[Python-modules-commits] [python-pysolar] 30/42: First go at query_usno - after 2to3 and manual changes

Wolfgang Borgert debacle at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 3 23:37:06 UTC 2014

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debacle pushed a commit to tag 0.6
in repository python-pysolar.

commit 6d2e16529015e57b1bde2b09473db94e275e03cd
Author: Robin Wilson <robin at rtwilson.com>
Date:   Sat Apr 19 12:09:16 2014 +0000

    First go at query_usno - after 2to3 and manual changes
 Pysolar/query_usno.py | 308 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 161 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Pysolar/query_usno.py b/Pysolar/query_usno.py
index 2906268..89f15d1 100644
--- a/Pysolar/query_usno.py
+++ b/Pysolar/query_usno.py
@@ -20,180 +20,194 @@
 """Tool for requesting data from US Naval Observatory
-import datetime, random, time, urllib, urllib2
+import datetime, random, time
+  from urllib.request import Request,urlopen
+  from urllib.parse import urlencode
+  from urllib2 import Request,urlopen
+  from urllib import urlencode
 import Pysolar as solar
 class Ephemeris:
-	def __init__(self, timestamp, latitude, longitude, elevation, azimuth=0, altitude=0):
-		self.timestamp = timestamp
-		self.latitude = latitude
-		self.longitude = longitude
-		self.elevation = float(elevation)
-		self.azimuth = float(azimuth)
-		self.altitude = float(altitude)
+    def __init__(self, timestamp, latitude, longitude, elevation, azimuth=0, altitude=0):
+        self.timestamp = timestamp
+        self.latitude = latitude
+        self.longitude = longitude
+        self.elevation = float(elevation)
+        self.azimuth = float(azimuth)
+        self.altitude = float(altitude)
 class EphemerisComparison:
-	def __init__(self, name1, eph1, name2, eph2):
-		self.timestamp = eph1.timestamp
-		self.latitude = eph1.latitude
-		self.longitude = eph1.longitude
-		self.elevation = eph1.elevation
-		self.name1 = name1
-		self.alt1 = eph1.altitude
-		self.az1 = eph1.azimuth
-		self.name2 = name2
-		self.alt2 = eph2.altitude
-		self.az2 = eph2.azimuth
-		self.alt_error = abs(eph1.altitude - eph2.altitude)
-		self.az_error = abs(eph1.azimuth - eph2.azimuth)
+    def __init__(self, name1, eph1, name2, eph2):
+        self.timestamp = eph1.timestamp
+        self.latitude = eph1.latitude
+        self.longitude = eph1.longitude
+        self.elevation = eph1.elevation
+        self.name1 = name1
+        self.alt1 = eph1.altitude
+        self.az1 = eph1.azimuth
+        self.name2 = name2
+        self.alt2 = eph2.altitude
+        self.az2 = eph2.azimuth
+        self.alt_error = abs(eph1.altitude - eph2.altitude)
+        self.az_error = abs(eph1.azimuth - eph2.azimuth)
 def RequestEphemerisData(datum):
-	data = EncodeRequest(datum.latitude, datum.longitude, datum.timestamp, datum.elevation)
-	url = 'http://aa.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/aa_topocentric2.pl'
-	req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
-	response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+    data = EncodeRequest(datum.latitude, datum.longitude, datum.timestamp, datum.elevation)
+    url = 'http://aa.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/aa_topocentric2.pl'
+    if type(data) == str:
+      req = Request(url, data.encode())
+    else:
+      req = Request(url, data)
+    response = urlopen(req)
-	lines = response.readlines()
-	response.close()
-	#print lines
-	#print lines[21] # should not we do some try catch here?
-	result = lines[21]
-	tokens = filter(lambda x: x not in ' ', result.split(' '))
-	print 'Tokens: \n', tokens
+    lines = response.readlines()
+    response.close()
+    #print lines
+    #print lines[21] # should not we do some try catch here?
