[Python-modules-commits] [python-pyld] 02/276: Added License and initial JSON-LD processor. JSON-LD processor is fully functional but already requires changes to be up to date with the algorithms used in the Javascript implementation. Also added TestRunner, a simple testing framework for running the JSON-LD tests included in Digital Bazaar's Forge repository, hosted on GitHub.

Wolfgang Borgert debacle at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 8 23:47:47 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

debacle pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-pyld.

commit b9856956bf34a89eadbc0ea9d4ce78f961bc211d
Author: Mike Johnson <mjohnson at digitalbazaar.com>
Date:   Mon Jul 11 17:36:33 2011 -0400

    Added License and initial JSON-LD processor.
    JSON-LD processor is fully functional but already requires changes to be up
    to date with the algorithms used in the Javascript implementation.
    Also added TestRunner, a simple testing framework for running the JSON-LD
    tests included in Digital Bazaar's Forge repository, hosted on GitHub.
 LICENSE              |   44 ++
 lib/pyld/__init__.py |    4 +
 lib/pyld/jsonld.py   | 1617 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/TestRunner.py  |  137 +++++
 4 files changed, 1802 insertions(+)

diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78c5f8b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+You may use the PyLD project under the terms of the New BSD License.
+The New BSD License is recommended for most projects. It is simple and easy
+to understand and it places almost no restrictions on what you can do with
+the PyLD project.
+You are free to use this project in commercial projects as long as the
+copyright header is left intact.
+If you are a commercial entity and use this set of libraries in your
+commercial software then reasonable payment to Digital Bazaar, if you can
+afford it, is not required but is expected and would be appreciated. If this
+library saves you time, then it's saving you money. The cost of developing
+the PyLD software was on the order of several hundred hours and tens of
+thousands of dollars. We are attempting to strike a balance between helping
+the development community while not being taken advantage of by lucrative
+commercial entities for our efforts.
+New BSD License (3-clause)
+Copyright (c) 2011, Digital Bazaar, Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * Neither the name of Digital Bazaar, Inc. nor the
+      names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+      derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/lib/pyld/__init__.py b/lib/pyld/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f207497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pyld/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+""" The PyLD module is used to process JSON-LD. """
+import jsonld
+__all__ = ["jsonld"]
diff --git a/lib/pyld/jsonld.py b/lib/pyld/jsonld.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6924e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pyld/jsonld.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1617 @@
+# Python implementation of JSON-LD processor
+# This implementation is ported from the Javascript implementation of
+# JSON-LD, authored by Dave Longley.
+# @author Dave Longley 
+# @author Mike Johnson
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Digital Bazaar, Inc. All rights reserved.
+import copy
+ns = {
+    'rdf': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#',
+    'xsd': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#'
+xsd = {
+    'anyType': ns['xsd'] + 'anyType',
+    'boolean': ns['xsd'] + 'boolean',
+    'double': ns['xsd'] + 'double',
+    'integer': ns['xsd'] + 'integer',
+    'anyURI': ns['xsd'] + 'anyURI'
+# Creates the JSON-LD default context.
+# @return the JSON-LD default context.
+def _createDefaultContext():
+    return {
+        'a': ns['rdf'] + 'type',
+        'rdf': ns['rdf'],
+        'rdfs': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#',
+        'owl': 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#',
+        'xsd': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#',
+        'dcterms': 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/',
+        'foaf': 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/',
+        'cal': 'http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical#',
+        'vcard': 'http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#',
+        'geo': 'http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#',
+        'cc': 'http://creativecommons.org/ns#',
+        'sioc': 'http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#',
+        'doap': 'http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#',
+        'com': 'http://purl.org/commerce#',
+        'ps': 'http://purl.org/payswarm#',
+        'gr': 'http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#',
+        'sig': 'http://purl.org/signature#',
+        'ccard': 'http://purl.org/commerce/creditcard#',
+        '@coerce':
+        {
+            'xsd:anyURI': ['foaf:homepage', 'foaf:member'],
+            'xsd:integer': 'foaf:age'
+        },
+        '@vocab': ''
+    }
+# Compacts an IRI into a term or CURIE if it can be. IRIs will not be
+# compacted to relative IRIs if they match the given context's default
+# vocabulary.
+# @param ctx the context to use.
+# @param iri the IRI to compact.
+# @param usedCtx a context to update if a value was used from "ctx".
+# @return the compacted IRI as a term or CURIE or the original IRI.
+def _compactIri(ctx, iri, usedCtx):
+    rval = None
+    # check the context for a term that could shorten the IRI
+    # (give preference to terms over CURIEs)
+    for key in ctx:
+        # skip special context keys (start with '@')
+        if not key.startswith('@'):
+            # compact to a term
+            if iri == ctx[key]:
+                rval = key
+                if usedCtx is not None:
+                    usedCtx[key] = ctx[key]
+                break
+    # term not found, check the context for a CURIE prefix
+    if rval is None:
+        for key in ctx:
+            # skip special context keys (start with '@')
+            if not key.startswith('@'):
+                # see if IRI begins with the next IRI from the context
+                ctxIri = ctx[key]
+                idx = iri.find(ctxIri)
+                # compact to a CURIE
+                if idx == 0 and len(iri) > len(ctxIri):
+                    # create the compacted IRI
+                    rval = key + ':' + iri[len(ctxIri):]
+                    if usedCtx is not None:
+                        usedCtx[key] = ctxIri
+                    break
+    # could not compact IRI
+    if rval is None:
+        rval = iri
+    return rval
+# Expands a term into an absolute IRI. The term may be a regular term, a
+# CURIE, a relative IRI, or an absolute IRI. In any case, the associated
+# absolute IRI will be returned.
+# @param ctx the context to use.
+# @param term the term to expand.
+# @param usedCtx a context to update if a value was used from "ctx".
+# @return the expanded term as an absolute IRI.
+def _expandTerm(ctx, term, usedCtx):
+    rval = None
+    # 1. If the property has a colon, then it is a CURIE or an absolute IRI:
+    idx = term.find(':')
+    if idx != -1:
+        # get the potential CURIE prefix
+        prefix = term[0:idx]
+        # 1.1 See if the prefix is in the context
+        if prefix in ctx:
+            # prefix found, expand property to absolute IRI
+            rval = ctx[prefix] + term[idx + 1:]
+            if usedCtx is not None:
+                usedCtx[prefix] = ctx[prefix]
+        # 1.2. Prefix is not in context, property is already an absolute IRI:
+        else:
+            rval = term
+    # 2. If the property is in the context, then it's a term.
+    elif term in ctx:
+        rval = ctx[term]
+        if usedCtx is not None:
+            usedCtx[term] = rval
+    # 3. The property is the special-case '@'.
+    elif term == "@":
+        rval = "@"
+    # 4. The property is a relative IRI, prepend the default vocab.
+    else:
+        rval = ctx['@vocab'] + term
+        if usedCtx is not None:
+            usedCtx['@vocab'] = ctx['@vocab']
+    return rval
+# Sets a subject's property to the given object value. If a value already
+# exists, it will be appended to an array.
