
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Description: Update two Nevow unit tests to work with more recent versions of Twisted
+ This will introduce a test failure against Twisted < 11.0, but no
+ implementation changes are actually being made, so no actual
+ functionality should be lost on old Twisted versions.
+--- Nevow/nevow/test/test_appserver.py 2007-12-20 15:51:48 +0000
++++ Nevow/nevow/test/test_appserver.py 2013-01-01 21:44:51 +0000
+@@ -170,14 +170,20 @@
+ assert proto.transport.disconnecting
+ return proto
++ def setSiteTime(self, when):
++ """
++ Forcibly override the current time as known by C{self.site}.
++ This relies on knowledge of private details of
++ L{twisted.web.server.Site}. It would be nice if there were an API on
++ that class for doing this more properly, to facilitate testing.
++ """
++ self.site._logDateTime = when
+ def test_oldStyle(self):
+- # need to try the new location first to make _logDateTime
+- # faking work
+- try:
+- from twisted.web import http
+- except ImportError:
+- from twisted.protocols import http
+- http._logDateTime = 'faketime' # ugly :(
++ self.setSiteTime('faketime')
+ proto = self.renderResource('/foo')
+ logLines = proto.site.logFile.getvalue().splitlines()
+ self.assertEquals(len(logLines), 1)
+=== modified file 'Nevow/nevow/test/test_errorhandler.py'
+--- Nevow/nevow/test/test_errorhandler.py 2006-04-14 17:23:46 +0000
++++ Nevow/nevow/test/test_errorhandler.py 2012-12-31 00:27:39 +0000
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+ def later((code, html)):
+ self.assertEquals(rend.FourOhFour.notFound, html)
+ self.assertEquals(code, 404)
+- fe = log.flushErrors(BrokenException)
++ fe = self.flushLoggedErrors(BrokenException)
+ self.assertEquals(len(fe), 1)
+ return renderResource('/foo', notFoundHandler=BadNotFoundHandler()).addCallback(later)
Modified: packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/series 2013-11-01 23:54:47 UTC (rev 26353)
+++ packages/nevow/trunk/debian/patches/series 2013-11-02 00:19:31 UTC (rev 26354)
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
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