[Python-modules-commits] r25886 - in packages/python-gmpy/tags (5 files)
aomighty-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
aomighty-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Sep 17 19:25:54 UTC 2013
Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 @ 19:25:52
Author: aomighty-guest
Revision: 25886
[svn-buildpackage] Tagging python-gmpy2 2.0.2-1
(from rev 25884, packages/python-gmpy/trunk/debian/changelog)
(from rev 25884, packages/python-gmpy/trunk/debian/control)
Deleted: packages/python-gmpy/tags/2.0.2-1/debian/changelog
--- packages/python-gmpy/trunk/debian/changelog 2013-09-17 14:06:52 UTC (rev 25881)
+++ packages/python-gmpy/tags/2.0.2-1/debian/changelog 2013-09-17 19:25:52 UTC (rev 25886)
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-python-gmpy2 (2.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New upstream release
- * Updated Standards-Version to (no changes needed)
- * Changed rules to use default compiler hardening flags
- * The manpage that comes with gmpy2 is now installed on the system
- * Renamed package to python-gmpy2 and provided dummy python-gmpy package to
- migrate to python-gmpy2.
- * Now providing a python3-gmpy2 package, which works with Python 3
- -- Martin Kelly <martin at martingkelly.com> Thu, 05 Sep 2013 19:17:26 -0700
-python-gmpy (1.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New upstream release
- * Updated Standards-Version to (no changes needed)
- * Updated the watch file to make it actually work (not sure if it really did
- before)
- * Updated debhelper compatibility level to 9
- * Changed the license symlink to be more specific
- * Cleaned up the rules file
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Tue, 13 Mar 2012 23:31:03 -0400
-python-gmpy (1.14-3) unstable; urgency=low
- * Removed version from libgmp3-dev dependency and changed it to libgmp-dev
- (Closes: #619585)
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Fri, 25 Mar 2011 14:24:29 -0700
-python-gmpy (1.14-2) unstable; urgency=low
- * Changed build-depends from libgmp3-dev to libgmp10-dev as per SONAME change
- (Closes: #618216)
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Mon, 14 Mar 2011 21:16:48 -0400
-python-gmpy (1.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New upstream release
- * Changed the watch file to remove the .ds in the orig.tar.gz filename
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Mon, 20 Dec 2010 16:07:03 -0800
-python-gmpy (1.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New upstream release
- * Bump Standards-Version to (no changes needed)
- * Moved from pycentral to dh_python2
- * Changed python dependency to 2.6.5 so that dh_python2 will be installed
- * Added a source/format file with 3.0 (native)
- * Added the flag --install-layout=deb to the python install line since python
- 2.6 wants it
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Wed, 14 Jul 2010 22:17:17 -0500
-python-gmpy (1.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New upstream release
- * Bump Standards-Version to (no changes needed)
- * Removed "XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes" field because Ondrej Certik is no
- longer an active uploader
- * Added "${misc:Depends} to Depends to remove Lintian warning
- * Updated dates in copyright file
- * Changed copyright file to list copyright as "Copyright" instead of "(C)" to
- fix lintian warning
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Mon, 08 Feb 2010 16:31:32 -0500
-python-gmpy (1.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New upstream release
- * Changed Uploaders entry to Debian Python Modules Team (Closes: #550456)
- * Changed Homepage entry to the more recent http://code.google.com/p/gmpy/
- * Bump Standards-Version to (no changes needed)
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Fri, 25 Dec 2009 14:31:15 -0800
-python-gmpy (1.04-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New upstream release
- * Probably fixes a bug in python-mpmath (Closes: #530381)
- * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1 (no changes needed)
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Thu, 11 Jun 2009 08:43:15 -0700
-python-gmpy (1.03.ds-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New upstream release (Closes: #488941)
- * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0 (no changes needed)
- * XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes field added
- * Ondrej Certik added to uploaders
- * debian/watch file fixed
- * debian/copyright updated with info how to get the orig.tar.gz
- * license in debian/copyright updated to reflect the current codebase (set
- to LGPL 2.1)
- * install tests into /usr/share/doc/python-gmpy/examples/