+# @param s the subject.
+# @param p the property.
+# @param o the object.
+def _setProperty(s, p, o):
+    if p in s:
+        if isinstance(s[p], list):
+            s[p].append(o)
+        else:
+            s[p] = [s[p], o]
+    else:
+        s[p] = o;
+# Gets the coerce type for the given property.
+# @param ctx the context to use.
+# @param property the property to get the coerced type for.
+# @param usedCtx a context to update if a value was used from "ctx".
+# @return the coerce type, None for none.
+def _getCoerceType(ctx, property, usedCtx):
+    rval = None
+    # get expanded property
+    p = _expandTerm(ctx, property, None)
+    # built-in type coercion JSON-LD-isms
+    if p == '@' or p == ns['rdf'] + 'type':
+        rval = xsd['anyURI']
+    # check type coercion for property
+    else:
+        # force compacted property
+        p = _compactIri(ctx, p, None)
+        for cType in ctx['@coerce']:
+            # get coerced properties (normalize to an array)
+            props = ctx['@coerce'][cType]
+            if not isinstance(props, list):
+                props = [props]
+            # look for the property in the array
+            for i in props:
+                # property found
+                if i == p:
+                    rval = _expandTerm(ctx, cType, usedCtx)
+                    if usedCtx is not None:
+                        if not ('@coerce' in usedCtx):
+                            usedCtx['@coerce'] = {}
+                        if not (cType in usedCtx['@coerce']):
+                            usedCtx['@coerce'][cType] = p
+                        else:
+                            c = usedCtx['@coerce'][cType]
+                            if ((isinstance(c, list) and c.find(p) == -1) or
+                                (isinstance(c, (str, unicode)) and c != p)):
+                                _setProperty(usedCtx['@coerce'], cType, p)
+                    break
+    return rval
+# Recursively compacts a value. This method will compact IRIs to CURIEs or
+# terms and do reverse type coercion to compact a value.
+# @param ctx the context to use.
+# @param prop the property that points to the value, NULL for none.
+# @param value the value to compact.
+# @param usedCtx a context to update if a value was used from "ctx".
+# @return the compacted value.
+def _compact(ctx, prop, value, usedCtx):
+    rval = None
+    if value is None:
+        rval = None
+    elif isinstance(value, list):
+        # recursively add compacted values to array
+        rval = []
+        for i in value:
+            rval.append(_compact(ctx, prop, i, usedCtx))
+    # graph literal/disjoint graph
+    elif (isinstance(value, dict) and '@' in value and
+        isinstance(value['@'], list)):
+        rval = {}
+        rval['@'] = _compact(ctx, prop, value['@'], usedCtx)
+    # value has sub-properties if it doesn't define a literal or IRI value
+    elif (isinstance(value, dict) and '@literal' not in value and
+        '@iri' not in value):
+        # recursively handle sub-properties that aren't a sub-context
+        rval = {}
+        for key in value:
+            if value[key] != '@context':
+                # set object to compacted property
+                _setProperty(rval, _compactIri(ctx, key, usedCtx),
+                    _compact(ctx, key, value[key], usedCtx))
+    else:
+        # get coerce type
+        cType = _getCoerceType(ctx, prop, usedCtx)
+        # get type from value, to ensure coercion is valid
+        vType = None
+        if isinstance(value, dict):
+            # type coercion can only occur if language is not specified
+            if not ('@language' in value):
+                # datatype must match coerce type if specified
+                if '@datatype' in value:
+                    vType = value['@datatype']
+                # datatype is IRI
+                elif '@iri' in value:
+                    vType = xsd['anyURI']
+                # can be coerced to any type
+                else:
+                    vType = cType
+        # value type can be coerced to anything
+        elif isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
+            vType = cType
+        # types that can be auto-coerced from a JSON-builtin
+        if cType is None and (vType == xsd['boolean'] or
+            vType == xsd['integer'] or vType == xsd['double']):
+            cType = vType
+        # do reverse type-coercion
+        if cType is not None:
+            # type is only None if a language was specified, which is an error
+            # if type coercion is specified
+            if vType is None:
+                raise Exception('Cannot coerce type when a language is specified. The language information would be lost.')
+            # if the value type does not match the coerce type, it is an error
+            elif vType != cType:
+                raise Exception('Cannot coerce type because the datatype does not match.')
+            # do reverse type-coercion
+            else:
+                if isinstance(value, dict):
+                    if '@iri' in value:
+                        rval = value['@iri']
+                    elif '@literal' in value:
+                        rval = value['@literal']
+                else:
+                    rval = value
+                # do basic JSON types conversion
+                if cType == xsd['boolean']:
+                    rval = (rval == 'true' or rval != 0)
+                elif cType == xsd['double']:
+                    rval = float(rval)
+                elif cType == xsd['integer']:
+                    rval = int(rval)
+        # no type-coercion, just copy value
+        else:
+            rval = copy.copy(value)
+        # compact IRI
+        if vType == xsd['anyURI']:
+            if isinstance(rval, dict):
+                rval['@iri'] = _compactIri(ctx, rval['@iri'], usedCtx)
+            else:
+                rval = _compactIri(ctx, rval, usedCtx)
+    return rval
+# Recursively expands a value using the given context. Any context in
+# the value will be removed.
+# @param ctx the context.
+# @param prop the property that points to the value, NULL for none.
+# @param value the value to expand.
+# @param expandSubjects True to expand subjects (normalize), False not to.
+# @return the expanded value.
+def _expand(ctx, prop, value, expandSubjects):
+    rval = None
+    # TODO: add data format error detection?
+    # if no property is specified and the value is a string (this means the
+    # value is a property itself), expand to an IRI
+    if prop is None and isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
+        #print '  none'
+        rval = _expandTerm(ctx, value, None)
+    elif isinstance(value, list):
+        # recursively add expanded values to array
+        rval = []
+        for i in value:
+            rval.append(_expand(ctx, prop, i, expandSubjects))
+    elif isinstance(value, dict):
+        # value has sub-properties if it doesn't define a literal or IRI value
+        if not ('@literal' in value or '@iri' in value):
+            # if value has a context, use it
+            if '@context' in value:
+                ctx = mergeContexts(ctx, value['@context'])
+            # recursively handle sub-properties that aren't a sub-context
+            rval = {}
+            for key in value:
+                if len(key) == 1 or key.find('@') != 0:
+                    # set object to expanded property
+                    _setProperty(rval, _expandTerm(ctx, key, None),
+                        _expand(ctx, key, value[key], expandSubjects))
+                elif key != '@context':
+                    # preserve non-context json-ld keywords
+                    _setProperty(rval, key, copy.copy(value[key]))
+        # value is already expanded
+        else:
+            rval = copy.copy(value)
+    else:
+        # do type coercion
+        coerce = _getCoerceType(ctx, prop, None)
+        # automatic coercion for basic JSON types
+        if coerce is None and isinstance(value, (int, long, float, bool)):
+            if isinstance(value, bool):
+                coerce = xsd['boolean']
+            elif isinstance(value, float):
+                coerce = xsd['double']
+            else:
+                coerce = xsd['integer']
+        # coerce to appropriate datatype, only expand subjects if requested
+        if coerce is not None and (prop != '@' or expandSubjects):
+            rval = {}
+            # expand IRI
+            if coerce == xsd['anyURI']:
+                rval['@iri'] = _expandTerm(ctx, value, None)
+            # other datatype
+            else:
+                rval['@datatype'] = coerce
+                if coerce == xsd['double']:
+                    # do special JSON-LD double format
+                    value = '%1.6e' % value
+                elif coerce == xsd['boolean']:
+                    value = 'true' if value else 'false'
+                else:
+                    value = '%s' % value
+                rval['@literal'] = value
+        # nothing to coerce
+        else:
+            rval = '' + value
+    #print '-- _expand done --'
+    return rval
+# Checks if is blank node IRI.
