[Python-modules-commits] [python-pysolar] 01/10: Removed obsolete examples page

Wolfgang Borgert debacle at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 3 23:36:26 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

debacle pushed a commit to annotated tag 0.4.2
in repository python-pysolar.

commit da22f110f6a95605bf3720a94dc570ee067dfa5d
Author: pingswept <brandon at pingswept.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 9 21:00:29 2009 -0500

    Removed obsolete examples page
 pysolar.org/examples.html | 120 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 120 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pysolar.org/examples.html b/pysolar.org/examples.html
deleted file mode 100644
index af07a1a..0000000
--- a/pysolar.org/examples.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
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-<title>Pysolar: staring directly at the sun since 2007</title>
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-<h2>Location calculation<a name="location"></a></h2>
-<a href="examples.html"></a>
-You can figure out your latitude and longitude from the URL from the "Link to this page" link 
-on <a href="http://maps.google.com/">Google maps</a>. Find your location on the map, click on 
-the "Link to this page" link, and then look at the URL in the address bar of your browser. In 
-between ampersands, you should see something like ll=89.123456,-78.912345. The first number 
-is your latitude; the second is your longitude.<br />
-<br />
-The reference frame for Pysolar is shown in the figure below. Altitude is reckoned with zero 
-at the horizon. The altitude is positive when the sun is above the horizon. Azimuth is 
-reckoned with zero corresponding to south. Positive azimuth estimates correspond to estimates 
-east of south; negative estimates are west of south. In the northern hemisphere, if we speak 
-in terms of (altitude, azimuth), the sun comes up around (0, 90), reaches (70, 0) around 
-noon, and sets around (0, -90).<br />
-<br />
-<img src="pysolar_reference_frame.png" alt="Diagram showing reference frames for altitude 
-and azimuth." /><br />
-Then, use the solar.GetAltitude() function to calculate the angle between the sun and a plane 
-tangent to the earth where you are. The result is returned in degrees.<br />
-<br />
-host:~/pysolar$ python
-Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May  2 2007, 16:56:35) 
-[GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)] on linux2
-Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
->>> import solar
->>> import datetime
->>> d = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # create a datetime object for now
->>> solar.GetAltitude(42.206, -71.382, d)
->>> d = datetime.datetime(2007, 2, 18, 20, 13, 1, 130320) # try another date
->>> solar.GetAltitude(42.206, -71.382, d)
-<br />
-You can also calculate the azimuth of the sun, as shown below.<br />
-<br />
->>> solar.GetAzimuth(42.206, -71.382, datetime.datetime(2007, 2, 18, 20, 18, 0, 0))
-<h2>Estimate of clear-sky radiation<a name="power"></a></h2>
-Once you calculate azimuth and altitude of the sun, you can predict the direct irradiation from 
-the sun using solar.GetRadiationDirect(), which returns a value in watts per square meter. As of 
-version 0.2, the function is *not* smart enough to return zeros at night (thus the crazy 1814 
-W/m^2 output below). It does account for the scattering of light by the atmosphere, though it uses 
-an atmospheric model based on data taken in the United States.<br />
-<br />
->>> latitude_deg = 42.3 # positive in the northern hemisphere
->>> longitude_deg = -71.4 # negative reckoning west from prime meridian in Greenwich, England
->>> altitude_deg = solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, d)
->>> azimuth_deg = solar.GetAzimuth(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, d)
->>> solar.GetRadiationDirect(d, altitude_deg)
-<br />
-<h2>Shading calculation<a name="shading"></a></h2>
-For a row of rectangular photovoltaic panels that track the sun, adjacent panels will shade each 
-other in the morning and afternoon, reducing power output. You can create a power estimate that 
-takes into account the shading of adjacent panels.<br />
-<br />
->>> import shade
->>> width = 100
->>> height = 200
->>> x_spacing = 120
->>> y_spacing = 120
->>> xs = shade.GetXShade(width, x_spacing, azimuth_deg)
->>> ys = shade.GetYShade(height, y_spacing, altitude_deg)
->>> shaded_area = xs * ys
->>> shaded_percentage = shaded_area/(width * height)
-<img alt="Graph of power vs. time" width="609px" src="power_vs_time.png" /><br />
-The graph above was created by calculating the power, including attenuation due to shading, at an
-interval of 30 minutes. The attenuation is assumed to be linearly proportional to area, which is
-probably optimistic, even if bypass diodes are used. The graph was created with <a
-href="http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/">matplotlib</a>; see <a
-for usage.
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-width="125" height="37" alt="SourceForge.net logo" /></a>

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-pysolar.git

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