+    result = lines[21]
+    tokens = [x for x in result.split(' ') if x not in ' ']
+    print('Tokens: \n', tokens)
-	usno_alt = float(tokens[4]) + float(tokens[5])/60.0 + float(tokens[6])/3600.0
-	usno_az = float(tokens[7]) + float(tokens[8])/60.0 + float(tokens[9])/3600.0
+    usno_alt = float(tokens[4]) + float(tokens[5])/60.0 + float(tokens[6])/3600.0
+    usno_az = float(tokens[7]) + float(tokens[8])/60.0 + float(tokens[9])/3600.0
-#	print usno_alt
-#	print usno_az
+#   print usno_alt
+#   print usno_az
-	result  = Ephemeris(datum.timestamp, datum.latitude, datum.longitude, datum.elevation, usno_az, usno_alt)
+    result  = Ephemeris(datum.timestamp, datum.latitude, datum.longitude, datum.elevation, usno_az, usno_alt)
-	return result
+    return result
 def ComparePysolarToUSNO(datum):
-	alt = solar.GetAltitude(float(datum.latitude), float(datum.longitude), datum.timestamp, datum.elevation)
-	pysolar_alt = (90.0 - alt)
-	az = solar.GetAzimuth(float(datum.latitude), float(datum.longitude), datum.timestamp, datum.elevation)
-	pysolar_az = (180.0 - az)%360.0
+    alt = solar.GetAltitude(float(datum.latitude), float(datum.longitude), datum.timestamp, datum.elevation)
+    pysolar_alt = (90.0 - alt)
+    az = solar.GetAzimuth(float(datum.latitude), float(datum.longitude), datum.timestamp, datum.elevation)
+    pysolar_az = (180.0 - az)%360.0
-#	print pysolar_alt
-#	print pysolar_az
+#   print pysolar_alt
+#   print pysolar_az
-	pysolar = Ephemeris(datum.timestamp, datum.latitude, datum.longitude, datum.elevation, pysolar_az, pysolar_alt)
-	c = EphemerisComparison('pysolar', pysolar, 'usno', datum)
-	return c
+    pysolar = Ephemeris(datum.timestamp, datum.latitude, datum.longitude, datum.elevation, pysolar_az, pysolar_alt)
+    c = EphemerisComparison('pysolar', pysolar, 'usno', datum)
+    return c
 def EncodeRequest(latitude, longitude, timestamp, elevation):
-	"""Builds a string of arguments to be passed to the Perl script at the USNO
-	Note that the degree arguments must be integers, or the USNO script chokes."""
-	params = {}
-	params['FFX'] = '2' # use worldwide locations script
-	params['ID'] = 'Pysolar'
-	params['pos'] = '9'
-	params['obj'] = '10' # Sun
-	params['xxy'] = str(timestamp.year)
-	params['xxm'] = str(timestamp.month)
-	params['xxd'] = str(timestamp.day)
-	params['t1'] = str(timestamp.hour)
-	params['t2'] = str(timestamp.minute)
-	params['t3'] = str(timestamp.second)
-	params['intd'] = '1.0'
-	params['unit'] = '1'
-	params['rep'] = '1'
-	params['place'] = 'Name omitted'
-        sign = lambda x: ('1', '-1')[x < 0]
-	(deg, rem) = divmod(longitude, 1)
-	(min, sec) = divmod(rem, 1.0/60.0)
-	params['xx0'] = sign(deg)# longitude (1 = east, -1 = west)
-	params['xx1'] = str(abs(int(deg))) # degrees
-	params['xx2'] = str(int(min)) # minutes
-	params['xx3'] = str(sec) # seconds
-	(deg, rem) = divmod(latitude, 1)
-	(min, sec) = divmod(rem, 1.0/60.0)	
-	params['yy0'] = sign(deg) # latitude (1 = north, -1 = south)
-	params['yy1'] = str(abs(int(deg))) # degrees
-	params['yy2'] = str(int(min)) # minutes
-	params['yy3'] = str(sec) # seconds
-	params['hh1'] = str(elevation) # height above sea level in meters
-	params['ZZZ'] = 'END'
-	data = urllib.urlencode(params)
-	return data
+    """Builds a string of arguments to be passed to the Perl script at the USNO
+    Note that the degree arguments must be integers, or the USNO script chokes."""
