[Python-modules-commits] [python-pyld] branch master created (now c7b87b9)
Wolfgang Borgert
debacle at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 8 23:47:47 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
debacle pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-pyld.
at c7b87b9 Release 0.6.2.
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 02e5b4d Initialized pyld repository. First commit.
new b985695 Added License and initial JSON-LD processor. JSON-LD processor is fully functional but already requires changes to be up to date with the algorithms used in the Javascript implementation. Also added TestRunner, a simple testing framework for running the JSON-LD tests included in Digital Bazaar's Forge repository, hosted on GitHub.
new 041a668 Updated jsonld to work with new algorithm. Updated to match forge json-ld on the json-ld branch up to commit 225c5b50014d0ca5743a196f34b66223aae966dd. Still need to update with the few newever commits left. Runs and passes most tests. Fails on the following tests: Normalize: - reordered 4 bnodes, reordered 2 properties (1) - reordered 4 bnodes, reordered 2 properties (2) - evil (1) - evil (2) - evil (3) - deep diff (1) - deep diff (2)
new 1d75feb Added fixes to pass remaining JSON-LD tests.
new 3cf16ea Fixes to pass tests and miscellaneous code clean up.
new 0b8d65f Removed nulls in flatten.
new edaedfa Added support for framing defaults.
new e86ea67 Changed framing so null will not be auto-included in arrays.
new 217d851 Simplified framing default option handling.
new 3d1f424 Fixes to pass property CURIE conflict during compact.
new 2b27d42 Passed nulls test.
new 3409cda Added test stats printout. TestRunner prints out tests run, number passed and number failed.
new 5489a99 Use dc instead of dcterms prefix.
new 514d5f5 Simplified relation serialization format.
new 4bdcbea Removed JSON output from relation serializations.
new 3bba33d Cleaned up compact handling of disjoint graphs.
new 982ab36 Updated to pass tests.
new 9c0532e Added support for keyword aliasing.
new 33e3601 Removed xsd:anyURI usage.
new ef32630 Added docstrings in Sphinx format, fixes #1
new 59cc335 Update testing docs and pyld path.
new 69c35b6 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/timClicks/pyld
new 3f1aa22 Only expose public functions.
new 5d4323a Add basic setup.py.
new 28d6d91 Ignore non-source files.
new 2e04b4b Add initial Sphinx docs support.
new 8a65edd Fix string type checks.
new e283ef0 Added 'triples' method based on implementation from jsonld.js
new b8a21b0 Bugfix for omitOn referenced before defined (line 1637). Start by assigning a value to omitOn per JSON-LD spec section 6.10.2
new 2870283 Merge pull request #8 from jmandel/master
new 32a3d43 Add n-triples tests and update triples function.
new 88a3f9f Fixed 'defualt' typos
new c3dc59e Merge pull request #9 from jmandel/bugfix
new fecd234 Updated to new framing algorithm.
new e54542b Swapped key/value order in @coerce.
new 2532404 Fixed @embed=false bug.
new f8ae939 Support @context in frame arrays.
new a3d8041 Added optimization to avoid extra bnode sorting.
new 0369dc2 Made sort optimization more effective.
new 5b7c3fc Bugfix: after checking that frame is a non-empty array, take context from element 0.
new 6199a39 Merge pull request #10 from jmandel/patch-1
new 8487d5b Fixed replacement embed bugs.
new 93af469 Remove dependent dangling embeds.
new d458167 Removed obsolete use of rdf:type.
new 22cb9ce Remove unnecessary @type checks.
new b1ab401 Change @datatype to @type.
new 499bd63 Use new type coercion format.
new bb130a0 Remove expandSubjects option.
new 0cee2c4 Convert @subject and @iri to @id. Remove @vocab.
new a7e70a9 Do not do @id expansion for @id/@type even if aliased.
new ba83fdc Rename @literal to @value, bug fixes, use json-ld.org test-suite.
new c4742e3 Use keyword alias in compact output.
new a0b45ed Remove duplicate objects when normalizing.
new 5d6038a Modified mergedContexts to work with a list of contexts.
new 54bdab3 Back to the initial algorithm to merge dicts.
new db5d42c Use github's lame forced README naming convention.
new b2e7c80 Markdownify and fix testing docs.
new a2c77fa Sort all properties except @id in normalization, fix sort bug.
new 8416e75 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:digitalbazaar/pyld
new dbf818d Merge remote-tracking branch 'pyld/master'
new 9660cc4 Merge pull request #13 from ktbs/master
new 7d087a1 Modified compact() to work with a list of contexts.
new f2c5c47 Merge remote-tracking branch 'pyld/master'
new 489221d Merge pull request #14 from ktbs/master
new f0b4e18 Initial check-in of new port of jsonld.js.
new f7eb001 Pass expansion and normalization tests.
new ecf779d Pass compaction tests.
new 48d8336 Pass all tests except frame embed overwrite.
new d046876 Sort matches by @id.
new ba09fef Update to latest spec changes.
new e05e298 Allow null @id mappings, use null mapping in compact IRI.
new b0d6eb0 Use %1.15e for double strings, fix base IRI handling.
