[Python-modules-commits] [python-pysolar] 02/11: Added code contributed by Simeon Obinna Nwaogaidu and Holger Zebner of Lahmeyer International. Added contributors file.
Wolfgang Borgert
debacle at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 3 23:36:16 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
debacle pushed a commit to annotated tag 0.4.0
in repository python-pysolar.
commit 8903b9a8edfda60b7a97cdb237fa58fe710b17b6
Author: Brandon Stafford <brandon at pingswept.org>
Date: Tue Feb 24 22:05:09 2009 -0500
Added code contributed by Simeon Obinna Nwaogaidu and Holger Zebner of
Lahmeyer International. Added contributors file.
CONTRIBUTORS.markdown | 8 +
util.py | 757 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 765 insertions(+)
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new file mode 100644
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+Many people have contributed to Pysolar since its inception.
+Thanks to Holger Zebner, Pietro Zambelli, Sean Taylor, Simeon Obinna
+Nwaogaidu, Timmie Chelsen, and Lahmeyer International for their
+contributions of code, bugfixes, documentation, and general encouragement.
diff --git a/util.py b/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17edaeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Library for calculating location of the sun
+# Copyright 2009 Brandon Stafford
+# This file is part of Pysolar.
+# Pysolar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Pysolar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with Pysolar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""This module forms the basics for solar tool calculations.
+:Author: Simeon Nwaogaidu
+:contact: SimeonObinna.Nwaogaidu at lahmeyer.de
+:Co author: Holger Zebner
+:contact: holger.zebner at lahmeyer.de
+#Importing necessary modules
+import pytz
+import math
+import pysolar
+from pytz import all_timezones
+from pysolar import radiation
+from pysolar import solar
+import datetime
+import decimaldegrees.decimaldegrees as dg
+import os
+import sys
+import calendar
+import conversions_time as ct
+#import conversions_time
+## some default constants
+AM_default = 2.0 #Air Mass of 2.0 will used
+TL_default = 1.0 #Linke Turbidity factor of 1.0 will be used
+SC_default = 1367 #Solar constant in W/m^2, not that this value could vary by +/- 4 W/m2
+TY_default = 365 #Total Year number from 1 to 365 days)
+elevation_default = 0 # Elevation
+#timezone = 2.0 # timezone of the country
+######## Useful Equations for the analysis
+def date_with_decimal_hour(datetime, hour_decimal):
+ """This convers dates with decimal hour to datetime_hour.
+ An improved version :mod:`conversions_time`
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ datetime : datetime.datetime
+ A datetime object is a single object containing all the information from a
+ date object and a time object.
+ hour_decimal : datetime.datetime
+ An hour is a unit of time 60 minutes, or 3,600 seconds in length.
+ Returns
+ -------.
+ datetime_hour : datetime.datetime
+ datetime_hour
+ """
+ hour_dms = dg.decimal2dms(hour_decimal)
+ datetime_hour = dt.datetime(datetime.year,
+ date_utc.month, date_utc.day, hour_dms[0], hour_dms[1],int(hour_dms[2]))
+ return datetime_hour
+## The new Sunrise and Sunset times from shadowrings
+def GetSunriseSunset(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, timezone):
+ """This function calculates the astronomical Sunrise and Sunset times in *local time*.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting
+ the north/south angular location of a place on a sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location
+ in an east-west direction,relative to the Greenwich meridian.
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ timezone : float
+ timezone as numerical value: GMT offset in hours. A time zone is a region of
+ the earth that has uniform standard time, usually referred to as the local time.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ sunrise_time_dt : datetime.datetime
+ Sunrise time in local time as datetime_obj.
+ sunset_time_dt : datetime.datetime
+ Sunset time in local time as datetime_obj.
