[Python-modules-commits] r31193 - in packages/celery/trunk/debian (control)

fladi-guest at users.alioth.debian.org fladi-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Oct 21 11:11:11 UTC 2014

    Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 @ 11:11:10
  Author: fladi-guest
Revision: 31193

Line-wrap fields in d/control.


Modified: packages/celery/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/celery/trunk/debian/control	2014-10-21 10:48:52 UTC (rev 31192)
+++ packages/celery/trunk/debian/control	2014-10-21 11:11:10 UTC (rev 31193)
@@ -3,25 +3,51 @@
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Michael Fladischer <FladischerMichael at fladi.at>,
- Brian May <bam at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.1.0~), dh-python,
- docbook-to-man, dvipng, locales, texlive-latex-base, texlive-latex-extra,
- python-all (>= 2.7), python-billiard (>=,
- python-dateutil (>= 1.5), python-doc,
- python-kombu (>= 3.0.19), python-kombu-doc (>= 3.0.19),
- python-memcache, python-mock (>= 1.0.1), python-nose,
- python-openssl, python-pyparsing,
- python-redis, python-setuptools, python-sphinx (>= 1.0.7+dfsg),
- python-sqlalchemy, python-tz, python-unittest2, python-billiard,
- python-gevent, python-mailer, python-pytyrant,
- python3-all, python3-billiard (>=,
- python3-dateutil (>= 1.5), python3-doc,
- python3-kombu (>= 3.0.19), python-kombu-doc (>= 3.0.19),
- python3-memcache, python3-mock (>= 1.0.1), python3-nose,
- python3-openssl, python3-pyparsing,
- python3-redis, python3-setuptools, python3-sphinx (>= 1.0.7+dfsg),
- python3-sqlalchemy, python3-tz, python3-billiard,
-# python3-gevent, python3-mailer, python3-pytyrant,
+           Brian May <bam at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.1.0~),
+               dh-python,
+               docbook-to-man,
+               dvipng,
+               locales,
+               python-all (>= 2.7),
+               python-billiard,
+               python-billiard (>=,
+               python-dateutil (>= 1.5),
+               python-doc,
+               python-gevent,
+               python-kombu (>= 3.0.19),
+               python-kombu-doc (>= 3.0.19),
+               python-mailer,
+               python-memcache,
+               python-mock (>= 1.0.1),
+               python-nose,
+               python-openssl,
+               python-pyparsing,
+               python-pytyrant,
+               python-redis,
+               python-setuptools,
+               python-sphinx (>= 1.0.7+dfsg),
+               python-sqlalchemy,
+               python-tz,
+               python-unittest2,
+               python3-all,
+               python3-billiard,
+               python3-billiard (>=,
+               python3-dateutil (>= 1.5),
+               python3-doc,
+               python3-kombu (>= 3.0.19),
+               python3-memcache,
+               python3-mock (>= 1.0.1),
+               python3-nose,
+               python3-openssl,
+               python3-pyparsing,
+               python3-redis,
+               python3-setuptools,
+               python3-sphinx (>= 1.0.7+dfsg),
+               python3-sqlalchemy,
+               python3-tz,
+               texlive-latex-base,
+               texlive-latex-extra
 X-Python-Version: >= 2.7
 XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest
 Standards-Version: 3.9.5
@@ -52,10 +78,10 @@
  ORM) is also available. Celery is easy to integrate with Django, using the
  python-django-celery package.
 Package: python-celery
 Architecture: all
 Depends: python-billiard (>=,
+         python-celery-common (= ${binary:Version}),
          python-dateutil (>= 1.5),
          python-kombu (>= 3.0.19),
@@ -63,10 +89,13 @@
-         python-celery-common (= ${binary:Version}),
-Suggests: python-gevent, python-pytyrant, python-redis, python-sqlalchemy, python-celery-doc
+Suggests: python-celery-doc,
+          python-gevent,
+          python-pytyrant,
+          python-redis,
+          python-sqlalchemy
 Description: async task/job queue based on message passing
  Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on
  distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation,
@@ -90,14 +119,17 @@
 Depends: python3-billiard (>=,
          python3-dateutil (>= 1.5),
          python3-kombu (>= 3.0.19),
-#         python3-mailer,
-Suggests: python3-gevent, python3-pytyrant, python3-redis, python3-sqlalchemy, python-celery-doc
+Suggests: python-celery-doc,
+          python3-gevent,
+          python3-pytyrant,
+          python3-redis,
+          python3-sqlalchemy
 Description: async task/job queue based on message passing
  Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on
  distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation,
@@ -119,7 +151,9 @@
 Package: python-celery-doc
 Section: doc
 Architecture: all
-Depends: libjs-jquery, ${misc:Depends}, ${sphinxdoc:Depends}
+Depends: libjs-jquery,
+         ${misc:Depends},
+         ${sphinxdoc:Depends}
 Description: async task/job queue based on message passing (Documentation)
  Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on
  distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation,
@@ -142,7 +176,9 @@
 Package: celeryd
 Architecture: all
-Depends: python-celery (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, adduser
+Depends: adduser,
+         python-celery (= ${binary:Version}),
+         ${misc:Depends}
 Breaks: python-celery (<< 3.0.24-1)
 Suggests: rabbitmq-server
 Description: async task/job queue based on message passing (daemons)

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