+def _isBlankNodeIri(v):
+    return v.find('_:') == 0
+# Checks if is named blank node.
+def _isNamedBlankNode(v):
+    # look for "_:" at the beginning of the subject
+    return (isinstance(v, dict) and '@' in v and
+        '@iri' in v['@'] and _isBlankNodeIri(v['@']['@iri']))
+# Checks if is blank node.
+def _isBlankNode(v):
+    # look for no subject or named blank node
+    return (isinstance(v, dict) and not ('@iri' in v or '@literal' in v) and
+        ('@' not in v or _isNamedBlankNode(v)))
+# Compares two values.
+# @param v1 the first value.
+# @param v2 the second value.
+# @return -1 if v1 < v2, 0 if v1 == v2, 1 if v1 > v2.
+def _compare(v1, v2):
+    rval = 0
+    if isinstance(v1, list) and isinstance(v2, list):
+        for i in range(0, len(v1)):
+            rval = _compare(v1[i], v2[i])
+            if rval != 0:
+                break
+    else:
+        rval = -1 if v1 < v2 else (1 if v1 > v2 else 0)
+    return rval
+# Compares two keys in an object. If the key exists in one object
+# and not the other, that object is less. If the key exists in both objects,
+# then the one with the lesser value is less.
+# @param o1 the first object.
+# @param o2 the second object.
+# @param key the key.
+# @return -1 if o1 < o2, 0 if o1 == o2, 1 if o1 > o2.
+def _compareObjectKeys(o1, o2, key):
+    rval = 0
+    if key in o1:
+        if key in o2:
+            rval = _compare(o1[key], o2[key])
+        else:
+            rval = -1
+    elif key in o2:
+        rval = 1
+    return rval
+# Compares two object values.
+# @param o1 the first object.
+# @param o2 the second object.
+# @return -1 if o1 < o2, 0 if o1 == o2, 1 if o1 > o2.
+def _compareObjects(o1, o2):
+    rval = 0
+    if isinstance(o1, (str, unicode)):
+        if isinstance(o2, (str, unicode)):
+            rval = -1
+        else:
+            rval = _compare(o1, o2)
+    elif isinstance(o2, (str, unicode)):
+        rval = 1
+    else:
+        rval = _compareObjectKeys(o1, o2, '@literal')
+        if rval == 0:
+            if '@literal' in o1:
+                rval = _compareObjectKeys(o1, o2, '@datatype')
+                if rval == 0:
+                    rval = _compareObjectKeys(o1, o2, '@language')
+            # both are '@iri' objects
+            else:
+                rval = _compare(o1['@iri'], o2['@iri'])
+    return rval
+# Compares the object values between two bnodes.
+# @param a the first bnode.
+# @param b the second bnode.
+# @return -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, 1 if a > b.
+def _compareBlankNodeObjects(a, b):
+    rval = 0
+    # 3. For each property, compare sorted object values.
+    # 3.1.   The bnode with fewer objects is first.
+    # 3.2.   For each object value, compare only literals and non-bnodes.
+    # 3.2.1. The bnode with fewer non-bnodes is first.
+    # 3.2.2. The bnode with a string object is first.
+    # 3.2.3. The bnode with the alphabetically-first string is first.
+    # 3.2.4. The bnode with a @literal is first.
+    # 3.2.5. The bnode with the alphabetically-first @literal is first.
+    # 3.2.6. The bnode with the alphabetically-first @datatype is first.
+    # 3.2.7. The bnode with a @language is first.
+    # 3.2.8. The bnode with the alphabetically-first @language is first.
+    # 3.2.9. The bnode with the alphabetically-first @iri is first.
+    for p in a:
+        # step #3.1
+        lenA = len(a[p]) if isinstance(a[p], list) else 1
+        lenB = len(b[p]) if isinstance(b[p], list) else 1
+        # step #3.2.1
+        if rval == 0:
+            # normalize objects to an array
+            objsA = a[p]
+            objsB = b[p]
+            if not isinstance(objsA, list):
+                objsA = [objsA]
+                objsB = [objsB]
+            def bnodeFilter(e):
+                return (isinstance(e, (str, unicode)) or
+                    not ('@iri' in e and _isBlankNodeIri(e['@iri'])))
+            # filter non-bnodes (remove bnodes from comparison)
+            objsA = filter(bnodeFilter, objsA)
+            objsB = filter(bnodeFilter, objsB)
+            rval = _compare(len(objsA), len(objsB))
+        # steps #3.2.2-3.2.9
+        if rval == 0:
+            for i in range(0, len(objsA)):
+                rval = _compareObjects(objsA[i], objsB[i])
+                if rval != 0:
+                    break
+        if rval != 0:
+            break
+    return rval
+# Creates a blank node name generator using the given prefix for the
+# blank nodes. 
+# @param prefix the prefix to use.
+# @return the blank node name generator.
+class NameGenerator:
+    def __init__(self, prefix):
+        self.count = -1
+        self.prefix = prefix
+    def next(self):
+        self.count += 1
+        return self.current()
+    def current(self):
+        return '_:%s%s' % (self.prefix, self.count)
+    def inNamespace(self, iri):
+        return iri.startswith('_:' + self.prefix)
+# Populates a map of all named subjects from the given input and an array
+# of all unnamed bnodes (includes embedded ones).
+# @param src the input (must be expanded, no context).
+# @param subjects the subjects map to populate.
+# @param bnodes the bnodes array to populate.
+def _collectSubjects(src, subjects, bnodes):
+    if isinstance(src, list):
+        for i in src:
+            _collectSubjects(i, subjects, bnodes)
+    elif isinstance(src, dict):
+        if '@' in src:
+            # graph literal
+            if isinstance(src['@'], list):
+                _collectSubjects(src['@'], subjects, bnodes)
+            # named subject
+            else:
+                subjects[src['@']['@iri']] = src
+        # unnamed blank node
+        elif _isBlankNode(src):
+            bnodes.append(src)
+        # recurse through subject properties
+        for key in src:
+            _collectSubjects(src[key], subjects, bnodes)
+# Flattens the given value into a map of unique subjects. It is assumed that
+# all blank nodes have been uniquely named before this call. Array values for
+# properties will be sorted.
+# @param parent the value's parent, NULL for none.