+    params = {}
+    params['FFX'] = '2' # use worldwide locations script
+    params['ID'] = 'Pysolar'
+    params['pos'] = '9'
+    params['obj'] = '10' # Sun
+    params['xxy'] = str(timestamp.year)
+    params['xxm'] = str(timestamp.month)
+    params['xxd'] = str(timestamp.day)
+    params['t1'] = str(timestamp.hour)
+    params['t2'] = str(timestamp.minute)
+    params['t3'] = str(timestamp.second)
+    params['intd'] = '1.0'
+    params['unit'] = '1'
+    params['rep'] = '1'
+    params['place'] = 'Name omitted'
+    sign = lambda x: ('1', '-1')[x < 0]
+    (deg, rem) = divmod(longitude, 1)
+    (min, sec) = divmod(rem, 1.0/60.0)
+    params['xx0'] = sign(deg)# longitude (1 = east, -1 = west)
+    params['xx1'] = str(abs(int(deg))) # degrees
+    params['xx2'] = str(int(min)) # minutes
+    params['xx3'] = str(sec) # seconds
+    (deg, rem) = divmod(latitude, 1)
+    (min, sec) = divmod(rem, 1.0/60.0)  
+    params['yy0'] = sign(deg) # latitude (1 = north, -1 = south)
+    params['yy1'] = str(abs(int(deg))) # degrees
+    params['yy2'] = str(int(min)) # minutes
+    params['yy3'] = str(sec) # seconds
+    params['hh1'] = str(elevation) # height above sea level in meters
+    params['ZZZ'] = 'END'
+    data = urlencode(params)
+    return data
 def GatherRandomEphemeris():
-	latitude = random.randrange(-90, 90)
-	longitude = random.randrange(0, 360)
-	elevation = 0.0
-	t = datetime.datetime(random.randrange(2012,2014), random.randrange(1, 13), random.randrange(1, 28), random.randrange(0, 24), random.randrange(0, 60), random.randrange(0,60))
-	query = Ephemeris(t, latitude, longitude, elevation)
-	PrintEphemerisDatum(query)
-	d = RequestEphemerisData(query)
-	PrintEphemerisDatum(d)
-	WriteEphemerisDatumToFile(d, 'usno_data.txt')
+    latitude = random.randrange(-90, 90)
+    longitude = random.randrange(0, 360)
+    elevation = 0.0
+    t = datetime.datetime(random.randrange(2012,2014), random.randrange(1, 13), random.randrange(1, 28), random.randrange(0, 24), random.randrange(0, 60), random.randrange(0,60))
+    query = Ephemeris(t, latitude, longitude, elevation)
+    PrintEphemerisDatum(query)
+    d = RequestEphemerisData(query)
+    PrintEphemerisDatum(d)
+    WriteEphemerisDatumToFile(d, 'usno_data.txt')
 def PrintEphemerisDatum(datum):
-	print datum.timestamp, datum.latitude, datum.longitude, datum.elevation, datum.azimuth, datum.altitude
+    print(datum.timestamp, datum.latitude, datum.longitude, datum.elevation, datum.azimuth, datum.altitude)
 def ReadEphemeridesLog(logname):
-	data = []
-	log = open(logname, 'r')
-	lines = log.readlines()
-	log.close()
-	for line in lines:
-		args = line.split(' ')
-		d = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(args[0] + ' ' + args[1], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')[0:6]))
-		e = Ephemeris(d, args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6])
-		data.append(e)
-	return data
+    data = []
+    log = open(logname, 'r')
+    lines = log.readlines()
+    log.close()
+    for line in lines:
+        args = line.split(' ')
+        d = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(args[0] + ' ' + args[1], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')[0:6]))
+        e = Ephemeris(d, args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6])
+        data.append(e)
+    return data
