[Python-modules-commits] [flask-restful] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.2.12

Alexandre Viau reazem-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Oct 23 20:56:08 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

reazem-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository flask-restful.

commit 1da20e54bf3e149db44dcdb57b146cd1989083b5
Author: aviau <alexandre.viau at savoirfairelinux.com>
Date:   Thu Oct 23 16:24:42 2014 -0400

    Imported Upstream version 0.2.12
 Flask_RESTful.egg-info/PKG-INFO             |  10 +
 Flask_RESTful.egg-info/SOURCES.txt          |  18 +
 Flask_RESTful.egg-info/dependency_links.txt |   1 +
 Flask_RESTful.egg-info/not-zip-safe         |   1 +
 Flask_RESTful.egg-info/requires.txt         |  10 +
 Flask_RESTful.egg-info/top_level.txt        |   1 +
 PKG-INFO                                    |  10 +
 flask_restful/__init__.py                   | 565 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 flask_restful/fields.py                     | 287 ++++++++++++++
 flask_restful/paging.py                     |  29 ++
 flask_restful/representations/__init__.py   |   1 +
 flask_restful/representations/json.py       |  29 ++
 flask_restful/reqparse.py                   | 217 +++++++++++
 flask_restful/types.py                      | 223 +++++++++++
 flask_restful/utils/__init__.py             |  34 ++
 flask_restful/utils/cors.py                 |  47 +++
 flask_restful/utils/crypto.py               |  29 ++
 flask_restful/utils/ordereddict.py          | 130 +++++++
 setup.cfg                                   |   5 +
 setup.py                                    |  29 ++
 20 files changed, 1676 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13e0a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: Flask-RESTful
+Version: 0.2.12
+Summary: Simple framework for creating REST APIs
+Home-page: https://www.github.com/twilio/flask-restful/
+Author: Twilio API Team
+Author-email: help at twilio.com
+License: UNKNOWN
+Description: UNKNOWN
+Platform: any
diff --git a/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec75a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/dependency_links.txt b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/not-zip-safe b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/not-zip-safe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/not-zip-safe
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/requires.txt b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/requires.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97f3c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/requires.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/top_level.txt b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/top_level.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7b8527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Flask_RESTful.egg-info/top_level.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13e0a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: Flask-RESTful
+Version: 0.2.12
+Summary: Simple framework for creating REST APIs
+Home-page: https://www.github.com/twilio/flask-restful/
+Author: Twilio API Team
+Author-email: help at twilio.com
+License: UNKNOWN
+Description: UNKNOWN
+Platform: any
diff --git a/flask_restful/__init__.py b/flask_restful/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4debd43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_restful/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import difflib
+from functools import wraps, partial
+import re
+from flask import request, url_for, current_app
+from flask import abort as original_flask_abort
+from flask.views import MethodView
+from flask.signals import got_request_exception
+from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException, MethodNotAllowed, NotFound
+from werkzeug.http import HTTP_STATUS_CODES
+from werkzeug.wrappers import Response as ResponseBase
+from flask.ext.restful.utils import error_data, unpack
+from flask.ext.restful.representations.json import output_json
+import sys
+from flask.helpers import _endpoint_from_view_func
+from types import MethodType
+    #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+    from collections import OrderedDict
+except ImportError:
+    from .utils.ordereddict import OrderedDict
+__all__ = ('Api', 'Resource', 'marshal', 'marshal_with', 'abort')
+def abort(http_status_code, **kwargs):
+    """Raise a HTTPException for the given http_status_code. Attach any keyword
+    arguments to the exception for later processing.
+    """
+    #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+    try:
+        original_flask_abort(http_status_code)
+    except HTTPException as e:
+        if len(kwargs):
+            e.data = kwargs
+        raise e
+DEFAULT_REPRESENTATIONS = {'application/json': output_json}
+class Api(object):
+    """
+    The main entry point for the application.
+    You need to initialize it with a Flask Application: ::
+    >>> app = Flask(__name__)
+    >>> api = restful.Api(app)
+    Alternatively, you can use :meth:`init_app` to set the Flask application
+    after it has been constructed.