+# @param parentProperty the property relating the value to the parent.
+# @param value the value to flatten.
+# @param subjects the map of subjects to write to.
+def _flatten(parent, parentProperty, value, subjects):
+    flattened = None
+    if isinstance(value, list):
+        # list of objects or a disjoint graph
+        for i in value:
+            _flatten(parent, parentProperty, i, subjects)
+        # if value is a list of objects, sort them
+        if (len(value) > 0 and
+            (isinstance(value[0], (str, unicode)) or
+            (isinstance(value[0], dict) and
+            ('@literal' in value[0] or '@iri' in value[0])))):
+            # sort values
+            value.sort(_compareObjects)
+    elif isinstance(value, dict):
+        # graph literal/disjoint graph
+        if '@' in value and isinstance(value['@'], list):
+            # cannot flatten embedded graph literals
+            if parent is not None:
+                raise('Embedded graph literals cannot be flattened.')
+            # top-level graph literal
+            for key in value['@']:
+                _flatten(parent, parentProperty, key, subjects)
+        # already-expanded value
+        elif '@literal' in value or '@iri' in value:
+            flattened = copy.copy(value)
+        # subject
+        else:
+            # create or fetch existing subject
+            subject = None
+            if value['@']['@iri'] in subjects:
+                # FIXME: '@' might be a graph literal (as {})
+                subject = subjects[value['@']['@iri']]
+            else:
+                subject = {}
+                if '@' in value:
+                    # FIXME: '@' might be a graph literal (as {})
+                    subjects[value['@']['@iri']] = subject
+            flattened = subject
+            # flatten embeds
+            for key in value:
+                if isinstance(value[key], list):
+                    subject[key] = []
+                    _flatten(subject[key], None, value[key], subjects)
+                    if len(subject[key]) == 1:
+                        # convert subject[key] to object if only 1 value was added
+                        subject[key] = subject[key][0]
+                else:
+                    _flatten(subject, key, value[key], subjects)
+    # string value
+    else:
+        flattened = value
+    # add flattened value to parent
+    if flattened is not None and parent is not None:
+        # remove top-level '@' for subjects
+        # 'http://mypredicate': {'@': {'@iri': 'http://mysubject'}} becomes
+        # 'http://mypredicate': {'@iri': 'http://mysubject'}
+        if isinstance(flattened, dict) and '@' in flattened:
+            flattened = flattened['@']
+        if isinstance(parent, list):
+            # do not add duplicate IRIs for the same property
+            duplicate = False
+            if isinstance(flattened, dict) and '@iri' in flattened:
+                def parentFilter(e):
+                    return (isinstance(e, dict) and '@iri' in e and e['@iri'] == flattened['@iri'])
+                duplicate = len(filter(parentFilter, parent)) > 0
+            if not duplicate:
+                parent.append(flattened)
+        else:
+            parent[parentProperty] = flattened
+# Returns True if the given source is a subject and has one of the given
+# types in the given frame.
+# @param src the input.
+# @param frame the frame with types to look for.
+# @return True if the src has one of the given types.
+def _isType(src, frame):
+    rval = False
+    # check if type(s) are specified in frame and src
+    rType = ns['rdf'] + 'type'
+    if (rType in frame and isinstance(src, dict) and
+        '@' in src and rType in src):
+        tmp = src[rType] if isinstance(src[rType], list) else [src[rType]]
+        types = frame[rType] if isinstance(frame[rType], list) else [frame[rType]]
+        for t in range(0, len(types)):
+            rType = types[t]['@iri']
+            for i in tmp:
+                if i['@iri'] == rType:
+                    rval = True
+                    break
+            if rval:
+                break
+    return rval
+# Returns True if the given src matches the given frame via duck-typing.
+# @param src the input.
+# @param frame the frame to check against.
+# @return True if the src matches the frame.
+def _isDuckType(src, frame):
+    rval = False
+    # frame must not have a specific type
+    rType = ns['rdf'] + 'type'
+    if rType not in frame:
+        # get frame properties that must exist on src
+        props = frame.keys()
+        if len(props) == 0:
+            # src always matches if there are no properties
+            rval = True
+        # src must be a subject with all the given properties
+        elif isinstance(src, dict) and '@' in src:
+            rval = True
+            for i in props:
+                if i not in src:
+                    rval = False
+                    break
+    return rval
+# A JSON-LD processor.
+class Processor:
+    ##
+    # Initialize the JSON-LD processor.
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.memo = {}
+    ##
+    # Normalizes a JSON-LD object.
+    # 
+    # @param src the JSON-LD object to normalize.
+    # 
+    # @return the normalized JSON-LD object.
+    def normalize(self, src):
+        rval = []
+        # TODO: validate context
+        if src is not None:
+            # get default context
+            ctx = _createDefaultContext()
+            # expand src
+            expanded = _expand(ctx, None, src, True)
+            # assign names to unnamed bnodes
+            self.nameBlankNodes(expanded)
+            # flatten
+            subjects = {}
+            _flatten(None, None, expanded, subjects)
+            # append subjects to array
+            for key in subjects:
+                rval.append(subjects[key])
+            # canonicalize blank nodes
+            self.canonicalizeBlankNodes(rval)
+            def normalizeSort(a, b):
+                return _compare(a['@']['@iri'], b['@']['@iri'])
+            # sort output
+            rval.sort(cmp=normalizeSort)
+        return rval
+    ##
+    # Assigns unique names to blank nodes that are unnamed in the given input.
+    # 
+    # @param src the input to assign names to.
+    def nameBlankNodes(self, src):
+        # create temporary blank node name generator
+        ng = self.ng = NameGenerator('tmp')
+        # collect subjects and unnamed bnodes
+        subjects = {}
+        bnodes = []
+        _collectSubjects(src, subjects, bnodes)
+        # uniquely name all unnamed bnodes
+        for bnode in bnodes:
+            if not ('@' in bnode):
+                # generate names until one is unique
+                while(ng.next() in subjects):
+                    pass
+                bnode['@'] = { '@iri': ng.current() }
+                subjects[ng.current()] = bnode
+    ##
+    # Renames a blank node, changing its references, etc. The method assumes
+    # that the given name is unique.
+    # 
+    # @param b the blank node to rename.
+    # @param name the new name to use.
+    def renameBlankNode(self, b, name):
+        old = b['@']['@iri']
+        # update bnode IRI
+        b['@']['@iri'] = name
+        # update subjects map
+        subjects = self.subjects
+        subjects[name] = subjects[old]
+        del subjects[old]
+        # update reference and property lists
+        self.edges['refs'][name] = self.edges['refs'][old]
+        self.edges['props'][name] = self.edges['props'][old]
+        del self.edges['refs'][old]
+        del self.edges['props'][old]
+        # update references to this bnode
+        refs = self.edges['refs'][name]['allnodes']
+        for i in refs:
+            iri = i['s']
+            if iri == old:
+                iri = name
+            ref = subjects[iri]
+            props = self.edges['props'][iri]['allnodes']
+            for i2 in props:
+                if i2['s'] == old:
+                    i2['s'] = name
+                    # normalize property to array for single code-path
+                    p = i2['p']
+                    tmp = ([ref[p]] if isinstance(ref[p], dict) else
+                        (ref[p] if isinstance(ref[p], list) else []))
+                    for n in tmp:
+                        if (isinstance(n, dict) and '@iri' in n and
+                            n['@iri'] == old):
+                            n['@iri'] = name
+        # update references from this bnode
+        props = self.edges['props'][name]['allnodes']
+        for i in props:
+            iri = i['s']
+            refs = self.edges['refs'][iri]['allnodes']
+            for r in refs:
+                if r['s'] == old:
+                    r['s'] = name
+    ##
+    # Deeply names the given blank node by first naming it if it doesn't already
+    # have an appropriate prefix, and then by naming its properties and then
+    # references.