new cdbdd7b Implement fromRDF and toRDF.
new 974b6cf Fix whitespace regex.
new 1f5ebde Use RDF statements when normalizing.
new e1980d5 Do better caching of statement hashes.
new 4e1b199 Fix bad indent.
new f9bd6bb Shorten some code with single line conditionals.
new cf52a9b Remove special compaction of null-mapped IRIs.
new 1815d2b Simplify if/else.
new bdcfee3 Always use @value in expanded form.
new 96915c2 Update readme.
new 13e2a84 Readme fixes.
new c92ac49 Changes to better adhere to PEP 8.
new 39ef982 Add URL resolution support.
new 7a88a4d Add ability to register RDF statement parsers.
new 9ebacf4 Check input for non-array in from_rdf.
new 4f560cd Add escaping to N-Quads.
new 713d1a7 Fix blank node check in _flatten.
new 8d1a054 Handle @type blank node IRIs.
new eb43364 Add missing return.
new 06d81ae Update flatten algorithm, fix @list merge bugs.
new f3976d9 Update to fix value compaction when there is a default language.
new d00fd1a Fix nquads output for graph w/bnode ID.
new bf325e3 Use available aliases for @value, @language when compacting.
new d171017 Change addValue to allow duplicates by default.
new c7aff87 Remove duplicate RDF statements.
new fd593a5 Fix list term check.
new 4815d78 Fixes to comply with updates to the spec(s).
new 8e96906 Use base IRI when expanding @type.
new f3432c7 Use utf-8 encoding w/hashlib where necessary. Closes #15.
new 08016e6 Do not use python keywords for variable names. Closes #7.
new d3293ba Ensure graph name blank node IDs are relabeled.
new c968125 Use '_:b' instead of '_:t' for bnode prefixes.
new f991e41 Re-port jsonld.js to bring pyld up-to-date.
new d81d5e2 Support strings passed into process_context.
new d0667ed Use certificates file instead of path.
new 683681c Give precedence to @vocab over CURIEs when compacting IRIs.
new 9e48b64 Do not consider any two @lists equal.
new 1d88082 Always use @graph when context output is an array.
new de8e493 Throw error if compaction context is null.
new b5cdb0f Allow @id values that match term.
new 09fbcc1 Check invalid keyword aliasing via @id.
new 2567591 Mark term as defined once IRI mapping is set.
new 1173af0 Fix typo.
new 037f65c Add ability to generate EARL report.
new 126a6b9 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:digitalbazaar/pyld
new 6533820 Fix typo.
new e3a3803 Do not expand context IRI mappings using base.
new b06beab Remove unused code.
new 3b35ae6 Add comment about literals in N-Quads graph position.
new d7dcc29 Update fromRDF to comply with recent changes to the spec.
new d781d7a Use id_ instead of keyword id.
new 85a4ad3 Add missing parens.
new eae1276 Some fixes for bnodes for properties, xsd:double, and toRDF sorting.
new 3dee8ff Turn on useNativeTypes.
new 4cf4fb4 Remove extra bnode renaming, turn on active context caching.
new bcd4aee Fix bug with relative paths w/fragments.
new eca003a Check a list of potential certificate paths.
new d9fef69 Use reST vs markdown for README.
new b8d606a Add README title.
new 417255b Update setup.py and versino to 0.1.0.
new 76f55f9 Document correct functions.
new ec79298 Ignore more cruft.
new 977e41b Fix sdist issues.
new 277d556 Switch to 0.1.0-dev.
new e45a410 Fix typo: starting 0.1.1-dev.
new 05117bb Allow @set w/@reverse.
new 43bb925 Implement new document loading API.
new b42981d Only output language tag if non-empty.
new bcc314a Fix 80 char overflows.
new b3b6804 Bump version.
new 3c3f83a Remove old ContextCache.
new 1f6e781 Remove strict option.
new 1a527c5 Ensure expandContext URL option is processed.
new 6ac4bca Style fix.
new 2a6466f Ensure expand context is cloned.
new 43b19dc Fix docs (nquads not the default).
new fc5ad56 Change option name from 'loadDocument' to 'documentLoader'.
new b1dd311 Remove trailing whitespace.
new 0a8a590 Ensure expanded frame is properly traversed for @list.
new 809a451 Add travis-ci support.
new 9ac94c1 Use 3.x print function support.
new baa0ab1 Fix relative import for 3.x.
new 48fad1f Require Python 2.7.
new deb90ef Update Travis CI badge.
new afe665d Set email notifications to 'change'.
new 48208fe Do not add subject references at top-level.
new d8309d5 Bump version, fix docs, add produceGeneralizedRdf option.
new 03ae48c Exclude blank node predicates unless producing generalized RDF.
new c912f73 Do not produce generalized RDF when normalizing.
new cb83e09 Remove whitespace.
new 28e40b7 Add support for partial lists.
new 9a52824 Do not add (data)type nodes to node map.
new eea688d Add python 2 and 3 compatibility code.
new 0e09e4d Rewrite test runner.
new f60d060 Do not output relative IRIs in RDF datasets.
new 4e3d0a3 Support more error conditions in expand.