+    :param app: the Flask application object
+    :type app: flask.Flask
+    :param prefix: Prefix all routes with a value, eg v1 or 2010-04-01
+    :type prefix: str
+    :param default_mediatype: The default media type to return
+    :type default_mediatype: str
+    :param decorators: Decorators to attach to every resource
+    :type decorators: list
+    :param catch_all_404s: Use :meth:`handle_error`
+        to handle 404 errors throughout your app
+    :param url_part_order: A string that controls the order that the pieces
+        of the url are concatenated when the full url is constructed.  'b'
+        is the blueprint (or blueprint registration) prefix, 'a' is the api
+        prefix, and 'e' is the path component the endpoint is added with
+    :type catch_all_404s: bool
+    """
+    def __init__(self, app=None, prefix='',
+                 default_mediatype='application/json', decorators=None,
+                 catch_all_404s=False, url_part_order='bae'):
+        self.representations = dict(DEFAULT_REPRESENTATIONS)
+        self.urls = {}
+        self.prefix = prefix
+        self.default_mediatype = default_mediatype
+        self.decorators = decorators if decorators else []
+        self.catch_all_404s = catch_all_404s
+        self.url_part_order = url_part_order
+        self.blueprint_setup = None
+        self.endpoints = set()
+        self.resources = []
+        self.app = None
+        if app is not None:
+            self.app = app
+            self.init_app(app)
+    def init_app(self, app):
+        """Initialize this class with the given :class:`flask.Flask`
+        application or :class:`flask.Blueprint` object.
+        :param app: the Flask application or blueprint object
+        :type app: flask.Flask
+        :type app: flask.Blueprint
+        Examples::
+            api = Api()
+            api.init_app(app)
+            api.add_resource(...)
+        """
+        self.blueprint = None
+        # If app is a blueprint, defer the initialization
+        try:
+            app.record(self._deferred_blueprint_init)
+        # Flask.Blueprint has a 'record' attribute, Flask.Api does not
+        except AttributeError:
+            self._init_app(app)
+        else:
+            self.blueprint = app
+    def _complete_url(self, url_part, registration_prefix):
+        """This method is used to defer the construction of the final url in
+        the case that the Api is created with a Blueprint.
+        :param url_part: The part of the url the endpoint is registered with
+        :param registration_prefix: The part of the url contributed by the
+            blueprint.  Generally speaking, BlueprintSetupState.url_prefix
+        """
+        parts = {'b' : registration_prefix,
+                 'a' : self.prefix,
+                 'e' : url_part}
+        return ''.join(parts[key] for key in self.url_part_order if parts[key])
+    @staticmethod
+    def _blueprint_setup_add_url_rule_patch(blueprint_setup, rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, **options):
+        """Method used to patch BlueprintSetupState.add_url_rule for setup
+        state instance corresponding to this Api instance.  Exists primarily
+        to enable _complete_url's function.
+        :param blueprint_setup: The BlueprintSetupState instance (self)
+        :param rule: A string or callable that takes a string and returns a
+            string(_complete_url) that is the url rule for the endpoint
+            being registered
+        :param endpoint: See BlueprintSetupState.add_url_rule
+        :param view_func: See BlueprintSetupState.add_url_rule
+        :param **options: See BlueprintSetupState.add_url_rule
+        """
+        if callable(rule):
+            rule = rule(blueprint_setup.url_prefix)
+        elif blueprint_setup.url_prefix:
+            rule = blueprint_setup.url_prefix + rule
+        options.setdefault('subdomain', blueprint_setup.subdomain)
+        if endpoint is None:
+            endpoint = _endpoint_from_view_func(view_func)
+        defaults = blueprint_setup.url_defaults
+        if 'defaults' in options:
+            defaults = dict(defaults, **options.pop('defaults'))
+        blueprint_setup.app.add_url_rule(rule, '%s.%s' % (blueprint_setup.blueprint.name, endpoint),
+                                         view_func, defaults=defaults, **options)
+    def _deferred_blueprint_init(self, setup_state):
+        """Synchronize prefix between blueprint/api and registration options, then
+        perform initialization with setup_state.app :class:`flask.Flask` object.
+        When a :class:`flask_restful.Api` object is initialized with a blueprint,
+        this method is recorded on the blueprint to be run when the blueprint is later
+        registered to a :class:`flask.Flask` object.  This method also monkeypatches
+        BlueprintSetupState.add_url_rule with _blueprint_setup_add_url_rule_patch.