+    # 
+    # @param b the bnode to name.
+    def deepNameBlankNode(self, b):
+        # rename bnode (if not already renamed)
+        iri = b['@']['@iri']
+        ng = self.ng
+        if not ng.inNamespace(iri):
+            self.renameBlankNode(b, ng.next())
+            iri = ng.current()
+            subjects = self.subjects
+            # FIXME: can bnode edge sorting be optimized out due to sorting them
+            # when they are unequal in other parts of this algorithm?
+            def compareEdges(a, b):
+                return self.compareEdges(a, b)
+            # rename bnode properties
+            props = self.edges['props'][iri]['bnodes']
+            props.sort(cmp=compareEdges)
+            for i in props:
+                if i['s'] in subjects:
+                    self.deepNameBlankNode(subjects[i['s']])
+            # rename bnode references
+            refs = self.edges['refs'][iri]['bnodes']
+            refs.sort(cmp=compareEdges)
+            for i in refs:
+                if i['s'] in subjects:
+                    self.deepNameBlankNode(subjects[i['s']])
+    ##
+    # Canonically names blank nodes in the given source.
+    # 
+    # @param src the flat input graph to assign names to.
+    def canonicalizeBlankNodes(self, src):
+        # collect subjects and bnodes from flat input graph
+        memo = self.memo = {}
+        edges = self.edges = {
+            'refs': {},
+            'props': {}
+        }
+        subjects = self.subjects = {}
+        bnodes = []
+        for s in src:
+            iri = s['@']['@iri']
+            subjects[iri] = s
+            edges['refs'][iri] = {
+                'allnodes': [],
+                'bnodes': []
+            }
+            edges['props'][iri] = {
+                'allnodes': [],
+                'bnodes': []
+            }
+            if _isBlankNodeIri(iri):
+                bnodes.append(s)
+        # build map of memoized bnode comparisons
+        for bn in bnodes:
+            iri1 = bn['@']['@iri']
+            memo[iri1] = {}
+        # collect edges in the graph
+        self.collectEdges()
+        def bnodeSort(a, b):
+            return self.deepCompareBlankNodes(a, b, {})
+        # sort blank nodes
+        bnodes.sort(cmp=bnodeSort)
+        # create canonical blank node name generator
+        c14n = NameGenerator('c14n')
+        # rename all bnodes that have canonical names to temporary names
+        tmp = self.ng
+        for bnode in bnodes:
+            if c14n.inNamespace(bnode['@']['@iri']):
+                # generate names until one is unique
+                while(tmp.next() in subjects):
+                    pass
+                self.renameBlankNode(bnode, tmp.current())
+        # change internal name generator from tmp one to canonical one
+        self.ng = c14n
+        # deeply-iterate over bnodes canonically-naming them
+        for bnode in bnodes:
+            self.deepNameBlankNode(bnode)
+        # sort property lists that now have canonically-named bnodes
+        for key in edges['props']:
+            if len(edges['props'][key]['bnodes']) > 0:
+                bnode = subjects[key]
+                for p in bnode:
+                    if p.find('@') != 0 and isinstance(bnode[p], list):
+                        bnode[p].sort(_compareObjects)
+    ##
+    # Compares the edges between two nodes for equivalence.
+    # 
+    # @param a the first bnode.
+    # @param b the second bnode.
+    # @param dir the edge direction ('props' or 'refs').
+    # @param iso the current subgraph isomorphism for connected bnodes.
+    # 
+    # @return -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, 1 if a > b.
+    def deepCompareEdges(self, a, b, dir, iso):
+        rval = 0
+        # Edge comparison algorithm:
+        # 1.   Compare adjacent bnode lists for matches.
+        # 1.1. If a bnode ID is in the potential isomorphism, then its associated
+        #      bnode *must* be in the other bnode under the same property.
+        # 1.2. If a bnode ID is not in the potential isomorphism yet, then the
+        #      associated bnode *must* have a bnode with the same property from the
+        #      same bnode group that isn't in the isomorphism yet to match up.
+        #      Iterate over each bnode in the group until an equivalent one is found.
+        # 1.3. Recurse to compare the chosen bnodes.
+        # 1.4. The bnode with lowest group index amongst bnodes with the same
+        #      property name is first.
+        # for every bnode edge in A, make sure there's a match in B
+        iriA = a['@']['@iri']
+        iriB = b['@']['@iri']
+        edgesA = self.edges[dir][iriA]['bnodes']
+        edgesB = self.edges[dir][iriB]['bnodes']
+        for i1 in range(0, len(edgesA)):
+            found = False
+            edgeA = edgesA[i1]
+            # step #1.1
+            if edgeA['s'] in iso:
+                match = iso[edgeA['s']]
+                for edgeB in edgesB:
+                    if edgeB['p'] > edgeA['p']:
+                        break
+                    if edgeB['p'] == edgeA['p']:
+                        found = (edgeB['s'] == match)
+                        break
+            # step #1.2
+            else:
+                for edgeB in edgesB:
+                    if edgeB['p'] > edgeA['p']:
+                        break
+                    if edgeB['p'] == edgeA['p'] and not (edgeB['s'] in iso):
+                        # add bnode pair temporarily to iso
+                        iso[edgeA['s']] = edgeB['s']
+                        iso[edgeB['s']] = edgeA['s']
+                        # step #1.3
+                        sA = self.subjects[edgeA['s']]
+                        sB = self.subjects[edgeB['s']]
+                        if self.deepCompareBlankNodes(sA, sB, iso) == 0:
+                            found = True
+                            break
+                        # remove non-matching bnode pair from iso
+                        del iso[edgeA['s']]
+                        del iso[edgeB['s']]
+            # step #1.4
+            if not found:
+                # no matching bnode pair found, sort order is the bnode with the
+                # least bnode for edgeA's property
+                rval = self.compareEdgeType(a, b, edgeA['p'], dir, iso)
+            if rval != 0:
+                break
+        return rval
+    ##
+    # Compares bnodes along the same edge type to determine which is less.
+    # 
+    # @param a the first bnode.
+    # @param b the second bnode.
+    # @param p the property.
+    # @param d the direction of the edge ('props' or 'refs').
+    # @param iso the current subgraph isomorphism for connected bnodes.
+    # 
+    # @return -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, 1 if a > b.