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] http://www.skypowerinternational.com/pdf/Radiation/7.1415.01.121_cm121_bed-anleitung_engl.pdf
+ .. [2] http://pysolar.org/
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> gmt_offset = 1
+ >>> lat = 50.111512
+ >>> lon = 8.680506
+ >>> timezone_local = 'Europe/Berlin'
+ >>> utct = dt.datetime.utcnow()
+ >>> sr, ss = sb.GetSunriseSunset(lat, lon, utct, gmt_offset)
+ >>> print 'sunrise: ', sr
+ >>> print 'sunset:', ss
+ """
+# timezone = timezone_default
+ #Day of the year
+ day = solar.GetDayOfYear(utc_datetime)
+ #print 'day', day
+ # Solar Hour Angle
+ SHA = ((timezone)* 15.0 - longitude_deg)
+ #print 'SHA', SHA
+ ## Time adjustment
+ #time_adst angle
+ TT = (279.134+0.985647*day)*math.pi/180
+ # Time adjustment in Hours
+ time_adst = ((5.0323 - 100.976*math.sin(TT)+595.275*math.sin(2*TT)+
+ 3.6858*math.sin(3*TT) - 12.47*math.sin(4*TT) - 430.847*math.cos(TT)+
+ 12.5024*math.cos(2*TT) + 18.25*math.cos(3*TT))/3600)
+ #print 'time_adst', time_adst
+ # Time of Noon
+ TON = (12 + (SHA/15.0) - time_adst)
+ #print 'TON', TON
+ # represent variable sunn
+ sunn = (math.pi/2-(23.45*math.pi/180)*math.tan(latitude_deg*math.pi/180)*
+ math.cos(2*math.pi*day/365.25))*(180/(math.pi*15))
+ #print 'sunn', sunn
+ #sunrise_time in Hours
+ sunrise_time = (TON - sunn + time_adst)
+ #print 'sunrise_time', sunrise_time
+ #sunset_time in Hours
+ sunset_time = (TON + sunn - time_adst)
+ #print 'sunset_time', sunset_time
+ sunrise_time_dms = dg.decimal2dms(sunrise_time)
+ #print 'sunrise_time_dms', sunrise_time_dms
+ sunset_time_dms = dg.decimal2dms(sunset_time)
+ #print 'sunset_time_dms', sunset_time_dms
+ sunrise_time_dt = ct.hour_decimal2datetime(utc_datetime, sunrise_time)
+ sunset_time_dt = ct.hour_decimal2datetime(utc_datetime, sunset_time)
+# return sunrise_time_dms, sunset_time_dms
+ return sunrise_time_dt, sunset_time_dt
+def GetSunriseTime(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, timezone):
+ """This function uses uses the :func:`GetSunriseSunset` function to calculates the astronomical
+ Sunrise times
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location
+ of a place on a sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,
+ relative to the Greenwich meridian.
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ timezone : float
+ timezone as numerical value: GMT offset in hours. A time zone is a region of
+ the earth that has uniform standard time, usually referred to as the local time.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ sr : datetime.datetime
+ Sunrise time
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] http://www.skypowerinternational.com/pdf/Radiation/7.1415.01.121_cm121_bed-anleitung_engl.pdf
+ .. [2] http://pysolar.org/
+ """
+ sr, ss = GetSunriseSunset(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, timezone)
+ return sr
+def GetSunsetTime(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, timezone):
+ """This function uses uses the GetSunriseSunset function to calculates the astronomical
+ Sunset times
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting
+ the north/south angular location of a place on a sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location
+ in an east-west direction,relative to the Greenwich meridian.
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ timezone : float
+ timezone as numerical value: GMT offset in hours. A time zone is a region of the earth
+ that has uniform standard time, usually referred to as the local time.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ ss : datetime.datetime
+ Sunset time
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] http://www.skypowerinternational.com/pdf/Radiation/7.1415.01.121_cm121_bed-anleitung_engl.pdf
+ .. [2] http://pysolar.org/
+ """
+ sr, ss = GetSunriseSunset(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, timezone)
+ return ss
+def mean_earth_sun_distance(utc_datetime):
+ """Mean Earth-Sun distance is the arithmetical mean of the maximum and minimum distances
+ between a planet (Earth) and the object about which it revolves (Sun). However,
+ the function is used to calculate the Mean earth sun distance.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ Returns
+ -------
+ KD : float
+ Mean earth sun distance
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] http://sunbird.jrc.it/pvgis/solres/solmod3.htm#clear-sky%20radiation
+ .. [2] R. aguiar and et al, "The ESRA user guidebook, vol. 2. database", models and exploitation software-Solar
+ radiation models, p.113
+ """
+ KD = (1 -(0.0335*math.sin(360*((solar.GetDayOfYear(utc_datetime)) - 94))/(365)))
+ return KD
+def extraterrestrial_irrad(utc_datetime, latitude_deg, longitude_deg,SC=SC_default):
+ """Equation calculates Extratrestrial radiation. Solar radiation incident outside the earth's
+ atmosphere is called extraterrestrial radiation. On average the extraterrestrial irradiance
+ is 1367 Watts/meter2 (W/m2). This value varies by + or - 3 percent as the earth orbits the sun.