+        :param setup_state: The setup state object passed to deferred functions
+            during blueprint registration
+        :type setup_state: flask.blueprints.BlueprintSetupState
+        """
+        self.blueprint_setup = setup_state
+        if setup_state.add_url_rule.__name__ != '_blueprint_setup_add_url_rule_patch':
+            setup_state._original_add_url_rule = setup_state.add_url_rule
+            setup_state.add_url_rule = MethodType(Api._blueprint_setup_add_url_rule_patch,
+                                                  setup_state)
+        if not setup_state.first_registration:
+            raise ValueError('flask-restful blueprints can only be registered once.')
+        self._init_app(setup_state.app)
+    def _init_app(self, app):
+        """Perform initialization actions with the given :class:`flask.Flask`
+        object.
+        :param app: The flask application object
+        :type app: flask.Flask
+        """
+        app.handle_exception = partial(self.error_router, app.handle_exception)
+        app.handle_user_exception = partial(self.error_router, app.handle_user_exception)
+        if len(self.resources) > 0:
+            for resource, urls, kwargs in self.resources:
+                self._register_view(app, resource, *urls, **kwargs)
+    def owns_endpoint(self, endpoint):
+        """Tests if an endpoint name (not path) belongs to this Api.  Takes
+        in to account the Blueprint name part of the endpoint name.
+        :param endpoint: The name of the endpoint being checked
+        :return: bool
+        """
+        if self.blueprint:
+            if endpoint.startswith(self.blueprint.name):
+                endpoint = endpoint.split(self.blueprint.name + '.', 1)[-1]
+            else:
+                return False
+        return endpoint in self.endpoints
+    def _should_use_fr_error_handler(self):
+        """ Determine if error should be handled with FR or default Flask
+        The goal is to return Flask error handlers for non-FR-related routes,
+        and FR errors (with the correct media type) for FR endpoints. This
+        method currently handles 404 and 405 errors.
+        :return: bool
+        """
+        adapter = current_app.create_url_adapter(request)
+        try:
+            adapter.match()
+        except MethodNotAllowed as e:
+            # Check if the other HTTP methods at this url would hit the Api
+            valid_route_method = e.valid_methods[0]
+            rule, _ = adapter.match(method=valid_route_method, return_rule=True)
+            return self.owns_endpoint(rule.endpoint)
+        except NotFound:
+            return self.catch_all_404s
+        except:
+            # Werkzeug throws other kinds of exceptions, such as Redirect
+            pass
+    def _has_fr_route(self):
+        """Encapsulating the rules for whether the request was to a Flask endpoint"""
+        # 404's, 405's, which might not have a url_rule
+        if self._should_use_fr_error_handler():
+            return True
+        # for all other errors, just check if FR dispatched the route
+        if not request.url_rule:
+            return False
+        return self.owns_endpoint(request.url_rule.endpoint)
+    def error_router(self, original_handler, e):
+        """This function decides whether the error occured in a flask-restful
+        endpoint or not. If it happened in a flask-restful endpoint, our
+        handler will be dispatched. If it happened in an unrelated view, the
+        app's original error handler will be dispatched.
+        :param original_handler: the original Flask error handler for the app
+        :type original_handler: function
+        :param e: the exception raised while handling the request
+        :type e: Exception
+        """
+        if self._has_fr_route():
+            return self.handle_error(e)
+        return original_handler(e)
+    def handle_error(self, e):
+        """Error handler for the API transforms a raised exception into a Flask
+        response, with the appropriate HTTP status code and body.
+        :param e: the raised Exception object
+        :type e: Exception
+        """
+        got_request_exception.send(current_app._get_current_object(), exception=e)
+        if not hasattr(e, 'code') and current_app.propagate_exceptions:
+            exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
+            if exc_value is e:
+                raise
+            else:
+                raise e
+        code = getattr(e, 'code', 500)
+        data = getattr(e, 'data', error_data(code))
+        if code >= 500:
+            # There's currently a bug in Python3 that disallows calling
+            # logging.exception() when an exception hasn't actually be raised
+            if sys.exc_info() == (None, None, None):
+                current_app.logger.error("Internal Error")
+            else:
+                current_app.logger.exception("Internal Error")
+        help_on_404 = current_app.config.get("ERROR_404_HELP", True)
+        if code == 404 and help_on_404 and ('message' not in data or
+                                            data['message'] == HTTP_STATUS_CODES[404]):
+            rules = dict([(re.sub('(<.*>)', '', rule.rule), rule.rule)
+                          for rule in current_app.url_map.iter_rules()])
+            close_matches = difflib.get_close_matches(request.path, rules.keys())
+            if close_matches:
+                # If we already have a message, add punctuation and continue it.
