[Python-modules-commits] r27917 - in packages/alembic/trunk/debian (4 files)

piotr at users.alioth.debian.org piotr at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Feb 24 20:38:51 UTC 2014

    Date: Monday, February 24, 2014 @ 20:38:50
  Author: piotr
Revision: 27917

* Add python-alembic and python3-alembic binary packages (Closes: 721169),
  alembic binary package now provides /usr/bin/alembic and documentation
* Use pybuild build system, add dh-python to Build-Depends


Added: packages/alembic/trunk/debian/alembic.dirs
--- packages/alembic/trunk/debian/alembic.dirs	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/alembic/trunk/debian/alembic.dirs	2014-02-24 20:38:50 UTC (rev 27917)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Modified: packages/alembic/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/alembic/trunk/debian/changelog	2014-02-24 19:50:41 UTC (rev 27916)
+++ packages/alembic/trunk/debian/changelog	2014-02-24 20:38:50 UTC (rev 27917)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+alembic (0.6.3+ds-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Add python-alembic and python3-alembic binary packages (Closes: 721169),
+    alembic binary package now provides /usr/bin/alembic and documentation
+  * Use pybuild build system, add dh-python to Build-Depends
+ -- Piotr Ożarowski <piotr at debian.org>  Mon, 24 Feb 2014 21:01:29 +0100
 alembic (0.6.3+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload

Modified: packages/alembic/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/alembic/trunk/debian/control	2014-02-24 19:50:41 UTC (rev 27916)
+++ packages/alembic/trunk/debian/control	2014-02-24 20:38:50 UTC (rev 27917)
@@ -7,16 +7,29 @@
 Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/python-modules/packages/alembic/trunk/
 Standards-Version: 3.9.5
 Homepage: http://www.bitbucket.org/zzzeek/alembic
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8), python-all, python-setuptools,
- python-nose, python-sqlalchemy, python-mako,
- python-sphinx (>= 1.0.7+dfsg), python-mock,
- python-changelog, python-sphinx-paramlinks
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8), dh-python,
+ python-all, python-setuptools,
+ python3-all, python3-setuptools,
+# documentation
+ python-sphinx (>= 1.0.7+dfsg), python-changelog, python-sphinx-paramlinks,
+# tests:
+ python-nose, python-sqlalchemy, python-mako, python-mock,
+ python3-nose, python3-sqlalchemy, python3-mako, python3-mock
 X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
 Package: alembic
 Architecture: all
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, ${sphinxdoc:Depends},
+Depends: python-alembic, ${misc:Depends}, ${sphinxdoc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}
+Suggests: python3-alembic
+Description: lightweight database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
+ This package provides /usr/bin/alembic script and documentation for Alembic
+Package: python-alembic
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends},
  python-sqlalchemy, python-mako
+Breaks: alembic (<< 0.6.3+ds-2) 
+Replaces: alembic (<< 0.6.3+ds-2)
 Recommends: python-pkg-resources
 Description: lightweight database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
  Alembic is a new database migration tool, written by the author
@@ -30,3 +43,20 @@
     series of steps that can "downgrade" similarly, doing the same
     steps in reverse.
   * Allows the scripts to execute in some sequential manner.
+Package: python3-alembic
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends}, ${sphinxdoc:Depends}
+Recommends: python3-pkg-resources
+Description: lightweight database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
+ Alembic is a new database migration tool, written by the author
+ of SQLAlchemy. A migration tool offers the following functionality:
+ .
+  * Can emit ALTER statements to a database in order to change the
+    structure of tables and other constructs
+  * Provides a system whereby "migration scripts" may be constructed;
+    each script indicates a particular series of steps that can
+    "upgrade" a target database to a new version, and optionally a
+    series of steps that can "downgrade" similarly, doing the same
+    steps in reverse.
+  * Allows the scripts to execute in some sequential manner.

Modified: packages/alembic/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/alembic/trunk/debian/rules	2014-02-24 19:50:41 UTC (rev 27916)
+++ packages/alembic/trunk/debian/rules	2014-02-24 20:38:50 UTC (rev 27917)
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 PYVERS:=$(shell pyversions -vr)
+export PYBUILD_NAME=alembic
-	dh $@ --with=python2,sphinxdoc
+	dh $@ --with=python2,python3,sphinxdoc --buildsystem=pybuild
@@ -16,12 +16,10 @@
 	make -C docs/build clean
 	rm -rf build
-ifeq ($(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
-	set -e; for py in $(PYVERS); do  \
-	  python$$py setup.py test ;\
-	done
+	dh_auto_install
+	mv debian/python-alembic/usr/bin debian/alembic/usr/
+	rm -rf debian/python3-alembic/usr/bin/
 	wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/a/alembic/alembic-$(VERSION).tar.gz

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