new 178de20 Add term definition error codes, etc.
new 862823b Add more error codes.
new 362a030 Use property for jsonld error code.
new ed00b59 Ensure remote doc is parsed; paren fix.
new 9c7ecab Fix verbose output.
new e8da26c Use param name when setting cause.
new 4d1170e Add missing return.
new b26d850 Fix typos.
new 9644948 Check doc for none explicitly.
new 896fb8c Open file before read.
new 9972e43 Use remote doc documentUrl as base.
new 08f4cfe Assume httpStatus is an int.
new 6ef4c85 Fix typo.
new 25a3381 Fix link header parsing and regex bugs.
new 1875ad0 Use filename extension for content type if not provided; bug fixes.
new abe93e1 Fix earl report writing.
new 13bc41b Remove unused compare function.
new 11018ff Ensure remote frames are parsed.
new 9c81f3e Support link headers in default document loader.
new 23a2d8f Use default document loader for remote document tests.
new 492e4c1 Fix test path.
new 9762438 Define basestring.
new 59f3a0b Exit with error code if tests do not pass.
new 2613fda Use spread operator instead of apply.
new dd3ec92 Do not use 'message' attribute, it is deprecated.
new f5ba9e0 Use ascii_letters.
new 52344d7 Decode binary response.
new 888a717 Remove extra space.
new 649603a Add quick examples to README.
new a6e8b11 Add import statements to examples.
new fa99bd6 Add missing space.
new 8160b0e Fix docs.
new dba4b39 Ensure cached active context is cloned.
new e367ba4 Bump version.
new 0526ee8 Extract package version from jsonld.__version__.
new 456c569 Fix typo.
new e1186f1 Add HACKING doc.
new ede754c Fix various style issues found with flake8.
new 19fc7e7 Release 0.4.3.
new 4fa4826 Start 0.4.4.
new 5f66c13 Use one import per line.
new 8908957 Declare global.
new 9a6cb13 Fix lines that were too long.
new a43c2de Fix typo.
new 721264d Some indentation fixes.
new d6b7350 Some indentation fixes.
new 291eff8 Fix typos.
new 370020b Some indentation fixes per flake8.
new 6e94747 Release 0.4.4.
new 63708d1 Start 0.4.5.
new 7080668 Check useRdfType flag.
new 569101b Release 0.4.5.
new 5575995 Start 0.4.6.
new eab07a3 Do not make path relative to base when there is no path.
new 93a6d07 Release 0.4.6.
new 41c41f3 Start 0.4.7.
new 4ac95fa Only add slash if normalize didn't already do so.
new 0f68bf5 Release 0.4.7.
new 62dca6a Start 0.4.8.
new c818bdc Use last path component if paths are equal w/no query or fragment.
new 72d9506 Release 0.4.8.
new bcd79e4 Start 0.4.9.
new 3c7a369 Do not relabel blank nodes w/@reverse property.
new 329873c Release 0.4.9.
new ad2e399 Start 0.4.10.
new 644f052 Skip IRI processing when base is null.
new 4a4457b Release 0.4.10.
new 159bbc1 Start 0.4.11.
new 35e3026 color coding the Python example code
new c23e435 Merge pull request #27 from BigBlueHat/patch-1
new ff344ae Add installation note.
new c99500c Specify accept header w/document loader.
new 779be9d Release 0.5.0.
new 81012b7 Start 0.5.1.
new 3d6e57a Update copyright.
new e64ba5d Add gzip support for remote document loading.
new e14a4d3 Release 0.5.1.
new b34be3b Start 0.5.2.
new 37d57e1 pyld: functools.cmp_to_key Python 2.6
new 34d7bb7 pyld: Python version checker backport.
new 8678c4c pyld: relpath fix for Python 2.6
new b881d23 tests: compatibility with Python 2.6
new 0e58868 travis-ci: Python 2.6 build
new e485895 Merge pull request #29 from greut/python26
new 6b417ef Minor style fix.
new 458d7ca Release 0.5.2.
new 26abccd Start 0.5.3.
new d04091d Explicitly disallow empty string terms.
new 5c64a89 Release 0.5.3.
new 01170ba Start 0.5.4.
new 79c3f26 Fix context caching bug.
new 4486348 Release 0.5.4.
new 93fc57b Start 0.5.5.
new f6a225b Fix bug w/blank nodes across graphs and RDF lists.
new 2f64b19 Release 0.5.5.
new cbc2c42 Start 0.6.0.
new 1532ab3 Add new framing features.
new c4e72bf Release 0.6.0.
new d8a15ab Start 0.6.1.
new a489b50 Ensure non-rdf:nil list node references are stored across graphs.
new 6f039af Clean up docs on list node conditions.
new 513663f Remove 'usages' from allowed keys.
new a1e3177 Release 0.6.1.
new 4212d76 Start 0.6.2.
new 15a34dd Test on more Python versions
new 0594c12 Merge pull request #32 from frewsxcv/patch-1
new 1e57f3a Skip array processing for keywords that aren't @graph or @list.
new c7b87b9 Release 0.6.2.
The 276 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-pyld.git
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