+                if "message" in data:
+                    data["message"] += ". "
+                else:
+                    data["message"] = ""
+                data['message'] += 'You have requested this URI [' + request.path + \
+                        '] but did you mean ' + \
+                        ' or '.join((rules[match]
+                                     for match in close_matches)) + ' ?'
+        resp = self.make_response(data, code)
+        if code == 401:
+            resp = self.unauthorized(resp)
+        return resp
+    def mediatypes_method(self):
+        """Return a method that returns a list of mediatypes
+        """
+        return lambda resource_cls: self.mediatypes() + [self.default_mediatype]
+    def add_resource(self, resource, *urls, **kwargs):
+        """Adds a resource to the api.
+        :param resource: the class name of your resource
+        :type resource: :class:`Resource`
+        :param urls: one or more url routes to match for the resource, standard
+                     flask routing rules apply.  Any url variables will be
+                     passed to the resource method as args.
+        :type urls: str
+        :param endpoint: endpoint name (defaults to :meth:`Resource.__name__.lower`
+            Can be used to reference this route in :class:`fields.Url` fields
+        :type endpoint: str
+        Additional keyword arguments not specified above will be passed as-is
+        to :meth:`flask.Flask.add_url_rule`.
+        Examples::
+            api.add_resource(HelloWorld, '/', '/hello')
+            api.add_resource(Foo, '/foo', endpoint="foo")
+            api.add_resource(FooSpecial, '/special/foo', endpoint="foo")
+        """
+        if self.app is not None:
+            self._register_view(self.app, resource, *urls, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            self.resources.append((resource, urls, kwargs))
+    def _register_view(self, app, resource, *urls, **kwargs):
+        endpoint = kwargs.pop('endpoint', None) or resource.__name__.lower()
+        self.endpoints.add(endpoint)
+        if endpoint in app.view_functions.keys():
+            previous_view_class = app.view_functions[endpoint].__dict__['view_class']
+            # if you override the endpoint with a different class, avoid the collision by raising an exception
+            if previous_view_class != resource:
+                raise ValueError('This endpoint (%s) is already set to the class %s.' % (endpoint, previous_view_class.__name__))
+        resource.mediatypes = self.mediatypes_method()  # Hacky
+        resource.endpoint = endpoint
+        resource_func = self.output(resource.as_view(endpoint))
+        for decorator in self.decorators:
+            resource_func = decorator(resource_func)
+        for url in urls:
+            # If this Api has a blueprint
+            if self.blueprint:
+                # And this Api has been setup
+                if self.blueprint_setup:
+                    # Set the rule to a string directly, as the blueprint is already
+                    # set up.
+                    rule = self._complete_url(url, self.blueprint_setup.url_prefix)
+                else:
+                    # Set the rule to a function that expects the blueprint prefix
+                    # to construct the final url.  Allows deferment of url finalization
+                    # in the case that the associated Blueprint has not yet been
+                    # registered to an application, so we can wait for the registration
+                    # prefix
+                    rule = partial(self._complete_url, url)
+            else:
+                # If we've got no Blueprint, just build a url with no prefix
+                rule = self._complete_url(url, '')
+            # Add the url to the application or blueprint
+            app.add_url_rule(rule, view_func=resource_func, **kwargs)
+    def output(self, resource):
+        """Wraps a resource (as a flask view function), for cases where the
+        resource does not directly return a response object
+        :param resource: The resource as a flask view function
+        """
+        @wraps(resource)
+        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+            resp = resource(*args, **kwargs)
+            if isinstance(resp, ResponseBase):  # There may be a better way to test
+                return resp
+            data, code, headers = unpack(resp)
+            return self.make_response(data, code, headers=headers)
+        return wrapper
+    def url_for(self, resource, **values):
+        """Generates a URL to the given resource."""
+        return url_for(resource.endpoint, **values)
+    def make_response(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Looks up the representation transformer for the requested media
+        type, invoking the transformer to create a response object. This
+        defaults to (application/json) if no transformer is found for the
+        requested mediatype.