+    def compareEdgeType(self, a, b, p, d, iso):
+        rval = 0
+        # compare adjacent bnodes for smallest
+        adjA = self.getSortedAdjacents(a, p, d, iso)
+        adjB = self.getSortedAdjacents(a, p, d, iso)
+        for i in range(0, len(adjA)):
+            rval = self.deepCompareBlankNodes(adjA[i], adjB[i], iso)
+            if rval != 0:
+                break
+        return rval
+    ##
+    # Returns the bnode properties for a particular bnode in sorted order.
+    # 
+    # @param b the bnode.
+    # @param p the property (edge type).
+    # @param d the direction of the edge ('props' or 'refs').
+    # @param iso the current subgraph isomorphism for connected bnodes.
+    # 
+    # @return the sorted bnodes for the property.
+    def getSortedAdjacents(self, b, p, d, iso):
+        #print ''
+        #print '-- Get Sorted Adjacents --'
+        rval = []
+        # add all bnodes for the given property
+        iri = b['@']['@iri']
+        edges = self.edges[d][iri]['bnodes']
+        for edge in edges:
+            if edge['p'] > p:
+                break
+            if edge['p'] == p:
+                rval.append(self.subjects[edge['s']])
+        def bnodeSort(a, b):
+            #print '- bnodeSort -'
+            #print 'a: ',a
+            #print 'b: ', b
+            #print 'iso: ', iso
+            return self.deepCompareBlankNodes(a, b, iso)
+        # sort bnodes
+        rval.sort(cmp=bnodeSort)
+        #print 'rval: ', rval
+        return rval
+    ##
+    # Compares two blank nodes for equivalence.
+    # 
+    # @param a the first blank node.
+    # @param b the second blank node.
+    # @param iso the current subgraph isomorphism for connected bnodes.
+    # 
+    # @return -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, 1 if a > b.
+    def deepCompareBlankNodes(self, a, b, iso):
+        rval = 0
+        # compare IRIs
+        iriA = a['@']['@iri']
+        iriB = b['@']['@iri']
+        if iriA == iriB:
+            rval = 0
+        # use memoized comparison if available
+        elif iriB in self.memo[iriA]:
+            rval = self.memo[iriA][iriB]
+        else:
+            # do shallow compare first
+            rval = self.shallowCompareBlankNodes(a, b)
+            if rval != 0:
+                # compare done
+                self.memo[iriA][iriB] = rval
+                self.memo[iriB][iriA] = -rval
+            # deep comparison is necessary
+            else:
+                # compare properties
+                rval = self.deepCompareEdges(a, b, 'props', iso)
+                # compare references
+                if rval == 0:
+                    rval = self.deepCompareEdges(a, b, 'refs', iso)
+                # update memo
+                if not (iriB in self.memo[iriA]):
+                    self.memo[iriA][iriB] = rval
+                    self.memo[iriB][iriA] = -rval
+        return rval
+    ##
+    # Performs a shallow sort comparison on the given bnodes.
+    # 
+    # @param a the first bnode.
+    # @param b the second bnode.
+    # 
+    # @return -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, 1 if a > b.
+    def shallowCompareBlankNodes(self, a, b):
+        rval = 0
+        # ShallowSort Algorithm (when comparing two bnodes):
+        # 1.   Compare the number of properties.
+        # 1.1. The bnode with fewer properties is first.
+        # 2.   Compare alphabetically sorted-properties.
+        # 2.1. The bnode with the alphabetically-first property is first.
+        # 3.   For each property, compare object values.
+        # 4.   Compare the number of references.
+        # 4.1. The bnode with fewer references is first.
+        # 5.   Compare sorted references.
+        # 5.1. The bnode with the reference iri (vs. bnode) is first.
+        # 5.2. The bnode with the alphabetically-first reference iri is first.
+        # 5.3. The bnode with the alphabetically-first reference property is first.
+        pA = a.keys()
+        pB = b.keys()
+        # step #1
+        rval = _compare(len(pA), len(pB))
+        # step #2
+        if rval == 0:
+            pA.sort()
+            pB.sort()
+            rval = _compare(pA, pB)
+        # step #3
+        if rval == 0:
+            rval = _compareBlankNodeObjects(a, b)
+        # step #4
+        if rval == 0:
+            edgesA = self.edges['refs'][a['@']['@iri']]['allnodes']
+            edgesB = self.edges['refs'][b['@']['@iri']]['allnodes']
+            rval = _compare(len(edgesA), len(edgesB))
+        # step #5
+        if rval == 0:
+            # FIXME: for loop
+            for i in range(0, len(edgesA)):
+                rval = self.compareEdges(edgesA[i], edgesB[i])
+                if rval != 0:
+                    break
+        return rval
+    ##
+    # Compares two edges. Edges with an IRI (vs. a bnode ID) come first, then
+    # alphabetically-first IRIs, then alphabetically-first properties. If a blank
+    # node appears in the blank node equality memo then they will be compared
+    # after properties, otherwise they won't be.
+    # 
+    # @param a the first edge.
+    # @param b the second edge.
+    # 
+    # @return -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, 1 if a > b.
+    def compareEdges(self, a, b):
+        rval = 0
+        bnodeA = _isBlankNodeIri(a['s'])
+        bnodeB = _isBlankNodeIri(b['s'])
+        memo = self.memo
+        # if not both bnodes, one that is a bnode is greater
+        if bnodeA != bnodeB:
+            rval = 1 if bnodeA else -1
+        else:
+            if not bnodeA:
+                rval = _compare(a['s'], b['s'])
+            if rval == 0:
+                rval = _compare(a['p'], b['p'])
+            if rval == 0 and bnodeA and a['s'] in memo and b['s'] in memo[a['s']]:
+                rval = memo[a['s']][b['s']]
+        return rval
+    ##
+    # Populates the given reference map with all of the subject edges in the
+    # graph. The references will be categorized by the direction of the edges,
+    # where 'props' is for properties and 'refs' is for references to a subject as
+    # an object. The edge direction categories for each IRI will be sorted into
+    # groups 'all' and 'bnodes'.
+    def collectEdges(self):
+        refs = self.edges['refs']
+        props = self.edges['props']
+        # collect all references and properties
+        for iri in self.subjects:
+            subject = self.subjects[iri]
+            for key in subject:
+                if key != '@':
+                    # normalize to array for single codepath
+                    obj = subject[key]
+                    tmp = [obj] if not isinstance(obj, list) else obj
+                    for o in tmp:
+                        if (isinstance(o, dict) and
+                            '@iri' in o and
+                            o['@iri'] in self.subjects):
+                            objIri = o['@iri']
+                            # map object to this subject
+                            refs[objIri]['allnodes'].append({ 's': iri, 'p': key })
+                            # map this subject to object
+                            props[iri]['allnodes'].append({ 's': objIri, 'p': key })
+        def filterNodes(edge):
+            return _isBlankNodeIri(edge['s'])
+        # create sorted categories
+        for iri in refs:
+            refs[iri]['allnodes'].sort(cmp=self.compareEdges)
+            refs[iri]['bnodes'] = filter(filterNodes, refs[iri]['allnodes'])
+        for iri in props:
+            props[iri]['allnodes'].sort(cmp=self.compareEdges)
+            props[iri]['bnodes'] = filter(filterNodes, props[iri]['allnodes'])
+    ##
+    # Recursively frames the given src according to the given frame.