- -- Ondrej Certik <ondrej at certik.cz> Fri, 04 Jul 2008 16:50:28 +0200
-python-gmpy (1.02~1.dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * New upstream release
- * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3 (no changes needed)
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Sat, 29 Dec 2007 21:27:19 -0800
-python-gmpy (1.01.dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Modified the upstream sources to include a COPYING license file, since the
- upstream author did not include one (Closes: #427005)
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Sat, 02 Jun 2007 11:40:18 -0700
-python-gmpy (1.01-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * Initial release (Closes: #299723)
- -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Fri, 18 May 2007 21:46:23 -0700
Copied: packages/python-gmpy/tags/2.0.2-1/debian/changelog (from rev 25884, packages/python-gmpy/trunk/debian/changelog)
--- packages/python-gmpy/tags/2.0.2-1/debian/changelog (rev 0)
+++ packages/python-gmpy/tags/2.0.2-1/debian/changelog 2013-09-17 19:25:52 UTC (rev 25886)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+python-gmpy2 (2.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Updated Standards-Version to (no changes needed)
+ * Changed rules to use default compiler hardening flags
+ * The manpage that comes with gmpy2 is now installed on the system
+ * Renamed package to python-gmpy2.
+ * Now providing a python3-gmpy2 package, which works with Python 3
+ -- Martin Kelly <martin at martingkelly.com> Thu, 05 Sep 2013 19:17:26 -0700
+python-gmpy (1.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Updated Standards-Version to (no changes needed)
+ * Updated the watch file to make it actually work (not sure if it really did
+ before)
+ * Updated debhelper compatibility level to 9
+ * Changed the license symlink to be more specific
+ * Cleaned up the rules file
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Tue, 13 Mar 2012 23:31:03 -0400
+python-gmpy (1.14-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Removed version from libgmp3-dev dependency and changed it to libgmp-dev
+ (Closes: #619585)
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Fri, 25 Mar 2011 14:24:29 -0700
+python-gmpy (1.14-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Changed build-depends from libgmp3-dev to libgmp10-dev as per SONAME change
+ (Closes: #618216)
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Mon, 14 Mar 2011 21:16:48 -0400
+python-gmpy (1.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Changed the watch file to remove the .ds in the orig.tar.gz filename
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Mon, 20 Dec 2010 16:07:03 -0800
+python-gmpy (1.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Bump Standards-Version to (no changes needed)
+ * Moved from pycentral to dh_python2
+ * Changed python dependency to 2.6.5 so that dh_python2 will be installed
+ * Added a source/format file with 3.0 (native)
+ * Added the flag --install-layout=deb to the python install line since python
+ 2.6 wants it
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Wed, 14 Jul 2010 22:17:17 -0500
+python-gmpy (1.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Bump Standards-Version to (no changes needed)
+ * Removed "XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes" field because Ondrej Certik is no
+ longer an active uploader
+ * Added "${misc:Depends} to Depends to remove Lintian warning
+ * Updated dates in copyright file
+ * Changed copyright file to list copyright as "Copyright" instead of "(C)" to
+ fix lintian warning
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Mon, 08 Feb 2010 16:31:32 -0500
+python-gmpy (1.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Changed Uploaders entry to Debian Python Modules Team (Closes: #550456)
+ * Changed Homepage entry to the more recent http://code.google.com/p/gmpy/
+ * Bump Standards-Version to (no changes needed)
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Fri, 25 Dec 2009 14:31:15 -0800
+python-gmpy (1.04-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Probably fixes a bug in python-mpmath (Closes: #530381)
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1 (no changes needed)
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Thu, 11 Jun 2009 08:43:15 -0700
+python-gmpy (1.03.ds-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release (Closes: #488941)
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0 (no changes needed)
+ * XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes field added
+ * Ondrej Certik added to uploaders
+ * debian/watch file fixed
+ * debian/copyright updated with info how to get the orig.tar.gz