+        :param data: Python object containing response data to be transformed
+        """
+        for mediatype in self.mediatypes() + [self.default_mediatype]:
+            if mediatype in self.representations:
+                resp = self.representations[mediatype](data, *args, **kwargs)
+                resp.headers['Content-Type'] = mediatype
+                return resp
+    def mediatypes(self):
+        """Returns a list of requested mediatypes sent in the Accept header"""
+        return [h for h, q in request.accept_mimetypes]
+    def representation(self, mediatype):
+        """Allows additional representation transformers to be declared for the
+        api. Transformers are functions that must be decorated with this
+        method, passing the mediatype the transformer represents. Three
+        arguments are passed to the transformer:
+        * The data to be represented in the response body
+        * The http status code
+        * A dictionary of headers
+        The transformer should convert the data appropriately for the mediatype
+        and return a Flask response object.
+        Ex::
+            @api.representation('application/xml')
+            def xml(data, code, headers):
+                resp = make_response(convert_data_to_xml(data), code)
+                resp.headers.extend(headers)
+                return resp
+        """
+        def wrapper(func):
+            self.representations[mediatype] = func
+            return func
+        return wrapper
+    def unauthorized(self, response):
+        """ Given a response, change it to ask for credentials """
+        realm = current_app.config.get("HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_REALM", "flask-restful")
+        challenge = u"{0} realm=\"{1}\"".format("Basic", realm)
+        response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = challenge
+        return response
+class Resource(MethodView):
+    """
+    Represents an abstract RESTful resource. Concrete resources should
+    extend from this class and expose methods for each supported HTTP
+    method. If a resource is invoked with an unsupported HTTP method,
+    the API will return a response with status 405 Method Not Allowed.
+    Otherwise the appropriate method is called and passed all arguments
+    from the url rule used when adding the resource to an Api instance. See
+    :meth:`~flask.ext.restful.Api.add_resource` for details.
+    """
+    representations = None
+    method_decorators = []
+    def dispatch_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # Taken from flask
+        #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+        meth = getattr(self, request.method.lower(), None)
+        if meth is None and request.method == 'HEAD':
+            meth = getattr(self, 'get', None)
+        assert meth is not None, 'Unimplemented method %r' % request.method
+        for decorator in self.method_decorators:
+            meth = decorator(meth)
+        resp = meth(*args, **kwargs)
+        if isinstance(resp, ResponseBase):  # There may be a better way to test
+            return resp
+        representations = self.representations or {}
+        #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+        for mediatype in self.mediatypes():
+            if mediatype in representations:
+                data, code, headers = unpack(resp)
+                resp = representations[mediatype](data, code, headers)
+                resp.headers['Content-Type'] = mediatype
+                return resp
+        return resp
+def marshal(data, fields):
+    """Takes raw data (in the form of a dict, list, object) and a dict of
+    fields to output and filters the data based on those fields.
+    :param fields: a dict of whose keys will make up the final serialized
+                   response output
+    :param data: the actual object(s) from which the fields are taken from
+    >>> from flask.ext.restful import fields, marshal
+    >>> data = { 'a': 100, 'b': 'foo' }
+    >>> mfields = { 'a': fields.Raw }
+    >>> marshal(data, mfields)
+    OrderedDict([('a', 100)])
+    """
+    def make(cls):
+        if isinstance(cls, type):
+            return cls()
+        return cls
+    if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
+        return [marshal(d, fields) for d in data]
+    items = ((k, marshal(data, v) if isinstance(v, dict)
+                                  else make(v).output(k, data))
+                                  for k, v in fields.items())
+    return OrderedDict(items)
+class marshal_with(object):
+    """A decorator that apply marshalling to the return values of your methods.
+    >>> from flask.ext.restful import fields, marshal_with
+    >>> mfields = { 'a': fields.Raw }
+    >>> @marshal_with(mfields)
+    ... def get():
+    ...     return { 'a': 100, 'b': 'foo' }
+    ...
+    ...