 def WriteEphemerisDatumToFile(d, filename):
-	log = open(filename, 'a')
-	log.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (d.timestamp, d.latitude, d.longitude, d.elevation, d.azimuth, d.altitude))
-	log.close()
+    log = open(filename, 'a')
+    log.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (d.timestamp, d.latitude, d.longitude, d.elevation, d.azimuth, d.altitude))
+    log.close()
 def WriteComparisonsToCSV(comps, filename):
-	out = open(filename, 'a')
-	for c in comps:
-		out.write('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (c.timestamp, c.latitude, c.longitude, c.elevation, c.alt1, c.alt2, c.alt_error, c.az1, c.az2, c.az_error))
-	out.close()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+    out = open(filename, 'a')
+    for c in comps:
+        out.write('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (c.timestamp, c.latitude, c.longitude, c.elevation, c.alt1, c.alt2, c.alt_error, c.az1, c.az2, c.az_error))
+    out.close()
-	from scipy import stats
-        import numpy as np
-	import sys
-	if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from scipy import stats
+    import numpy as np
+    import sys
+    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
                 ephemerides = ReadEphemeridesLog(sys.argv[1])
-        else:
-                for i in range(100):
-                        GatherRandomEphemeris()
-        ephemerides = ReadEphemeridesLog('usno_data.txt')
-	comps = []
-	for e in ephemerides:
-		c = ComparePysolarToUSNO(e)
-		comps.append(c)
-	az_errors = np.array([c.az_error for c in comps])
-	alt_errors = np.array([c.alt_error for c in comps])
-	print '---------------------'
-	print 'Azimuth stats'
-	print 'Mean error: ' + str(np.mean(az_errors))
-	print 'Std dev: ' + str(np.std(az_errors))
-	print 'Min error: ' + str(stats.tmin(az_errors, None))
-	print 'Max error: ' + str(stats.tmax(az_errors, None))
-	print '----------------------'
-	print 'Altitude stats'
-	print 'Mean error: ' + str(np.mean(alt_errors))
-	print 'Std dev: '+ str(np.std(alt_errors))
-	print 'Min error: ' + str(stats.tmin(alt_errors, None))
-	print 'Max error: ' + str(stats.tmax(alt_errors, None))
-	WriteComparisonsToCSV(comps, 'pysolar_v_usno.csv')
+    else:
+        for i in range(100):
+            GatherRandomEphemeris()
+            ephemerides = ReadEphemeridesLog('usno_data.txt')
+    comps = []
+    for e in ephemerides:
+        c = ComparePysolarToUSNO(e)
+        comps.append(c)
+    az_errors = np.array([c.az_error for c in comps])
+    alt_errors = np.array([c.alt_error for c in comps])
+    print('---------------------')
+    print('Azimuth stats')
+    print('Mean error: ' + str(np.mean(az_errors)))
+    print('Std dev: ' + str(np.std(az_errors)))
+    print('Min error: ' + str(stats.tmin(az_errors, None)))
+    print('Max error: ' + str(stats.tmax(az_errors, None)))
+    print('----------------------')
+    print('Altitude stats')
+    print('Mean error: ' + str(np.mean(alt_errors)))
+    print('Std dev: '+ str(np.std(alt_errors)))
+    print('Min error: ' + str(stats.tmin(alt_errors, None)))
+    print('Max error: ' + str(stats.tmax(alt_errors, None)))
+    WriteComparisonsToCSV(comps, 'pysolar_v_usno.csv')

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-pysolar.git

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