+ * license in debian/copyright updated to reflect the current codebase (set
+ to LGPL 2.1)
+ * install tests into /usr/share/doc/python-gmpy/examples/
+ -- Ondrej Certik <ondrej at certik.cz> Fri, 04 Jul 2008 16:50:28 +0200
+python-gmpy (1.02~1.dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3 (no changes needed)
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Sat, 29 Dec 2007 21:27:19 -0800
+python-gmpy (1.01.dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Modified the upstream sources to include a COPYING license file, since the
+ upstream author did not include one (Closes: #427005)
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Sat, 02 Jun 2007 11:40:18 -0700
+python-gmpy (1.01-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release (Closes: #299723)
+ -- Martin Kelly <aomighty at gmail.com> Fri, 18 May 2007 21:46:23 -0700
Deleted: packages/python-gmpy/tags/2.0.2-1/debian/control
--- packages/python-gmpy/trunk/debian/control 2013-09-17 14:06:52 UTC (rev 25881)
+++ packages/python-gmpy/tags/2.0.2-1/debian/control 2013-09-17 19:25:52 UTC (rev 25886)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Source: python-gmpy2
-Section: python
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Martin Kelly <martin at martingkelly.com>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), python-all-dev (>= 2.6.5), python3-dev (>= 3.3.2), libmpfr-dev (>= 3.1.0), libmpc-dev (>= 1.0.0), python-sphinx
-Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/gmpy/
-Uploaders: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/python-modules/packages/python-gmpy/trunk/
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/python-modules/packages/python-gmpy/trunk/
-X-Python-Version: >= 2.3
-X-Python3-Version: >= 3.3
-Package: python-gmpy2
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Provides: ${python:Provides}
-Description: interfaces GMP to Python 2 for fast, unbound-precision computations
- gmpy is a C-coded Python extension module that wraps the GMP library to
- provide to Python code fast multiprecision arithmetic (integer, rational, and
- float), random number generation, advanced number-theoretical functions, and
- more.
-Package: python3-gmpy2
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Provides: ${python:Provides}
-Description: interfaces GMP to Python 3 for fast, unbound-precision computations
- gmpy is a C-coded Python extension module that wraps the GMP library to
- provide to Python code fast multiprecision arithmetic (integer, rational, and
- float), random number generation, advanced number-theoretical functions, and
- more.
-Package: python-gmpy
-Architecture: any
-Depends: python-gmpy2, ${misc:Depends}
-Section: oldlibs
-Description: transitional dummy package
- This is a transitional dummy package to ease the migration from python-gmpy to
- python-gmpy2. It can safely be removed.
Copied: packages/python-gmpy/tags/2.0.2-1/debian/control (from rev 25884, packages/python-gmpy/trunk/debian/control)
--- packages/python-gmpy/tags/2.0.2-1/debian/control (rev 0)
+++ packages/python-gmpy/tags/2.0.2-1/debian/control 2013-09-17 19:25:52 UTC (rev 25886)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Source: python-gmpy2
+Section: python
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Martin Kelly <martin at martingkelly.com>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), python-all-dev (>= 2.6.5), python3-dev (>= 3.3.2), libmpfr-dev (>= 3.1.0), libmpc-dev (>= 1.0.0), python-sphinx
+Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/gmpy/
+Uploaders: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/python-modules/packages/python-gmpy/trunk/
+Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/python-modules/packages/python-gmpy/trunk/
+X-Python-Version: >= 2.3
+X-Python3-Version: >= 3.3
+Package: python-gmpy2
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Provides: ${python:Provides}
+Description: interfaces GMP to Python 2 for fast, unbound-precision computations
+ gmpy is a C-coded Python extension module that wraps the GMP library to
+ provide to Python code fast multiprecision arithmetic (integer, rational, and
+ float), random number generation, advanced number-theoretical functions, and
+ more.
+Package: python3-gmpy2
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Provides: ${python:Provides}
+Description: interfaces GMP to Python 3 for fast, unbound-precision computations
+ gmpy is a C-coded Python extension module that wraps the GMP library to
+ provide to Python code fast multiprecision arithmetic (integer, rational, and
+ float), random number generation, advanced number-theoretical functions, and
+ more.
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