+    >>> get()
+    OrderedDict([('a', 100)])
+    see :meth:`flask.ext.restful.marshal`
+    """
+    def __init__(self, fields):
+        """:param fields: a dict of whose keys will make up the final
+                          serialized response output"""
+        self.fields = fields
+    def __call__(self, f):
+        @wraps(f)
+        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+            resp = f(*args, **kwargs)
+            if isinstance(resp, tuple):
+                data, code, headers = unpack(resp)
+                return marshal(data, self.fields), code, headers
+            else:
+                return marshal(resp, self.fields)
+        return wrapper
diff --git a/flask_restful/fields.py b/flask_restful/fields.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93978b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_restful/fields.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+from decimal import Decimal as MyDecimal, ROUND_HALF_EVEN
+import six
+    from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
+except ImportError:
+    # python3
+    from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
+from flask_restful import types, marshal
+from flask import url_for
+__all__ = ["String", "FormattedString", "Url", "DateTime", "Float",
+           "Integer", "Arbitrary", "Nested", "List", "Raw", "Boolean",
+           "Fixed", "Price"]
+class MarshallingException(Exception):
+    """
+    This is an encapsulating Exception in case of marshalling error.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, underlying_exception):
+        # just put the contextual representation of the error to hint on what
+        # went wrong without exposing internals
+        super(MarshallingException, self).__init__(six.text_type(underlying_exception))
+def is_indexable_but_not_string(obj):
+    return not hasattr(obj, "strip") and hasattr(obj, "__iter__")
+def get_value(key, obj, default=None):
+    """Helper for pulling a keyed value off various types of objects"""
+    if type(key) == int:
+        return _get_value_for_key(key, obj, default)
+    else:
+        return _get_value_for_keys(key.split('.'), obj, default)
+def _get_value_for_keys(keys, obj, default):
+    if len(keys) == 1:
+        return _get_value_for_key(keys[0], obj, default)
+    else:
+        return _get_value_for_keys(
+            keys[1:], _get_value_for_key(keys[0], obj, default), default)
+def _get_value_for_key(key, obj, default):
+    if is_indexable_but_not_string(obj):
+        try:
+            return obj[key]
+        except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError):
+            pass
+    return getattr(obj, key, default)
+def to_marshallable_type(obj):
+    """Helper for converting an object to a dictionary only if it is not
+    dictionary already or an indexable object nor a simple type"""
+    if obj is None:
+        return None  # make it idempotent for None
+    if hasattr(obj, '__getitem__'):
+        return obj  # it is indexable it is ok
+    if hasattr(obj, '__marshallable__'):
+        return obj.__marshallable__()
+    return dict(obj.__dict__)
+class Raw(object):
+    """Raw provides a base field class from which others should extend. It
+    applies no formatting by default, and should only be used in cases where
+    data does not need to be formatted before being serialized. Fields should
+    throw a MarshallingException in case of parsing problem.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, default=None, attribute=None):
+        self.attribute = attribute
+        self.default = default
+    def format(self, value):
+        """Formats a field's value. No-op by default, concrete fields should
+        override this and apply the appropriate formatting.
+        :param value: The value to format
+        :exception MarshallingException: In case of formatting problem
+        Ex::
+            class TitleCase(Raw):
+                def format(self, value):
+                    return unicode(value).title()
+        """
+        return value
+    def output(self, key, obj):
+        """Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the
+        field's formatting and returns the result.
+        :exception MarshallingException: In case of formatting problem
+        """
+        value = get_value(key if self.attribute is None else self.attribute, obj)
+        if value is None:
+            return self.default
+        return self.format(value)
+class Nested(Raw):
+    """Allows you to nest one set of fields inside another.