+    # 
+    # @param subjects a map of subjects in the graph.
+    # @param src the input to frame.
+    # @param frame the frame to use.
+    # @param embeds a map of previously embedded subjects, used to prevent cycles.
+    # @param options the framing options.
+    # 
+    # @return the framed src.
+    def _frame(self, subjects, src, frame, embeds, options):
+        rval = None
+        # prepare output, set limit, get array of frames
+        limit = -1
+        frames = None
+        if isinstance(frame, list):
+            rval = []
+            frames = frame
+        else:
+            frames = [frame]
+            limit = 1
+        # iterate over frames adding src matches to list
+        values = []
+        for i in range(0, len(frames)):
+            # get next frame
+            frame = frames[i]
+            if not isinstance(frame, (list, dict)):
+                raise Exception('Invalid JSON-LD frame. Frame type is not a map or array.')
+            # create array of values for each frame
+            values.append([])
+            for n in src:
+                # add src to list if it matches frame specific type or duck-type
+                if _isType(n, frame) or _isDuckType(n, frame):
+                    values[i].append(n)
+                    limit -= 1
+                if limit == 0:
+                    break
+            if limit == 0:
+                break
+        # FIXME: refactor to use python zip()
+        # for each matching value, add it to the output
+        for i1 in range(0, len(values)):
+            for i2 in range(0, len(values[i1])):
+                frame = frames[i1]
+                value = values[i1][i2]
+                # determine if value should be embedded or referenced
+                embedOn = frame['@embed'] if '@embed' in frame else options['defaults']['embedOn']
+                if not embedOn:
+                    # if value is a subject, only use subject IRI as reference 
+                    if isinstance(value, dict) and '@' in value:
+                        value = value['@']
+                elif (isinstance(value, dict) and '@' in value and
+                    value['@']['@iri'] in embeds):
+                    # TODO: possibly support multiple embeds in the future ... and
+                    # instead only prevent cycles?
+                    raise Exception(
+                        'Multiple embeds of the same subject is not supported.',
+                        value['@']['@iri'])
+                # if value is a subject, do embedding and subframing
+                elif isinstance(value, dict) and '@' in value:
+                    embeds[value['@']['@iri']] = True
+                    # if explicit is on, remove keys from value that aren't in frame
+                    explicitOn = frame['@explicit'] if '@explicit' in frame else options['defaults']['explicitOn']
+                    if explicitOn:
+                        # python - iterate over copy of list to remove key
+                        for key in list(value):
+                            # always include subject
+                            if key != '@' and key not in frame:
+                                del value[key]
+                    # iterate over frame keys to do subframing
+                    for key in frame:
+                        # skip keywords and type query
+                        if key.find('@') != 0 and key != ns['rdf'] + 'type':
+                            if key in value:
+                                # build src and do recursion
+                                src = value[key] if isinstance(value[key], list) else [value[key]]
+                                for n in range(0, len(src)):
+                                    # replace reference to subject w/subject
+                                    if (isinstance(src[n], dict) and
+                                        '@iri' in src[n] and
+                                        src[n]['@iri'] in subjects):
+                                        src[n] = subjects[src[n]['@iri']]
+                                value[key] = self._frame(
+                                    subjects, src, frame[key], embeds, options)
+                            else:
+                                # add None property to value
+                                value[key] = None
+                # add value to output
+                if rval is None:
+                    rval = value
+                else:
+                    rval.append(value)
+        return rval
+    ##
+    # Frames JSON-LD src.
+    # 
+    # @param src the JSON-LD input.
+    # @param frame the frame to use.
+    # @param options framing options to use.
+    # 
+    # @return the framed output.
+    def frame(self, src, frame, options=None):
+        rval = None
+        # normalize src
+        src = self.normalize(src)
+        # save frame context
+        ctx = None
+        if '@context' in frame:
+            ctx = mergeContexts(_createDefaultContext(), frame['@context'])
+        # remove context from frame
+        frame = removeContext(frame)
+        # create framing options
+        # TODO: merge in options from function parameter
+        options = {
+            'defaults':
+            {
+                'embedOn': True,
+                'explicitOn': False
+            }
+        }
+        # build map of all subjects
+        subjects = {}
+        for i in src:
+            subjects[i['@']['@iri']] = i
+        # frame src
+        rval = self._frame(subjects, src, frame, {}, options)
+        # apply context
+        if ctx is not None and rval is not None:
+            rval = addContext(ctx, rval)
+        return rval
+# Normalizes a JSON-LD object.
+# @param src the JSON-LD object to normalize.
+# @return the normalized JSON-LD object.
+def normalize(src):
+    return  Processor().normalize(src)
+# Removes the context from a JSON-LD object.
+# @param src the JSON-LD object to remove the context from.
+# @return the context-neutral JSON-LD object.
+def removeContext(src):
+    rval = None
+    if src is not None:
+        ctx = _createDefaultContext()
+        rval = _expand(ctx, None, src, False)
+    return rval
+# Adds the given context to the given context-neutral JSON-LD object.
+# @param ctx the new context to use.
+# @param src the context-neutral JSON-LD object to add the context to.
+# @return the JSON-LD object with the new context.
+def addContext(ctx, src):
+    rval = None
+    # TODO: should context simplification be optional? (ie: remove context
+    # entries that are not used in the output)
+    ctx = mergeContexts(_createDefaultContext(), ctx)
+    # setup output context
+    ctxOut = {}
+    # compact
+    rval = _compact(ctx, None, src, ctxOut)
+    # add context if used
+    if len(ctxOut.keys()) > 0:
+        # add copy of context to every entry in output array
+        if isinstance(rval, list):
+            for i in rval:
+                rval[i]['@context'] = copy.deepcopy(ctxOut)
+        else:
+            rval['@context'] = ctxOut
+    return rval
+# Changes the context of JSON-LD object "src" to "context", returning the
+# output.
+# @param ctx the new context to use.
+# @param src the input JSON-LD object.
+# @return the output JSON-LD object.
+def changeContext(ctx, src):
+    # remove context and then add new one
+    return jsonld.addContext(ctx, jsonld.removeContext(src))
+# Merges one context with another.
+# @param ctx1 the context to overwrite/append to.
+# @param ctx2 the new context to merge onto ctx1.
+# @return the merged context.