+ The earth's closest approach to the sun occurs around January 4th and it is furthest
+ from the sun around July 5th.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location
+ of a place on a sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative
+ to the Greenwich meridian.
+ SC : float
+ The solar constant is the amount of incoming solar electromagnetic radiation per unit area, measured
+ on the outer surface of Earth's atmosphere in a plane perpendicular to the rays.It is measured by
+ satellite to be roughly 1366 watts per square meter (W/m^2)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ EXTR1 : float
+ Extraterrestrial irradiation
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] http://solardat.uoregon.edu/SolarRadiationBasics.html
+ .. [2] Dr. J. Schumacher and et al,"INSEL LE(Integrated Simulation Environment Language)Block reference",p.68
+ """
+ day = solar.GetDayOfYear(utc_datetime)
+ ab = math.cos(2*math.pi*(solar.GetDayOfYear(utc_datetime)- 1.0)/(365))
+ bc = math.sin(2*math.pi*(solar.GetDayOfYear(utc_datetime)- 1.0)/(365.0))
+ cd = math.cos(2*(2*math.pi*(solar.GetDayOfYear(utc_datetime)- 1.0)/(365.0)))
+ df = math.sin(2*(2*math.pi*(solar.GetDayOfYear(utc_datetime)- 1.0)/(365.0)))
+ decl = solar.GetDeclination(day)
+ ha = solar.GetHourAngle(utc_datetime, longitude_deg)
+ ZA = math.sin(latitude_deg)*math.sin(decl) + math.cos(latitude_deg)*math.cos(decl)*math.cos(ha)
+ EXTR1 = (SC*(1.00010 + 0.034221*(ab) + 0.001280*(bc) + 0.000719*(cd) + 0.000077*(df))*(ZA))
+ return EXTR1
+def declination_degree(utc_datetime, TY = TY_default ):
+ """The declination of the sun is the angle between Earth's equatorial plane and a line
+ between the Earth and the sun. It varies between 23.45 degrees and -23.45 degrees,
+ hitting zero on the equinoxes and peaking on the solstices.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ TY : float
+ Total number of days in a year. eg. 365 days per year,(no leap days)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ DEC : float
+ The declination of the Sun
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] http://pysolar.org/
+ """
+ DEC = 23.45 * math.sin((2*math.pi / (TY))*((solar.GetDayOfYear(utc_datetime)) - 81))
+ return DEC
+def solarelevation_function_clear(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime,temperature_celsius = 25,
+ pressure_millibars = 1013.25, elevation = elevation_default):
+ """Equation calculates Solar elevation function for clear sky type.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting
+ the north/south angular location of a place on a sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location
+ in an east-west direction,relative to the Greenwich meridian.
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ temperature_celsius : float
+ Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold.
+ pressure_millibars : float
+ pressure_millibars
+ elevation : float
+ The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean
+ sea level.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ SOLALTC : float
+ Solar elevation function clear sky
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status
+ and proposed new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
+ """
+ SOLALTC=(0.038175+(1.5458*(
+ math.sin(solar.GetAltitude(
+ latitude_deg,
+ longitude_deg,utc_datetime,
+ elevation,temperature_celsius,
+ pressure_millibars)))
+ )+((-0.59980)*(0.5*(1 - math.cos(2*(
+ solar.GetAltitude(
+ latitude_deg,longitude_deg, utc_datetime,
+ elevation, temperature_celsius,
+ pressure_millibars)))))))
+ return SOLALTC
+def solarelevation_function_overcast(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime,
+ elevation = elevation_default, temperature_celsius = 25,
+ pressure_millibars = 1013.25):
+ """ The function calculates solar elevation function for overcast sky type.
+ This associated hourly overcast radiation model is based on the estimation of the
+ overcast sky transmittance with the sun directly overhead combined with the application
+ of an over sky elavation function to estimate the overcast day global irradiation
+ value at any solar elevation.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a place on a
+ sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative to the
+ Greenwich meridian.