+    See :ref:`nested-field` for more information
+    :param dict nested: The dictionary to nest
+    :param bool allow_null: Whether to return None instead of a dictionary
+        with null keys, if a nested dictionary has all-null keys
+    """
+    def __init__(self, nested, allow_null=False, **kwargs):
+        self.nested = nested
+        self.allow_null = allow_null
+        super(Nested, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+    def output(self, key, obj):
+        value = get_value(key if self.attribute is None else self.attribute, obj)
+        if self.allow_null and value is None:
+            return None
+        return marshal(value, self.nested)
+class List(Raw):
+    def __init__(self, cls_or_instance, **kwargs):
+        super(List, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        error_msg = ("The type of the list elements must be a subclass of "
+                     "flask_restful.fields.Raw")
+        if isinstance(cls_or_instance, type):
+            if not issubclass(cls_or_instance, Raw):
+                raise MarshallingException(error_msg)
+            self.container = cls_or_instance()
+        else:
+            if not isinstance(cls_or_instance, Raw):
+                raise MarshallingException(error_msg)
+            self.container = cls_or_instance
+    def output(self, key, data):
+        value = get_value(key if self.attribute is None else self.attribute, data)
+        # we cannot really test for external dict behavior
+        if is_indexable_but_not_string(value) and not isinstance(value, dict):
+            # Convert all instances in typed list to container type
+            if isinstance(value, set):
+                value = list(value)
+            return [
+                self.container.output(idx,
+                                      val if isinstance(val, dict) and
+                                      not isinstance(self.container, Nested)
+                                      and not type(self.container) is Raw
+                                      else value)
+                for idx, val in enumerate(value)
+            ]
+        if value is None:
+            return self.default
+        return [marshal(value, self.container.nested)]
+class String(Raw):
+    def format(self, value):
+        try:
+            return six.text_type(value)
+        except ValueError as ve:
+            raise MarshallingException(ve)
+class Integer(Raw):
+    """ Field for outputting an integer value.
+    :param int default: The default value for the field, if no value is
+        specified.
+    :param attribute: If the public facing value differs from the internal
+        value, use this to retrieve a different attribute from the response
+        than the publicly named value.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, default=0, attribute=None):
+        super(Integer, self).__init__(default, attribute)
+    def format(self, value):
+        try:
+            if value is None:
+                return self.default
+            return int(value)
+        except ValueError as ve:
+            raise MarshallingException(ve)
+class Boolean(Raw):
+    def format(self, value):
+        return bool(value)
+class FormattedString(Raw):
+    def __init__(self, src_str):
+        super(FormattedString, self).__init__()
+        self.src_str = six.text_type(src_str)
+    def output(self, key, obj):
+        try:
+            data = to_marshallable_type(obj)
+            return self.src_str.format(**data)
+        except (TypeError, IndexError) as error:
+            raise MarshallingException(error)
+class Url(Raw):
+    """
+    A string representation of a Url
+    """
+    def __init__(self, endpoint, absolute=False, scheme=None):
+        super(Url, self).__init__()
+        self.endpoint = endpoint
+        self.absolute = absolute
+        self.scheme = scheme
+    def output(self, key, obj):
+        try:
+            data = to_marshallable_type(obj)
+            o = urlparse(url_for(self.endpoint, _external = self.absolute, **data))
+            if self.absolute:
+                scheme = self.scheme if self.scheme is not None else o.scheme
+                return urlunparse((scheme, o.netloc, o.path, "", "", ""))
+            return urlunparse(("", "", o.path, "", "", ""))
+        except TypeError as te:
+            raise MarshallingException(te)
+class Float(Raw):
+    """
+    A double as IEEE-754 double precision.
+    ex : 3.141592653589793 3.1415926535897933e-06 3.141592653589793e+24 nan inf -inf
+    """
+    def format(self, value):
+        try:
+            return repr(float(value))
+        except ValueError as ve:
+            raise MarshallingException(ve)
+class Arbitrary(Raw):
+    """
+        A floating point number with an arbitrary precision
+          ex: 634271127864378216478362784632784678324.23432
+    """
+    def format(self, value):
+        return six.text_type(MyDecimal(value))
+class DateTime(Raw):
+    """Return a RFC822-formatted datetime string in UTC"""
+    def format(self, value):
+        try:
+            return types.rfc822(value)
+        except AttributeError as ae:
+            raise MarshallingException(ae)
+ZERO = MyDecimal()
+class Fixed(Raw):
+    def __init__(self, decimals=5, **kwargs):
+        super(Fixed, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.precision = MyDecimal('0.' + '0' * (decimals - 1) + '1')
+    def format(self, value):
+        dvalue = MyDecimal(value)
+        if not dvalue.is_normal() and dvalue != ZERO:
+            raise MarshallingException('Invalid Fixed precision number.')
+        return six.text_type(dvalue.quantize(self.precision, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN))
+Price = Fixed
diff --git a/flask_restful/paging.py b/flask_restful/paging.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57d267f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flask_restful/paging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from flask_restful.utils.crypto import decrypt, encrypt
+def retrieve_next_page(key, seed, args, callback, initial_bookmark=None):
+    """
+    A helper for the bookmark pager.
... 826 lines suppressed ...

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