+def mergeContexts(ctx1, ctx2):
+    # copy contexts
+    cMerged = copy.deepcopy(ctx1)
+    cCopy = copy.deepcopy(ctx2)
+    # if the new context contains any IRIs that are in the merged context,
+    # remove them from the merged context, they will be overwritten
+    for key in cCopy:
+        # ignore special keys starting with '@'
+        if key.find('@') != 0:
+            for mkey in cMerged:
+                if cMerged[mkey] == cCopy[key]:
+                    del cMerged[mkey]
+                    break
+    # @coerce must be specially-merged, remove from context
+    mergeCoerce = '@coerce' in cMerged
+    copyCoerce = '@coerce' in cCopy
+    if mergeCoerce or copyCoerce:
+        if mergeCoerce:
+            c1 = cMerged['@coerce']
+            del cMerged['@coerce']
+        else:
+            c1 = {}
+        if copyCoerce:
+            c2 = cCopy['@coerce']
+            del cCopy['@coerce']
+        else:
+            c2 = {}
+    # merge contexts
+    for key in cCopy:
+        cMerged[key] = cCopy[key]
+    if mergeCoerce or copyCoerce:
+        # special-merge @coerce
+        for cType in c1:
+            # append existing-type properties that don't already exist
+            if cType in c2:
+                p1 = c1[cType]
+                p2 = c2[cType]
+                # normalize props in c2 to array for single-code-path iterating
+                if not isinstance(p2, list):
+                    p2 = [p2]
+                # add unique properties from p2 to p1
+                for p in p2:
+                    if ((not isinstance(p1, list) and p1 != p) or
+                        (isinstance(p1, list) and p not in p1)):
+                        if isinstance(p1, list):
+                            p1.append(p)
+                        else:
+                            p1 = c1[cType] = [p1, p]
+        # add new types from new @coerce
+        for cType in c2:
+            if not (cType in c1):
+                c1[cType] = c2[cType]
+        # ensure there are no property duplicates in @coerce
+        unique = {}
+        dups = []
+        for cType in c1:
+            p = c1[cType]
+            if isinstance(p, (str, unicode)):
+                p = [p]
+            for i in p:
+                if not (i in unique):
+                    unique[i] = True
+                elif i not in dups:
+                    dups.append(i)
+        if len(dups) > 0:
+            raise Exception(
+                'Invalid type coercion specification. More than one type' +
+                'specified for at least one property.', dups)
+        cMerged['@coerce'] = c1
+    return cMerged
+# Expands a term into an absolute IRI. The term may be a regular term, a
+# CURIE, a relative IRI, or an absolute IRI. In any case, the associated
+# absolute IRI will be returned.
+# @param ctx the context to use.
+# @param term the term to expand.
+# @return the expanded term as an absolute IRI.
+expandTerm = _expandTerm
+# Compacts an IRI into a term or CURIE it can be. IRIs will not be
+# compacted to relative IRIs if they match the given context's default
+# vocabulary.
+# @param ctx the context to use.
+# @param iri the IRI to compact.
+# @return the compacted IRI as a term or CURIE or the original IRI.
+def compactIri(ctx, iri):
+    return _compactIri(ctx, iri, None)
+# Frames JSON-LD input.
+# @param src the JSON-LD input.
+# @param frame the frame to use.
+# @param options framing options to use.
+# @return the framed output.
+def frame(src, frame, options=None):
+    return Processor().frame(src, frame, options)
diff --git a/tests/TestRunner.py b/tests/TestRunner.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2aa788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/TestRunner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# TestRunner is a basic unit testing framework, adapted from PyForge.
+# @author Mike Johnson
+# @author Dave Longley
+# Copyright 2011 Digital Bazaar, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+import os, sys, json
+from os.path import join
+from optparse import OptionParser
+sys.path += ('../lib',)
+from pyld import jsonld
+# TestRunner unit testing class.
+# Loads test files and runs groups of tests.
+class TestRunner:
+    def __init__(self):
+        ##
+        # The program options.
+        self.options = {}
+        ##
+        # The parser for program options.
+        self.parser = OptionParser()
+        ##
+        # The test directory.
+        self.testdir = None
+        ##
+        # The list of test files to run.
+        self.testfiles = []
+    ##
+    # The main function for parsing options and running tests.
+    def main(self):
+        print "PyLD TestRunner"
+        print "Use -h or --help to view options."
+        # add program options
+        self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file",
+            help="The single test file to run", metavar="FILE")
+        self.parser.add_option("-d", "--directory", dest="directory",
+            help="The directory full of test files", metavar="DIR")
+        self.parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
+         action="store_true", default=False, help="Prints verbose test data")
+        # parse options
+        (self.options, args) = self.parser.parse_args()
+        # check if file or directory were specified
+        if self.options.file == None and self.options.directory == None:
+            print "No test file or directory specified."
+            return
+        # check if file was specified, exists and is file
+        if self.options.file != None:
+            if (os.path.exists(self.options.file) and
+                os.path.isfile(self.options.file)):
+                # add test file to the file list
+                self.testfiles.append(os.path.abspath(self.options.file))
+                self.testdir = os.path.dirname(self.options.file)
+            else:
+                print "Invalid test file."
+                return
+        # check if directory was specified, exists and is dir
+        if self.options.directory != None:
+            if (os.path.exists(self.options.directory) and
+                os.path.isdir(self.options.directory)):
+                # load test files from test directory
+                for self.testdir, dirs, files in os.walk(self.options.directory):
+                    for testfile in files:
+                        # add all .test files to the file list
+                        if testfile.endswith(".test"):
+                            self.testfiles.append(join(self.testdir, testfile))
+            else:
+                print "Invalid test directory."
+                return
+        # see if any tests have been specified
+        if len(self.testfiles) == 0:
+            print "No tests found."
+            return
+        # FIXME: 
+        #self.testFiles.sort()
+        # run the tests from each test file
+        for testfile in self.testfiles:
+            # test group in test file
+            testgroup = json.load(open(testfile, 'r'))
+            for test in testgroup['tests']:
+                print 'Test: ', testgroup['group'], ' / ', test['name'], '...'
+                # open the input and expected result json files
+                inputFd = open(join(self.testdir, test['input']))
+                expectFd = open(join(self.testdir, test['expect']))
+                inputJson = json.load(inputFd)
+                expectJson = json.load(expectFd)
+                resultJson = None
+                testType = test['type']
+                if testType == 'normalize':
+                    resultJson = jsonld.normalize(inputJson)
+                elif testType == 'expand':
+                    resultJson = jsonld.removeContext(inputJson)
+                elif testType == 'compact':
+                    contextFd = open(join(self.testdir, test['context']))
+                    contextJson = json.load(contextFd)
+                    resultJson = jsonld.addContext(contextJson, inputJson)
+                elif testType == 'frame':
+                    frameFd = open(join(self.testdir, test['frame']))
+                    frameJson = json.load(frameFd)
+                    resultJson = jsonld.frame(inputJson, frameJson)
+                else:
+                    print "Unknown test type."
+                # check the expected value against the test result
+                if expectJson == resultJson:
+                    print 'PASS'
+                    if self.options.verbose:
+                        print 'Expect:', json.dumps(expectJson, indent=4)
+                        print 'Result:', json.dumps(resultJson, indent=4)
+                else:
+                    print 'FAIL'
+                    print 'Expect:', json.dumps(expectJson, indent=4)
+                    print 'Result:', json.dumps(resultJson, indent=4)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+   tr = TestRunner()
+   tr.main()

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/python-pyld.git

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