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ elevation : float
+ The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean sea level.
+ temperature_celsius : float
+ Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold.
+ pressure_millibars : float
+ pressure_millibars
+ Returns
+ -------
+ SOLALTO : float
+ Solar elevation function overcast
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] Prof. Peter Tregenza,"Solar radiation and daylight models", p.89.
+ .. [2] Also accessible through Google Books: http://tinyurl.com/5kdbwu
+ Tariq Muneer, "Solar Radiation and Daylight Models, Second Edition: For the Energy Efficient
+ Design of Buildings"
+ """
+ SOLALTO=((-0.0067133)+(0.78600*(math.sin(solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg,longitude_deg,utc_datetime,
+ elevation,temperature_celsius,
+ pressure_millibars)))
+ )+((0.22401)*(0.5*(1 - math.cos(2*(solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg,
+ longitude_deg,utc_datetime,elevation,
+ temperature_celsius,pressure_millibars)))))))
+ return SOLALTO
+def diffuse_transmittance(TL = TL_default):
+ """Equation calculates the Diffuse_transmittance and the is the Theoretical Diffuse Irradiance on a horizontal
+ surface when the sun is at the zenith.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ TL : float
+ Linke turbidity factor
+ Returns
+ -------
+ DT : float
+ diffuse_transmittance
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status and proposed
+ new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
+ """
+ DT = ((-21.657) + (41.752*(TL)) + (0.51905*(TL)*(TL)))
+ return DT
+def diffuse_underclear(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, elevation = elevation_default,
+ temperature_celsius = 25, pressure_millibars = 1013.25, TL=TL_default):
+ """Equation calculates the Diffuse under the clear sky conditions.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a place on
+ a sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative to the
+ Greenwich meridian.
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ elevation : float
+ The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean sea level.
+ temperature_celsius : float
+ Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold.
+ pressure_millibars : float
+ pressure_millibars
+ TL : float
+ Linke turbidity factor
+ Returns
+ -------
+ DIFFC : float
+ Diffuse Irradiation under clear sky
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status and proposed
+ new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
+ """
+ DT = ((-21.657) + (41.752*(TL)) + (0.51905*(TL)*(TL)))
+ DIFFC = ((mean_earth_sun_distance(utc_datetime)
+ )*(DT)*(solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg,longitude_deg, utc_datetime, elevation,
+ temperature_celsius , pressure_millibars )))
+ return DIFFC
+def diffuse_underovercast(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, elevation = elevation_default,
+ temperature_celsius = 25, pressure_millibars = 1013.25,TL=TL_default):
+ """Function calculates the diffuse under the overcast conditions.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a place on a
+ sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative to the
+ Greenwich meridian.
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ elevation : float
+ The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean sea level.
+ temperature_celsius : float
+ Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold.
+ pressure_millibars : float
+ pressure_millibars
+ TL : float
+ Linke turbidity factor
+ Returns
+ -------
+ DIFOC : float
+ Diffuse Irradiation under overcast
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status and proposed
+ new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
+ """
+ DT = ((-21.657) + (41.752*(TL)) + (0.51905*(TL)*(TL)))
+ DIFOC = ((mean_earth_sun_distance(utc_datetime)
+ )*(DT)*(solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg,longitude_deg, utc_datetime, elevation,
+ temperature_celsius, pressure_millibars)))
+ return DIFOC
+def direct_underclear(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime,
+ temperature_celsius = 25, pressure_millibars = 1013.25, TY = TY_default,
+ AM = AM_default, TL = TL_default,elevation = elevation_default):
+ """Equation calculates the Direct(Beam) under the clear sky conditions.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a
+ place on a sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative to the
+ Greenwich meridian.
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ temperature_celsius : float
+ Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold.
+ pressure_millibars : float
+ pressure_millibars
+ TY : float
+ Total number of days in a year. eg. 365 days per year,(no leap days)
+ AM : float
+ Air mass. An Air Mass is a measure of how far light travels through the Earth's atmosphere. One air mass,
+ or AM1, is the thickness of the Earth's atmosphere. Air mass zero (AM0) describes solar irradiance in space,
+ where it is unaffected by the atmosphere. The power density of AM1 light is about 1,000 :math:`W/m^2`
+ TL : float
+ Linke turbidity factor
+ elevation : float
+ The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean
+ sea level.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ DIRC : float
+ Direct Irradiation under clear
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status and proposed
+ new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
+ """
+ KD = mean_earth_sun_distance(utc_datetime)
+ DEC = declination_degree(utc_datetime,TY)
+ DIRC = (1367*KD*math.exp(-0.8662*(AM)*(TL)*(DEC)
+ )*math.sin(solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg,longitude_deg,
+ utc_datetime,elevation ,
+ temperature_celsius , pressure_millibars )))
+ return DIRC
+def global_irradiance_clear(DIRC, DIFFC, latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime,
+ temperature_celsius = 25, pressure_millibars = 1013.25, TY = TY_default,
+ AM = AM_default, TL = TL_default, elevation = elevation_default):
+ """Equation calculates the Global Irradiance under the clear sky conditions.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ DIRC : float
+ Direct Irradiation under clear
+ DIFFC : float
+ Diffuse Irradiation under clear sky
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a place
+ on a sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative to
+ the Greenwich meridian.
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ temperature_celsius : float
+ Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold.
+ pressure_millibars : float
+ pressure_millibars
+ elevation : float
+ The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the
+ mean sea level.
+ TY : float
+ Total number of days in a year. eg. 365 days per year,(no leap days)
+ AM : float
+ Air mass. An Air Mass is a measure of how far light travels through the Earth's atmosphere. One air mass,
+ or AM1, is the thickness of the Earth's atmosphere. Air mass zero (AM0) describes solar irradiance in
+ space, where it is unaffected by the atmosphere. The power density of AM1 light is about 1,000 W/m.
+ TL : float
+ Linke turbidity factor
+ elevation : float
+ The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean sea
+ level.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ ghic : float
+ Global Irradiation under clear sky
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status and proposed
+ new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
+ """
+ DIRC = direct_underclear(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime,
+ TY, AM, TL, elevation, temperature_celsius = 25,
+ pressure_millibars = 1013.25)
+ DIFFC = diffuse_underclear(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime,
+ elevation, temperature_celsius = 25, pressure_millibars= 1013.25)
+ ghic = (DIRC + DIFFC)
+ return ghic
+def global_irradiance_overcast(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime,
+ elevation = elevation_default, temperature_celsius = 25,
+ pressure_millibars = 1013.25):
+ """Calculated Global is used to compare to the Diffuse under overcast conditions.
+ Under overcast skies, global and diffuse are expected to be equal due to the absence of the beam
+ component.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a
+ place on a sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative
+ to the Greenwich meridian.
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ elevation : float
+ The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the
+ mean sea level.
+ temperature_celsius : float
+ Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and
+ cold.
+ pressure_millibars : float
+ pressure_millibars
+ Returns
+ -------
+ ghioc : float
+ Global Irradiation under overcast sky
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al, "Quality
+ control of solar radiation data: present status
+ and proposed new approaches", energy 30
+ (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
+ """
+ ghioc = (572*(solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime,
+ elevation , temperature_celsius , pressure_millibars )))
+ return ghioc
+def diffuse_ratio(DIFF_data,ghi_data):
+ """Function calculates the Diffuse ratio.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ DIFF_data : array_like
+ Diffuse horizontal irradiation data
+ ghi_data : array_like
+ global horizontal irradiation data array
+ Returns
+ -------
+ K : float
+ diffuse_ratio
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status and proposed
+ new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
+ """
+ #EXTR1 = extraterrestrial_irrad(utc_datetime, latitude_deg, longitude_deg, SC)
+ K = DIFF_data/ghi_data
+ return K
+def clear_index(ghi_data, utc_datetime, latitude_deg, longitude_deg):
+ """This calculates the Clear index ratio.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ ghi_data : array_like
+ global horizontal irradiation data array
+ utc_datetime : date_object
+ utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
+ latitude_deg : float
+ latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a place
+ on a sphere.
+ longitude_deg : float
+ longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative to the
+ Greenwich meridian.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ KT : float
+ Clear index ratio
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status and proposed
+ new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
+ """
+ EXTR1 = extraterrestrial_irrad(utc_datetime, latitude_deg, longitude_deg)
+ KT = (ghi_data/EXTR1)
+ return KT
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